If we knew 100% that reincarnation was real would you an hero to reroll?

If we knew 100% that reincarnation was real would you an hero to reroll?

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That would make the choice even harder. Would you really want to reincarnate in a world where it's possible to be reborn as an African or a tranny?

of course i would. Is this even a goddamn question?

trannies are the future. shut your mouth, roastie

well then you could just an hero again until you are turbo chad

tfw your lips look like a prolapsed asshole

Nah. Life has a way of lulling you into a false sense of security. You wouldn't even know you need to kill yourself before it's too late and you're being raped by pedophiles.

every organized religion that has reincarnation severely punishes suicides. you'd probably be reincarnated as a retarded pigeon incel.

sounds like you haven't seen a prolapsed asshole

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nah m8 i would be a newfag again and being born right now must be a horrible fate.

Seriously the last (lucky) generation was everything before 2000
The world turned into a completely uncontrollable and utmost disgusting cesspool of filth afterwards

trips and I hero

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Would I know in my next life reincarnation is possible? If so I would kym until I reached Chad status.

it feels really weird to just die
what if the life you are living now is just another shot at life, what if you have zero clues about your previous life
do you think that you will just disappear and cease to exists?
do you think that it's that easy to find eternal bliss as simply just not existing anymore?
i feel like we are in a circle of a never ending hell, this will never end, we may be born again into another body wiith a different life
i don't believe in reincarnation but there is no way that life isn't suffering for all eternity

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No one is born a tranny, fuckface. That's something you choose to be. Stop swallowing libshit propaganda.


>just when you thought it was over

It might have had gonorrhea user.

does this goddess have a name?

It's just a blowup doll made in china.

Oh, and the brand name is bimbo

You faggot.

Not really. Despite the shit I put up with on a daily basis, I am happy with myself. There's an entire world to explore with it's beautiful secrets waiting around every corner, there are a ton of music albums to listen to and many man-made marvels to appreciate, there's so much to learn and experience.
I somehow doubt that my next incarnation will have the opportunity and capacity to do what I mentioned above, so I will stick with this vessel, for better or for worse.
All that being said, I want to reincarnate as a bird.

i found her!

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>If we knew 100% that reincarnation was real would you an hero to reroll?
No, because there should be some sort of cooldown or penalization for doing it so you can't exploit it by rerolling always.