>be therapist
>client mentions Jow Forums
Be therapist
Why do you think that originally is?
holy kek please don't tell me someone actually brought up Jow Forums.
I go to therapy every week and never once has it ran through my mind that I should bring up a korean cinematography image board.
Thanks for posting this op
They often talk about how they don't really talk to anyone except for people on Jow Forums and how without Jow Forums they would be even crazier because they would have no place to vent or have fun shitposting. A lot of them project their bad feelings into girlfriend roleplay threads or some other type of roleplay.
any good stories you want to share?
Yea, what's your point? 4/11/2018
Sure but that's why you go to a therapist right? I mean wouldn't most people there have problems?
I can't reveal my power level to them. No one is going to want a therapist that is also a Jow Forums poster. It's just unprofessional.
Why don't you sit down and tell us about it?
How does that make you feel?
We have fifty minutes.
*plays tic-tac-toe*
Why not? You could shitpost together or even erp with them.
Maybe you should tell them, clearly lying isn't helping considering you are still here.
Of course, it must be the case that American psychologists etc are fettered by various ethical and professional legal requirements. But what do you think about experimental treatment facilities such as the one that Guattari helped to lead in France? Do you think that the therapist/patient professional relationship would benefit from your being able to be honest about your personal Jow Forums use? Do you think that the therapist/patient professional relationship is a useful paradigm at all?
How does this make you feel?
*blows bubblegum*
Or maybe you know, Jow Forums might just not be part of his problem so there's no need to tell everyone you're an autist on r9k.
I'm sure he(you) has a very healthy relationship with Jow Forums
>Be talking to a therapist
>Mention Jow Forums
>See thread talking about me
I'd like to cancel my next appointment.
read:also just why would I?
>hey I know we are talking about legitimate topics and discussing ways to improve my mental health, but I just want to take a moment to tell you that I like to shitpost on Jow Forums in my free time.
>>....okay... can we get back to important things instead of discussing an online imageboard?
It's like going out of my way to mention that I spend time watching weebshit on kissanime instead of just a simple "oh shows on netflix", normies don't want to hear about that shit kek
>absolute brainlet
hey user it triggers my autismo that you are posting wojak with that watermark. I just want to give you this high quality watermark free wojak in case you ever want to use it in the future. Hope you have a good day
>he doesn't partake in the discussion of chinese cartoons
if your really a therapist i was just wondering what would happen if your client said he wanted to kill himself every 5 minutes and he hated his life? Would you have to call police and send him to an asylum? and are asylums like really bad? Would I have to be strapped to a chair and tassed for hours and forced to take meds?
Well, OP.
I have a question for you.
Let's say as an example, you wind up with a robot as a client. They've outed themselves shamelessly.
Does that fact change how you mentally evaluate said client compared to normies? I would imagine the robot mindset is alot easier to hone in on and tackle if you're a trained autist yourself.
I'm pretty sure if they suspect you are suicidal and a harm to yourself or other they have to report you or lose their license. You most likely won't go to an asylum maybe a hospital.
>I'm told you prefer Asuka
>don't you realize your waifu a shit?
>you're an embarrassment to Chinese cartoon fans everywhere
How do I become a therapist? I want to scam people by doing literally nothing
Being a asukafag should be considered a mental illness desu
I want Jow Forums Syndrome to be a thing.