Fembot feels thread

>can't hide the fact that I'm flat while guys can hide their small dicks
>can't afford makeup so always look ugly
>TFW flat and ugly
Anything I forgot, gals?

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>can't hide the fact that I'm flat
That's not true though

some people are into that though


Just steal the makeup

guys give ZERO shits if you're flat.

Whenever im on omegle getting girls to strip the flat ones are always super hesitant because they think im gonna be like "woah so small my dick is going limp now". Nigga titties are titties stop acting as though guys give a fuck if you're DD . I'll spunk over a flat chest just as easily as big fat titties on my dick.

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Do you have a fairly decent sized ass?

this. this is what is important you dumb roastie cunt. we don't care about tits. small tits are cute. if you have a flat ass, now thats a problem.

I'm actually the other way around
I want a girl with big tits and no ass
Big asses are just niggerish

Ita okay that you are flat
Not okay you are ugly tho

difference is people are into that.
no one is into small dicks
women wear make-up
men don't

>be girl
>be insecure about tit size

>be boy
>be insecure about dick size

So are big tits. What you gonna do now faggot?

>well-proportioned firm ass=nigger ass like pic related
You're just a queer

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Flat chests are far more popular among men than small dicks are among women. Flat chests are only disgusting if you're fat and flat.

The ass just gets on the way
The boobs on the other hand are tasty

Newfag here
Guys I have a confession to make
When i was 14 i used to jack off to pictures of Anne frank
Can anyone else relate?

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shut up whore i like chestlets

This doesn't matter as long as you are not fat.

your leg was growing a new vagina and you just ruined it

>can't afford makeup so always look ugly
>she doesn't steal her female relatives' makeup

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Being flat is amazing. Cowtits are for subhuman animals, and most girls with big tits are fat pigs. Flatness allows you to wear cute asian clothes

OP, do you have $10? You don't even need $10. Do you have $5? Eyeliner and lip color is $1 a pop at the supermarket. You don't need a face full of foundation to wear makeup. Eyeliner and lip color will make anyone look better. Hell, you can buy some mascara for $3 more if you feel like splurging. Come on...

why wont flat chested girls let me love them

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Difference is as you can see in this thread there are guys who like flat tits, while you will never find a female that likes a small dick, retarded whore.

I prefer women with smaller breasts. work on your ugliness, that is much worse

There's so many pedos ITT

Titscows age like milk.

boob job is always an option user? i know it costs money but still it might be something to look forward to. personally idc about boob size though and i actually prefer small boobs.
>tfw no boob job equivalent for dicks
im 6 inches but the internet has fucked up my self esteem

well boobs are made out of milk

>tfw asexual
i just want someone to hold but only occasionally because too much contact makes me uncomfortable
why does everyone want sex. where is my asexual gf/bf. please

That can all be fixed with a push-up bra and some makeup, meaning you just need to briefly get a job or even just scrounge up some cash with online bullshit like surveys and your problems are solved. Then you get a boyfriend and he pays for more makeup when you run out.

>where is my asexual gf/bf
tumblr, probably, or reddit

Are you a girl? I'm asexual too, or simply not interested in sex. I'm also a female. We could be platonic friends or whatever. I need friends

>flat skinny girl at work

i wanna ask her out and give her a hug

yeah, i'm a girl. i need friends too, let's talk
do you have discord?

i havent spoken to my bf in 3 hours im getting withdrawl i hate that my happiness depends on my partner whenever i get into a relationship i am the stupidest clingiest bitch ive ever met i want to die and i know hes not even that into me and im going to fuck this up

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Not to pictures but I diddled to some of the diary.

ive never understood why so many guys dont like clingy girls. they're my favourite

> tits too big so back always hurts
> the weight makes them sage so they look terrible without a bra
> even with a bra they're straight-up grotesque and too big for my frame


yea but think about how you can beat all of us robots up with your big boobs and we wouldnt even fight

fucking roastie go to fucking hell. Stay off my fucking board REEEEEEEEEEEEE

being a fat girl is 500x harder than being a flat girl gtfo stacey

small dick affects confidence, and is secret, contributing greatly to anxiety
small tits may affect confidence, but are obvious, and anyone you get involved with already knows

will you be my fat girlfriend gf?

It depends if you have fat boobs
If you don't what are you doing with your life

Half of all men like small and even flat chests, meanwhile I have a less than 4 inch dick and will never find anyone interested sexually.

>guys can hide their small dicks
Not from the ones that matter

>I like a guy in my c programming class
>he'd never like a hideous weird girl like me he's a beautiful chad
>he actually starts saying hi to me outside of class and talking to me
>what is this -- a prank?
>really cool and nice
>mfw creepy mean girl notices I like him
>she announces really loudly to the class that he's not wearing his wedding ring
Wait -- *freeze-frame, record scratch* what did she just say?
>had no clue he was getting married and notice him looking back at me really quickly to see if I heard
>pretend I didn't hear him at all

What do? This is so awkward.

I wish I had loli body desu. Better than being "thicc" and only black guys liking you. My boobs are also weirdly shaped.

