This thread is for introverts hikikomoris/Shut ins agoraphobics neets and so on.
So how did you end up becoming a recIuse Jow Forums??.
This thread is for introverts hikikomoris/Shut ins agoraphobics neets and so on.
So how did you end up becoming a recIuse Jow Forums??.
Lol I'll bite, will give you the short version
>5 days after my 16th birthday I start college
>dad dies 2 days later
>gf of 6 years cheats on me with my best friend 2 weeks after dad dies.
>lose all friends, lose motivation to live
>shut myself in room for 3 years, hardly leave
>10 years later finally found the motivation to change
So just turned 26, finally trying out the reset button, really think I'll make it this time despite being a social retard thanks to 10 years of being a shut in.
I'm just stopping by to help clean up your board, which at this point desu should just be nuked, I see how so many of you end up completely fucked in the head from this deluge of programming
you a dum dumm
I'm a hermit guy
>Tfw isolated myself from social interaction for the past 2-3 years.
Feels pretty good.
It started with the deleting of all social media, then the gradual ghosting of my friends, then eventually I moved to a different state 2500 miles away from where I grew up. Now I spend all day and all night inside. I haven't gone outside in maybe a month.
ive only left my residence for school also the outside world seems fake to me not the people though
Have fun killing yourself. Original
I have cut off contact with most people because they didnt see me as the alpha. There is nothing I hate more than being in a group and seeing how another person gets all the attention. I d rather be alone than a cuck because I get extremely paranoid and csn become very angry and i dont want to murder someone someday
I hope I have fun during it too.
>So how did you end up becoming a recIuse Jow Forums??.
The days of my childhood.
>go to school
>get bullied because I was a fat kid
>even had my classroom teacher bully me for a while
>come home
>get a few hours of peace unless mum was pissed off about something then it was walking on eggshells of glass
>dad gets home from work
>maybe an hour, possibly two of peace
>they get thoroughly drunk enough to start screeching at each other until 2am
>one night was stuck standing between both of them while mum sobbed and my dad screamed that he should kill her
>pretty much just copped everything bad from my parents while my younger brother was the loved second child who has pretty much prepared his whole life at 21
I don't like people
I mean most people are retarded subhumans, especially here on my third world shithole. Everyone talks shit, fights, most people are ignorant in everything, girls become whores when they are 13-14, too much drugs, corruption, teachers teach liberal propaganda and try to brainwash everyone, most people don't know shit about X thing, but they talk like they know everything, etc.
So here i am...
>was homeschooled and super sheltered
>socially retarded
>only people my age I ever saw were at church
>to autistic to realize all the kids hated me and messed with me in youth group until later
>joined the army when older to say i actually did something with my life to family
>got kicked out of bootcamp a few weeks later for having a break down and snapping, beating the shit out of my asshole squad leader
>hate people even more now
>deleted social media
>cut myself off from family
I can't stand to be around anyone anymore.
You were dating when you were 10?
because I have no reason to go outside. There isn't anything out there for me lads.
I'm ugly, there's nothing good for me in the world.
I have massive panic attacks every day, each one makes me feel like I'm about to die. I guess I just got tired of getting sick at work and in public and having to be dragged back home and looked at like I'm doing it for attention. Plus I generally feel happier / weller at home. I keep myself occupied with making music on my computer, building websites for people or fixing their stuff. I want things to change though. I want to go see the world, feel the air, experience stuff before I get too much older. I've missed the last 10 years
fuck, thats the same thing that came to my mind after this description
I slowly but surely saw the pointlessness of being apart of society. Even interacting with my "friends" seemed like a chore so I just stopped talking to them. I didn't like working so I just stopped. My parents forced me into existence so I feel zero shame/guilt in being a parasite.
coming here and seeing others peoples misery helps elevate my own. Anyone else feel the same?
The post reads exactly like a Rorschach monologue lmao