>who here stupid name?
My parents literally named me Samael
Who here stupid name?
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Isnt that name in the supernatural series
(You) for second best girl
Are they satanists?
I don't know. They died in a car crash when I was 12.
I'm sorry user. Who do you live with now?
I lived with my uncle up until I turned 18. Now I live by myself.
i got named Ben.
what a pathetic fucking name. not even Benjamin either it's just plain ol three letter Ben. i'm killing myself
Your name backwards is Neb!
That's a dog name right?
Chad but I'm a manlet with a tiny dick
That was nice of him to take care of you. If you have a good relationship with him, you could visit him once in a while I guess. Also, why don't you just go by Sam?
I'm a boy named Shannon. It was sort of not that great growing up. Kind of like it now though.
Please don't kys, user. I think Ben is a pretty solid name. It could have been something like Balthazar.
He raped me constantly.
That's a unique name. Do you have a nickname, or do you just use the whole thing?
I don't see how that stops people from referring to you as Sam.
Oh, I'm really sorry (if you really are OP and not some rando user). How could one person have such bad luck? Do you have anyone close to you then? I hope things are looking up for you now.
Only know of 2 cool males that have that name, never viewed it as a female one desu.
Isn't that the name of a powerful demon?
The name of the most badass character and boss in the Darksiders series?
Why Hogwarts?
Breddy kul video desu
Mine's Marcus, nothing really wrong with my name, but it's just uncommon enough for people to make a point out of it, and to the point where I just wish I was named jack or something
could be worse I suppose
Marcus Aurelius was a pretty cool guy. Just ask to be called Marc if your name really bothers you.
Thanks lad. If that's you OP, Samael is the name of a demon mentioned and even worshipped in many different Satanic/Occult/magick practices/cults.
It is cool sounding, but I'd change it. It means "Blindness of God/Poison of God" I'm sure you know, first creates in the Talmud (Not a holy or God created book such as the torah or Bible are)
You are named after a demon. Please, change it.
dumb aussie crossboarder
Well, he is a complex figure, a bit akin to an antihero. I'd say Samael isn't completely evil. Hell, even Lucifer wasn't all bad.
What makes you say that? Was he also on Jow Forums?
>Lucifer wasn't all bad
For being the first to rebel against God and his perfection for his own ego and desires, yes, he was pure bad. He knew once he made that choice that he'd suffer the consequences. He dragged many with him, away from a perfect and loving God.
>He was an antihero
He tempts people to sin. Another reason why he is a fake figure, as God accepts only pure followers as angels or rejects them, never accepting lukewarm.
yeah he was
Maybe this is an experiment of some sort? Or maybe he's just bored.
Isn't Lucifer a bit like Prometheus though? Just like Prometheus gave humans the gift of fire, Lucifer promoted free will for humanity. Have you read Paradise Lost?
do you like green eggs and ham samael?
>muh desert kike god is perfect
Fuck that. Heil Satan
What the fuck? That name's fucking epic dude.
>tfw parents called me Trey because I was born on 3/3
I'd be more fine with my name if it weren't for the fact it's basically a joke name.
"oh haha i get it you're called trey because tres means 3 in spanish"
The worst part is I'm a white burgerland resident
They named me Jacob, i'm not jewish, they aren't Jewish, none of my family is Jewish.
I still hate them for this every single day.
Maurice, I wish it was something everyone could pronounce.
Wow did not mean to reply
wtf are you some kind of anime MC? you better look up if you cant shoot demon fire or some shit
William. I like the name, what I didn't liked was that we are from a spic country and everyone misspells or mispronounce it. You don't know the numbers of times I have been called/named Wilian, Guiyian or other stupid shit. One time I was called Vivian like if I was some stupid tranny.
I have a shitty Eastern European name that no one from normal countries can pronounce.
Should I just introduce myself to people on the internet as the westernized version of my name? (it's only a single letter difference but the pronunciation is different so it feels really weird calling myself like that) Otherwise whenever I try to introduce myself to them I have to do the whole explanation and autism ensues.
let us see that
are you trying to be ironic?
Kevin here, it may seem like a normal name but the name is never used on a likeable character, it's always an asshole or a chad, and I cannot fulfil the role of a chad so I'm always being antagonised for no reason.
Explaining a joke something something dissecting a frog blah blah blah dies in the process
-some soygoy on reddit
Yeah, for some reason indiscriminately making fun of people named Kevin is also a leddit meme. I'm sorry for their stupidity user.
Balthazar is fuckin cool what are you talking about?
Idk if normalfags would agree with that. But it is a pretty aight name.
Breddy gud desu
Yves here whaddup
I hate hearing my name pronounced, I'm not even french
Akhtchmed (Ahmed) reporting in
everyone else has based persian names here.
Lucijan, see the problem?