40 hour workweek

>40 hour workweek
>have to spend significant majority of my daytime to some job so I can survive and have money
>just want to consume media all day instead
>video games, television series, films, anime, books, documentaries

You NEETs don't even know how good you have it.

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>tfw not interested in consuming media
>wants to create instead
>can't get started on my comic
>drawing skills still shit after years of practice
I wish I could settle for so little

>40 hour work week
>too exhausted when i get home to consume any media at all
>depressed piece of shit on the weekends
>calm and happiness only when drinking

how to become a NEET? im sick of this

>You NEETs don't even know how good you have it.
I recently started to realize it and never want to try to be a normie again.
>Working on comic.
>Can most likely never get money out of it.
Glad I have stable NEET money so I can work on my comic.

>40 hour workweek
>50+ if you count the time it takes to get to and from work
>want to do things to keep life exciting
>too fucking exhausted physically and mentally at the end of the day to do them
>beat off to porn and watch Bill Burr/Louis CK standup instead

I don't have any creativity in me. I can only consume, not produce. I was the worst student in art class, and could only write terribly simple "poems" for literature class. I don't know how to create stuff. Even in my scientific work I am completely derivative and dependent on other people to figure things out before I do.

Luckily I enjoy consuming media to the point of addiction. I don't think I'll ever be able to read, play and watch everything I wanted. Especially with this 40-hour+commute ball-and-chain I got stuck with. I should have slacked off more in college.

The best time of my life was late 2015. I would get up 3 days a week to go to school and work on an essay for 2-3 hours, then go home and do whatever the fuck I wanted. Maybe I wanted to listen to a new album, maybe I'd play video games, maybe I'd take a walk/drive around the neighborhood, maybe fap or sleep. When the sun started going down, I'd text a few of my friends and we'd drink all night in a backyard. The next day, I'd do it all over again.

I had no job and only about $200 in my bank account but life was good. Life was free. Just last week, I took a day off because I had so many errands to run. It was so relaxing to just live at my own pace. I didn't appreciate 2015 enough when I was living it. Now everything is on a schedule.
>be sure to cook breakfast tonight so you'll have food!
>be sure to go to sleep at 9:45 so you'll be able to wake up at 6!
>be sure to be out of bed before 7!
>be sure to get to work before 8!
>be sure to do everything your boss says without complaining!
>be sure to do it all as fast as you can!
I fucking hate living my whole life on a fucking schedule. Our hunter/gatherer ancestors didn't live this way. Theyd work 3 hours, tops and have the rest of the day to dick around.
>Oh but user they only lived until 30!
And so the fuck what?! What's the point of living 90 years if you'll be stuck at a fucking job for the majority of them?

>be engineer
>got a full time job after a year of searching (my country is saturated with poointheloos and theyre all engineers for some reason)
>they lay off more and more people and have a hiring freeze but expect the same amount of work to be done
>get told we have to work mandatory overtime (50 hours), work on saturdays and all summer vacations are cancelled
>work hard in school and become an engineer they said, it's a great job they said

i'd give anything to work only 40 hours

OP here, it's even worse if you don't even have enough work at your job and you have to stare at a computer screen for 2 more hours before the day ends. I'm way too scared to browse the internet and having to answer why I'm reading articles on medieval European politics or whatever instead of asking for work.

Just live frugally, watch your spending, and you can get into NEET life like I did

That's something that's retarded about countries like the US and Japan. We waste so much time at work doing fucking nothing. Why can't we just go home when we're done? Why do we have to sit and pretend to be busy for hours?

>my country is saturated with poointheloos and theyre all engineers for some reason

Let me guess. You live in Toronto

nope, calgary

I wish I could go back to being neet all the time. When I was neet I had it in my head that I was a loser and complete waste of air. Eventually got some jobs and now I'm a supervisor in a call center. I hate every second of it and the only thing I look forward to in life are my days off.

I work an office job that only has a few hours of actual work a day, and an elderly manager who can't keep up with his own work so he can't provide any oversight. I don't lurk Jow Forums at work, but I do read a lot of webcomics, manga, bits of philosophy, whatever interests me on wiki, and whatever else I feel like. Best part is that it's only a mile away from home, so I get a nice 20 minute break from staring at a screen all day on the walk back. I also start 2 hours earlier than anyone else (I work 6:30-3:30) so I spend the morning in the office by myself listening to music (unless the phone rings) and sipping coffee.

It's the greatest job ever, only wish it paid more than 16/hr

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>I hate every second of it and the only thing I look forward to in life are my days off.

Wagecucking is far worse than most of these memes you see on here.

I have never had a 9-5 job. Every job that claimed to be 9-5 was really 8am-7pm with 5 minute lunch breaks, and for what? It's not like the job secures you a stable livelihood. People can be laid off/downsized for the most trivial reasons.

On top of that the better you are at your job, the more work they pile on you. Then when your performance review comes up they give you a measly 1.5% raise (inflation is 2%)

Also your boss is usually a retarded power-tripping jackass who asskissed his way to his job.

People talk about how entrepreneurship takes too much effort but if you're working 60 hours a week (Most wagecuck jobs) and you're on call 24/7, I can't imagine entrepreneurship being any worse. I have just over 100k saved up so I'm going to make a go at starting a few of my ventures on the side.

Good luck user, i always wanted to start my own business. Jow Forums will be of very little/no help at all.

You think a 40 hour work week is bad?
Try having a work phone that you can never turn off.

Don't forget the work computer they "gave" you so they can make you work at 3 in the morning.

This is me, but I take a yearly 1 month vacation. This year I'm going to Russia. I'll probably die, but whatever

That should be illegal. They have no right to bother you outside of work hours. They're forcing your life to revolve around your job.