>wake up
>everyone on the friend list is offline
Wake up
>stay up to talk with people.
>no one wants to talk.
>having friends on your friend list
Normies are the biggest cancer on this planet
>f-four chins is my only friend i love u all random anons that give me (you) ;__;
>spend a year making friends
>they all start quitting
>wake up
>friends list is empty
>Wake up.
>E-Friend still hasn't replied.
Guess I will have to die.
>tfw no e-friend to constantly talk and grow emotionally attached to
>wake up
>no ones on my friends list
What's ur username and what are you on? I'll add you as long as you don't have some weeb shit lol
>wake up
>still friendless
>"haha yeah goota go man, we'll play some more this time tomorrow though, see ya then"
>last online 843 days ago
>online friend you thought was a guy turns out to be a girl
>suddenly remember all the disgusting man things and banter your told to her
>she still wants to message with me, even initiates conversation
What is this?
>has people on the friend list
Look brah
The solution is so simple
Just get more friends lmao
>wake up
>one friend request
>it's a spambot
Every fucking time
>Having any kind of friends
>only online friends are american
>sleeping schedule is fucked to the point of no return
>wake up
>no one on friends list wants to talk
>wake up
>9 messages from different friends
>"hey user wanna hang out" etc
>wake up again
>no friends
>go back to sleep
>wake up
every fucking time
>wake up
>accidentally join army
>end up killing shit ton of sand people
>become crippling drunk
Hey, it's not my fault people like me.
they don't, you just imagine it. they hang around you because they enjoy making fun of you and laughing behind your back
Yeah, I bet, either way I don't really care.
>add everyone who adds you
>too ashamed and scared to talk to them
>they remove you shortly
This is called a blessing. I envy you user.
it's called autism and means she probably only ever has guys as friends, which is a major redflag
this is originally the worst
everyone has a job and they only come on for like 20 minutes in the evening
the NEETcurse strikes again