Walk outside in a busy street

>walk outside in a busy street
>no girl ever looks at you

How does it feel to never be noticed? Interlinked.

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I assume you don't go out much, because that's normal even for Chad ThunderCock himself, it's a busy street, everyone's got places to be and shit to do. You're probably smelling terrible or doing something autistic if people are looking at you

This guy is right OP, busy places is for people that actually do something for society, have a job, business etc, if you go out just to be seen by roasties then you can kys

Girls definitely check out Chad when he walks down the street you're delusional

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Nobody gives a fuck about you dude, like this guy said women won't notice you even if you look like a male model. Women are very bad at noticing anything in public, especially when they drive.

Yes, but aint Chads, we are average 5,7 feet unemployed robots with 4$ haircut

>walk outside in a busy street
>everyone looks at you
Being very tall, ugly, and obviously some kind of weirdo is a very unfortunate wombo combo.

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this. When I was in uni I lived with 2 chads. When they would force me to go out with them, everywhere we went I saw women eye fucking them.

Why do you want people to pay attention to you? It's a far better and more useful skill to blend in and make sure no one bats an eye.

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That was a response to the normies saying women don't check out chads in public places. Follow a one response conversation you fucking retard or fuck off

This is too true.
It's weird because I'm very well aware of my surroundings and of minute shit going on. But most people are just zoning out it seems when they walk in public. They're just in GPS mode and only have the destination in mind.

Most people are stupid, they don't look around in public and they're a walking target to get beat up or mugged.

I wish this would happen
>get on a busy train
>some roasties keeps looking at me
>I look at her
>she looks away
>I look away
>she looks back at me

stupid fucking cunt never seen a fat guy before or something

Its a fucking relief to be able to just go about the world and be invisible, unnoticed, untouched, unbothered.

>Waaaaaah why won't females notice me! Its not fair! Look at me I'm an attention manwhore desperate for female validation...

>be hot grill
>walk onto busy street
>men constantly oogling you
>some aggressively hitting on you or even trying to grab you
>people notice you everywhere you go
>can't go anywhere alone cause you will be targeted

Feels good to have a penis and be able to go do whatever I want and just be left alone.

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In my country, that is the norm :)

this feeling stopped when I grew long hair

This. Being able to mind your own business without some fuckwads buggering you is a wonderful gift.

Most people are just empty NPCs. God only had so many souls to give out. There's too many bodies.

I still had that problem when I was I kid, old faggots trying to get me in their cars, started carrying a knife walking to school when I was 10.

Feels amazing, user. You must train yourself not to just tolerate solitude, but welcoming solitude as a friend.

>walk outside in a busy street
>be so ugly everyone looks at you with disgust and laughs

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>go outside
>girl looks at you and smiles a little

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