Be Me

>Be Me
>Be 14 year old virgin
>Be interested in a few girls
>Like one of them for a while
>Finally tell her I like her after a while
>She tells me she use to like me
>She gets a boyfriend the next day
>I pursue other girl
>I can tell I'm getting somewhere
>a Few weeks pass
>About to ask her out
>She declares she is moving in two weeks before I get the chance
>One girl left
>Ask her out immediatly
>She deny's me saying that I'm basically a faggot
>FF three years
>Be in steady relationship in highschool
>I love her with my entire life
>She tells me that she wants to break up
>I cry for a week not going to school
>When I go back my best friend tells me she fucked a bunch of chads and my friends in a orgy
>Become depressed
>Dog pisses a bunch of blood in my room and dies the next day
>Rest of High school is miserable
>FF Two years
>Be me single
>Have my own apartment with a crappy job
>Can barely pay bills
>I have lost touch with all friends
>Decide to kill myself
>Buy gun with last paycheck
>Put barrel in my mouth
>Pull Trigger
>It's jammed and won't fucking shoot
>I become enraged and throw gun on ground
>It goes off and shoots fishtank
>Fish and water everywhere
>Decide to become workaholic and wait to die
This was a year ago and all I do is work

Attached: why god.jpg (400x400, 20K)

I read the first 2 lines and the last one. Kill yourself you 15 year old faggot.

Interesting story, you seem to have your mileage.

What do you do for work, user?

laughed hard at the climax, its like a movie

Everything will be just fine, OP. Come here, i'll hug you.

I work at a Home Depot Full Time, and I make about 12 dollars a hour

Have you dealt with retards in your work? care to tell a story from there?

Also, I'm guessing you're saving some of your money for something indefinite in the future, what seems interesting to you as possibility to invest so far?

Dont tell your real age on Jow Forums. Thats a good way to get Banned.

I have a few story's that involve stupidity

>my best friend tells me she fucked a bunch of chads and my friends in a orgy
lmao your friend was probably just fucking with you, did he show you any proof?

Has your life improved since the failed suicide?

He is 20, according to the green text

brainlet couldnt spare enough brain power to read more than a line lul

Everyone I knew was talking about this, and I asked the friends she fucked and they confirmed

You asked the guys, but did you ask her about it?

She had posted it on her instagram account

she posted details of her in a gangbang?

I've inadvertently become a workaholic, without any friends and I'm not even sure how to meet girls unless I'm lucky if one turns up at badminton. Not depressed or anything, I'm not really aiming anywhere. I live with my parents

You won't get banned unless you're a child.

For example, I'm 24 years old. See? No ban.

Wow if i were you i wouldve killed that bitch and would spend my time in prison now

>had a relationship
>had real friends who didn't treat him like last weeks socks
almost 30 here, lose all hope, the sooner the better

>tfw NEET
I'll never understand why you people struggle so much.

Attached: comfy green frog person.jpg (409x409, 40K)

Because there's nobody that will pay for me. If there were viable neetbux I could get, I'd just live off them. I don't care for good clothes, I don't need a fancy house, I don't need a car, I don't need the newest gadget around, but I still need to pay the rent and eat something.