Why should we hate Reiko?

Hes getting trannies to kill themsleves. Whats the problem? Non-faggots have the sense to not go to his threads.

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Other urls found in this thread:


cause he's a spamming little runt, like yourself

Board is 70% Reddit moralfags now
>t-this could have been anyone of us
>w-we gotta protect our /b/ros!

Pathetic. I missed when this place was just amoral shitposting

>"I missed when this place was just amoral shitposting"
>calls others /b/tards
wew lad

There's a difference between missing the old days where people didn't get their panties in a bunch because a bunch of retards willingly doxxed themselves to join a sissy server, and being a Redditor who thinks because you're a a desperately lonely as everyone else there must be a sense of community with people being obligated to look out for one another.

that faggot got our trap threads b& my guy

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I know for a fact you weren't here in the "old days".
also you missed the point, it was nothing to do with "community" and more to do with stopping the autistic spam.

>I know for a fact you weren't here in the "old days".
>also you missed the point, it was nothing to do with "community" and more to do with stopping the autistic spam.
We're not going to get far if we had totally different experiences.
The only autistic spam I saw was people shutting up the thread with
>who is Reiko
>has anyone got Reiko's doxx yet?
>I went to bed last night and woke up to this what happened?
>guys this was really messed up how do we stop this happening again?
>this could have been anyone of us
>he took advantage of vulnerable autists!
Blah blah blah.
I can assure you there were plenty of people who saw this as an attack on themselves or on Jow Forums as a whole. People who wanted to "raise awareness" like some kind of faggot activist.
And of course Jow Forums raided to "help" acting like everyone on the board was somehow at risk of being tricked into becoming a tranny.

In reality a handful of retards did some stupid shit and got tricked by a weirdo. It didn't need to devolve into what other boards described as "civil war" literally all that needed to happen was reporting to Discord, reporting to the police if possible, telling underage posters to fuck off, and moving on.

Some of us are sick of being bombarded with fag propaganda all day.

Hi Jow Forums, you're still here?

R9k's hate for reiko is like hating that guy in your neighborhood for hitting the autistic child with his car

You know what he did was wrong, but it was for the right cause

You're pretty assblasted for someone with no dog in the fight huh

He's getting those already suggested much by the board's trap HRT posting to post pics and blackmailing them with it so they can never go back.
Most, if not none are adults. They're vulnerable kids exposed to a massive and incredibly obvious psy op of pure homosecuality and tranny posting on this board. (Though you sound like a shill)

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The fact is many people have been sick of it for a long time, so now some anons are doing something about it.

the issue is, they weren't faggots before he black mailed them. they where just misled robots like you or I that got caught up in this bullshit. this is an anonymous image board, likleyhood is the "robot" is also the "polski" just as the "abbo" can be the "smart"

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why did you bump this thread then? this is not different to autistic spam you rage against.
it's pretty clear you have a side here.

*not adults

>u mad xDDDD
Been here a long time and this argument never fails, even if they're not mad just say they're mad. If they say they're not mad, pretend that's proof that they're mad. Easy win.
Some Jow Forums anons, would that be?
You people will just keep making more threads if you think people agree with you.

You're clearly ruffled to make this thread complaining about how you can't recruit anymore.

Its so blatantly transparent your ruse has shifted into trying to rationalize this as "muh board culture" when you should be more worried about whose looking into what you've been doing and how deeply involved you are.

Holy motherfucking autism in a handbag, this guy is a fucking nut job and I dont want to know what malfunction he's dealing with

Yeah they're some pretty sick puppers infesting this shithole.
Hiro is a brainlet for letting this fester he and potentially compromising the cash cows in his data mining endeavors.

Because him and his autistic Illuminati are responsible for r9k being fucking garbage for the past 2 years by spamming cuck and tranny shit. Off with his head

Moot never would have let this get to this point. God I miss Moot

Yeah I shitposted about him in the luggage lad era but he did legitimately have a love for the tards that post here and knew when to pull it.

>Hi Jow Forums, you're still here?
>Some Jow Forums anons, would that be?

"If you disagree with 24/7 tranny spam you MUST be from Jow Forums!"

everyone i dont like is a pancake

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->you disagree with me, you must literally be the person I hate!
The last cry of the impetuous child
Jow Forums literally celebrated this as an opportunity to remove gays and trannies from the entire board because like the political nutjobs they are to them this isn't about your board it's about THEIR site. If you're fine being used like that, then whatever.
Personally I found trap threads remarkably easy to ignore and don't welcome being considered a conquered territory by Jow Forums

>image literally made to mock Jow Forums talking about the Jews
>try to use it to mock someone talking about Jow Forums
Like poetry

Because a weird pervert taking advantage of depressed, sexually deprived males.

He's a fucking criminal.

changing the labels doesn't change the message

The only thing that's like "poetry" is when you hang yourself for your life's work being trying to sodomize misguided autists from Jow Forums

OP here. I made this thread for discussion purposes only. Fuck trannies.

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There's something ironic about defending Jow Forums with a meme made to mock them though isn't there?
But anyway, if you don't believe me, here
all this hysteria and bullshit has just been whipped up by Jow Forums in an attempt to take advantage of Jow Forums to further their own goals.
The only evidence that ever came out was screenshots. Wild accusations were flying such as that guy who shot himself doing it because he was involved, and people being blackmailed somehow thinking that looking like a girl irl would be better than a cross dressing pic being leaked.
Is Reiko a blackmailing pedo? Probably. So report his Discord, report him to the police if you can. That's been done. Any further action is just Jow Forums hysteria.
If you're happy being used as a meat puppet for someone else's purposes then maybe you belonged on that faggot Discord

pretty sure that image wasn't made to mock Jow Forums specifically

so you are saying you dont like pancakes

>pancake defense force
Literally a reference to the Jewish Internet Defense Force. Jow Forums used to believe that literally any opposition to them online was the JIDF.

how do i know that all your concern for Jow Forums isn't trap hysteria and bullshit whipped up by your discord in an attempt to take advantage of Jow Forums to further your own goals?

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As long as traps and trannies shoot thenselves in the head, no reason to hate him

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pretty sure the X defence force meme existed before Jow Forums. In fact the whole meme was that Jow Forums just called opposition JIDF because of the meme until they found out it was a real organisation.

Because I don't have a Discord and never have.
>you disagree with me so you must literally be the person I hate!
Is pretty childish. I've said I'm all for reporting him and his Discord to the police. However you have absolutely become what you hate by needlessly spamming the board once the job was already done.
My goal is to shitpost on Jow Forums without newfags jerking off to e-celeb drama when all that needed to be done was some quick reporting
>inb4 u'd like it if no further action was taken against you reiko! xD
Don't think he'd like being reported to the police. And even if he had some means to avoid that, what exactly did spamming the board about him achieve. The best argument I've seen was "raising awareness" which is completely pointless to begin with. What does the awareness acheive if he's always been reported? Nothing. Just a bunch of Internet tough guys saying how they're gonna find some random tranny from the internet and fuck him up for allegedly fucking with some gay anons.

Our purposed align. I and many others dislike the trap spam.

Yeah they just happened to come up with a meme and coincidentally it was a real thing!
Are you a retard? JIDF came first, the meme was a reference to that.

Reiko apologists end yourself, stop the delusion.

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>>you disagree with me so you must literally be the person I hate!
>Is pretty childish
how do you live with such cognitive dissonance?