>I like a guy
Fuck off normalfag

>Better than being "thicc" and only black guys liking you
where did you get this idea?

Now I'm curious, what shape are your boobs?

From being thicc and mainly black guys approaching.

Terrible tuberous boobs

i've never tried hitting someone with them, but I can squirt a palm-sized target with milk from about 5 feet away, so does that count for something?

Most guys like thicc, as long as it's not actually fat. Black guys are just more open to hitting up random chicks.

Be my thicc normalfag gf
I'm white

want to have a contest to see if i can pee farther than you can squirt milk?

>the weight makes them sag
a bit of sag is hot tho

Will you be my gf? That counts for something

Until you actually have to deal with one.

I was with a clingy girl for 4 months and I got to the point where I would get panic attacks from all her incessant hugging and kissing. We were living together and were pretty much together 24/7 and she still couldnt fucking let me breathe for 2 minutes. Everyday she would even force me to eat all the food in my plate and guilt-trip me that she made the food with love and of that jazz. The only girl that was so insane that we could have had sex 4 times in a day, literally 3-4 hours fucking, and still she would find the need to wake me up with a blowjob and ruin my sleep. Some people are just duffy.

this sounds like heaven on earth

sadly i think a bladder would be able to out-squirt me :(
theyre super saggy though, like the lowest part of my boob is even with the smallest part of my waist. it looks awful
are you a cute girl?

>Terrible tuberous boobs
Or nice fat torpedoes?

Rip. Get ready for hordes of robots. Rookie mistake.

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No I'm a man. Fuck off dyke. Normalfags get boards made just for them and still post on the male virgin board.

>it looks awful
Look here, I'll be the judge of that alright?

no problem! i added you back. my icon is a bat, and you should probably delete your post so you don't get hordes of anons trying to harass you

>sadly i think a bladder would be able to out-squirt me :(
hey bb ill make u squirt

This is the discord though so why delete?

Are you unironically on the spectrum?

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No, I'm just an asshole

joke's on u user I changed my discord name for a fake one and now imma go back to the original one
I added you!
>what is change name

>fat old virgin
>small boobs
>trying to lose weight, but shit willpower
>mom is unintentionally sabotaging me and making all my terrible favorite foods

im just as much of a robot as anyone, i cant fucking talk to girls to save my life. im too retarded.
pic related :(

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You should kill your mom user she obviously doesn't want what's best for you

Makeup is cheap as fuck you larper.

If you're a homo you're a normalfag no matter what. Now those tits are hot so be my loveless relationship dyke gf

jesus christ please smack me in the face with those

shitty cakey makeup is cheap, good makeup is pretty expensive. I only wear mine when I'm working because I can make the money back, too expensive otherwise

>pic related :(
fukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkking hot I'm hard now. They're really nice

So you're actually a lesbian? What a waste.

Such a fucking waste. You have great tits and child bearing hips.


i can tell from those hips she has a fat booty too

yeah, have you ever actually seen a girl? theyre fucking beautiful. give me 5 reasons to date a man.

protip: you can't, and if you can you're just as much of a fag as me

those are cute but you waste them on retarded women

I love my mom though, she keeps making me food because I've been depressed. I realize it's not a healthy way to deal with it, but it's what my family has always done. Habits are really hard to break, but I didn't eat the pasta she brought me today. So I'm feeling a little better about myself today.

>give me 5 reasons to date a man.
We're the best you're gonna get. So potent it counts as 5

so you don't like guys but you just gave like 50 of them boners

Whatever. There's nothing more uninteresting than a lesbian.

that sounds literally fucking perfect

If you are unironically a dyke and not just on a bi phase, then all hope is lost. Interestingly enough, dykes are not attracted to the same features in women so you might be out of luck, I dont know.

For shame.

ayyy bb i wanna massage that sore back and then cook u dinner while you fuck ur gf

ok so she's a dyke. can we get her together with another dyke femanon and make them post vids of steamy lesbo sex?

They're saggy in a qt mommy way, not a gross way.

State your age, height, and weight, fatbot.

nah ive known i liked girls since i was 14, dated guys for a while because "what if im bi" and didnt like it very much.
still got ur reply though turbovirgin
i don't care is guys look at me, i just dont want to fuck 'em.
if you think r9k is the best of men, im double gay now.
this sounds like a good arrangement

hows ur butt?

with some light excercise you can make your butt amazing

I'm not into girls or boys but I think girls are far more appealing from an aesthetic point of view. I could spend all day drawing women

i would honestly love to make videos with another girl, but im retarded and cant talk to them. ive ghosted a few really cute girls on tinder because i dont know what to say and dont want them to think im stupid, so i just stop talking to them before i can fuck it up.
thank you!!

I don't think it's the best men. i think it's the best you personally will get

>i would honestly love to make videos with another girl, but im retarded and cant talk to them. ive ghosted a few really cute girls on tinder because i dont know what to say and dont want them to think im stupid, so i just stop talking to them before i can fuck it up.