I love triggering Jow Forumstards

As a african Jow Forumstards are so stupid abbo level iq truly amazing how stupid they are

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kek they really are stupid as hell

haha they are obviously all introverts and virgins

I'm tired of identity politics. Can't find a single board without them.

Do you have brain damage though

As a Jow Forumslock africans are so stupid abbo level iq truly amazing how stupid they are

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White people are fucking pure evil. How can you do this to another person? It doesn't even matter if you don't see blacks as humans, how sociopathic do you have to be to hang another living creature like that and watch it die then crowd around it like a celebration?

Here my friends is a example of the type I love triggering nice one whitiod monkey

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Blacks do the same dude, it includes cannibalism

>white people are so evil
>implying lynching and petty murder isn't an everyday occurrence in Africa

>The MAJOR HAPPENING on Jow Forums this morning was a bunch of autists claiming that some incredibly brutal video of Huma and Hillary skinning a baby alive was leaked on the dark web and about to be released to the public.
>The """evidence""" for this was archived Jow Forums posts and a bunch of grifter tier fake screenshots of random ass shit like some lady wearing a mask
>Anyone who asked for real proof or pointed out how retarded and far fetched all of this was either called a shill or attacked with comments like "OH SO YOU WANT TO SHUT IT DOWN HUH?? WHY IS THAT??"
>Posters were accusing jannies of being in on the global conspiracy because their dumb threads kept getting pruned

All ideology aside, Jow Forums really is a pretty goddamn stupid board. The days of reasonable political discourse are long gone, and now it's just 14 year old magapedes and Voat refugees screeching at each other.

Dont know the details of this lynching ,but alot ive read about initiated from an attack/rape on a white woman. Dont get me wrong they lynched plenty of innocent black people aswell though.

I mean if some white boys raped your sister wouldn't u wanna get a mob together and lynch them?

>Here my friends is a example of the type I love triggering nice one negroid monkey

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>another person

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I used to, but I got bored with it.
And Jow Forums seem to have affected you. The stuff about abos having low IQ is a myth.

You just got triggered just like he wanted you to.
Good job!

>You just got triggered just like he wanted you to.
And how does that make you feel?

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Jow Forumstards are so obviously inbred it hurts

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What board isnt full of those

That's a fucking gook, why should I be mad? Don't touch the aryan qts though, they are my birthright

You mad dum dumb

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Triggered whitiod monkey kek
Lol at this guy haah

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Triggered negroid monkey kek
You mad dum dumb

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Whitiod Compares the past instead of the present hmm.. but ok here's your future anyway

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Youre all stupid immature faggots.
>hurr durr look mom I post racebait pictures trying to piss people off on the internet
>haha u mad? ya u mad lmao
How anybody finds enjoyment from posting that shit day in and day out is beyond me.

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Overall, society would be better off without blacks.

wish i was african desu

Jow Forumstards are dumb dumbs

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Pol in a web hahhahahha
To bad your race is dying nice try anyway

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read a bool faggot, try native american torture of white colonista for a good red pill. ALL people are evil and brutal, its human nature.

you must have missed out on the history of all of africa. stupid nog

Blacks are dumb dumbs

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This isn't your past, though, chimpy. This is your future.

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>shitheads rape and murder a young woman
>townspeople get pissed the fuck off and lynch the shitheads
Not hard to understand. Now if they lynched some black guy out of fun then that's a different evil story.

In the case of the image you replied to. The white male physician found no proof that the white girl was raped by those black men. Lies travel faster than the truth. Bitch was either evil or had regret sex.

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That guy in the middle of the second row from the top isn't black, he's a witcher.

whoa, what an amazing thread you made. Keep up the great work user.

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>has never heard of necklacing or is a lying nig

Please god don't do anything further to encourage the racist pieces of shit into that good ole homebrewed hatred echo chamber... "huehuehue lol niggers aren't even human" "yea huehueuehue they should all burn"

god i can just hear the little caucasian tween chuckles now....

Like 1000 gaming headsets with little internet safeplace suburban kids talking about how horrible black areas are knowing full well theyve never left mom's basement long enough to ACTUALLY experience it.

The hand-me-down hatred installed in you is like a computer with a virus, those arent even your thoughts... and no matter how taboo you assume racism is you're still programmed to think the way you think, you little wanker.

