
Anyone deal with depersonalization or derealization?

Been suffering for 4 years now. My life has been ruined. I can't drive anymore. Going out is impossible.

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How it feels ?

i would go out anyway. brain problems don't make my legs function differently.

Its the complete detachment from reality while understanding you are detached.

The world around you feels fake and dream like. People don't seem real to you. Even as they talk to you.

I lost my ability to drive because when it gets bad i lose depth perception and my world goes flat. The car infront of me seemed the exact distance as my steering wheel or the mountains in the distance. I know that is wrong. But my mind wont correct.

You dont understand brain problems then

to me it got better as i got more used ot it and accepted it as it is. anyway ,try DXM in very low doses. it's a dissociative so it's a bit paradox but it makes me feel more connected to my thoughts and surroundings when i take a very low dose of it.

What is DXM?

Have you seen a psychiatrist ?

Do you take any pills ?

Was it provoked by weed ?

Yeah this is why I am on meds.

I have seen a psychiatrist. Which ever one is the MD i get them and psychologists confused

I take Effexor just to be able to function. Without it I was bed ridden basically with anxiety.

Maybe? I was a big pothead for years. I started smoking at 14 and this happened to me when I was 23. So 9 years of pot .

I have been having this for a while. Feels like life is on autopilot or something.

The main ingredient used in cough medicine to relief cough. If you do try it make sure to buy one that only has ''Dextromethorphan'' as the active ingredient.

Effexor isn't an antipsychotic. It'll help with depression and anxiety but not that. If you are having psychosis you should probably be trying one of those.

Derealization isn't psychosis. It's the freeze mechanism in traumatic experience. It's anxiety driven.

Oh and don't take it while using SSRI's because it can cause serotonin syndrome. have to quit the ssri for a month then try dxm if you do.

I learned the hard way about serotonin syndrome. i was weak after months of not smoking weed (i am now 4 years sober) in teh beginning and smoked some weed. I ended up in the ER .

It makes sense, a lot of people start suffering with DP/DR after smoking weed.

Is it? Because when I look it up it's described as a type of psychosis.

Its not psychosis because I do not see things that are not there or hear things.

My world seems fake and I am also aware of that this is wrong.

I don't know where you're finding this information but it's not psychosis. It's the 3rd most common psychological symptoms after depression and anxiety.

I had this same feeling after smoking weed for about 2-3 hours, worst experience of my life. I'm very sorry friend, I hope it passes and you can get your life back

thanks bro its been years tho with this burden and hope is fading

check out Sluggish Cognitive Disorder (SCT) I think it also goes by Concentration Deficit Disorder (CCD) these days

it was unfairly discredited as a meme disease like 8 years ago so there isn't much in the way of help or treatments for it, but some people are still researching it and there's a small subreddit where people post their experiences with it and the ADD treatments they're trying

There's a subreddit where most people's testimonies line up with exactly what's going on in my head

Those symptoms dont really fit how my daily life is.

when i was 16 in highschool i got derealization or depersonalization or w/e. i don't have it, it disappeared when i was 18 when i fell for the meme "le just b urself" and took prozac, which gave me a reason to le just b urself. The thing is, this self had simply been lost at the age of 16 and i had social anxiety but now a reason to my parents. It may have happened cuz i went back and saw the people that caused the derealization. I don't take antidepressants anymore, i don't even want. I'm basically forced for antipsychotics because people fall for the "le bipolar" OMG UR NOT SLEEPING!-MENTAL INSTITUTION TIME!
I'm getting a brain scan soon and i know they can't find anything because there's no such thing as mental illness.
Once I'm off I'm going to give blood every 2 months

Before this I never had anxiety or social problems

I led a normal life. Had a job a girlfriend and went to concerts and amusement parks with no problem

Just one day I went from 0 to 100000 anxiety levels and it wrecked me.

if I could put it my own words, it would be like having your mind stuck somewhere between a daydream state and reality, things don't feel real because my mind isn't 100% invested in reality and I can't get it to wake up completely.

but yeh, if that isn't even close to what you feel then keep looking man, all the best.

I assume you're young, let me talk you through this, it can be broken. I'm gonna smoke a cig first tho
but i'll give u the first morsel: you have been systematically ISOLATED, INTENTIONALLY...from your peers. They have talked behind your back & formed an alliance against you. Let me guess, you went abnormal and you started reading social guides about to how to make friends, be cool, & pick up chicks? I did basically once that happened. This led to shame and i didn't tell anyone about it for 3 or 4 years.

>I'm getting a brain scan soon and i know they can't find anything because there's no such thing as mental illness.
lol what.
Are you saying things like schizo or dementia or epilepsy aren't real?

epilepsy is real

I'm just a retard who keeps forgetting he's a retard.

But the other two aren't. Gotcha.
Totally sane argument

i dont' think you actually understand.

there is a deficit in the "normal" mind, it is pettiness. If you are awesome, they WILL h8 you, they will TRY TO RUIN u

>the level of newfag coming off these anons

Attached: 1453663934109.jpg (421x399, 17K)

> a lot of people start suffering with DP/DR after smoking weed.

Yep, progressives and weed shills will never tell you this.

It's kinda evil to tell everybody that weed is such a wonderful plant that can't hurt you, untill you've got severe mental health issues and you can't function due to anxiety.

It happens more often than you'd think. It's just that the pro weed propaganda is relentlessly trying white wash a harmful drug just so they can smoke more and keep fetishising the plant like they do.

wrong, there's nothing wrong with it. If you bought it online you fear capture. If you smoke with "friends", they are probably not your friends. If you get it from some shady, that's a weird situation and your mind doesn't let it go.
stop smoking weed until you're in california & you don't

I've been here for 6.5 years

ive had dpdr for 7 years.

got it by smoking weed, probably also have a bunch of other underlying disorders but mostly anxiety

i dont know how much longer i can live with this