>fucking stupid cherry picked demographics

>the same tame ass lynching photos

>dur hur all niggers are bad because of that one tyrone kid in highschool i didnt like

who the fuck am I kidding...

a world where whites aren't in some insecure unprovoked pissing contest with every other race on earth... pfft.

God fucking dammit man that nigga is black as fuck

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The only people not racist are the fags and sjws who were fortunate enough to have never had any real encounters with blacks. Why do you lie? It makes no sense that someone would be racist when they haven't had any experiences that made them racist. You are a liar and a bad person.

What would you expect from anime watching angry neckbeards?

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if there was something worse than an sjw... it be some faggot who decided to hate an entire group for the actions of some... fuck the percentages and charts, save it. If it doesnt say 100% in all cases then youre admitting fault in your little belief system.

Sounds like you're just bad at math. Why do loony lefties hate objectivism so much? Why do you hate the truth?

>trying to tag me to a politic side based off my thoughts on treating human beings like human beings
Jow Forums leave.



>As a african

Africans are literally cucking white men from across the world.

Uhm...every race did this to other races at some point in history. Are you really that uneducated?

while i agree with what you said you are a fool to think that all other humans dont do fucked up shit. Fun fact: Whites dont lynch blacks anymore.. Africans execute other africans with cinder blocks before lighting them on fire.

this angers the white virgin autist

I mean. I'm sorry but you don't look particularly smart by saying "DUUUHUHUU! Look how STUPID they are! Aren't they just STUPID???XDDD"

If there is a clear pattern do you just suggest ignoring it?
>It's not 100%
Oh my god... that's not how it works.

Nice sentence structure there, Professor.

Oh my God. Somehow they all look retarded.

Pattern? Funny you would use an inconsistent thing to defend such an absolute and Allofthem belief.

It is "all niggers"... right?

You sure sound like a Jow Forums. Maybe you should go back. What is treating human beings like human beings supposed to mean? Nothing at all, it's an empty statement. You are just shitting out words for the sake of words now. Why do you love lies? What's so scary about the truth to you? Do you hate that it represents all that is good and just? I know you are wrong because I treat circles like circles. Not just that, I treat railway crossings in small cities near a lake like railway crossings in small cities near a lake. If that's not irrefutable proof that your wrong then I don't know what is.

Wow, the fact that I actually have to break the meaning of that statement down to me proves you've been in that room huffing the piss jugs for a little too long.

I mean as in take people by a case to case basis, judge off of individual character merits and faults. Not allowing myself to develop hatred for people I haven't even met and don't know. I'm not preaching some we are the rainbow bullshit. I'm simpling stating good and bad comes in every color and form, and you're naive if you believe rhetoric.

>Its a left wingers got btfo on Jow Forums so they migrate to Jow Forums episode

You arent going to win anyone over. The right has already claimed r9k, in fact it was always ours. Keep dreaming though, its funny to watch lel.

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to you*

for fuck sakes

So you aren't smart enough to recognize trends? You need to look up the term heuristics. I know you won't be able to apply them in your life. I just want you to feel bad and know some of the basic parts of humanity you are lacking in. Jow Forums is the only place I take anyone on a case by case basis, even that's not entirely true. From the way you write I can tell your IQ is

this post made me realize the error of my ways. time to chop my dick off and order a pallet of soylent #stillwithher

why are you faggots so mad in this thread?

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I am Right but I don't give a fuck about politics when I come here. I am here for the porn and the company and the feels.
And the racism attached to Jow Forums is tiresome (did I mention, I'm Right). The only thing worse is the trap threads.

cant believe im so mad at this thread. totally not laughing at op

Anti-racist piece of shit.

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First of all we're typing, not writing.

Second, though I see you have a pretty high opinion of yourself off the bat, that way of thinking could be classified as a complex of sorts, but thats just what I get from you. No matter how much of a twat you may be, I still wont judge others with the same racial profile as you. I'm not an autist.

Oh, and it's 122.

Your inability to accept the truth is what made me hate blacks.

Truly unlike other humans.

The fact that you think this illustration would even effect my feelings is baffling.

Seriously, why would I care about this?

Oh, so you are the all truth speaking godking now?

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Hey man, whenever you're ready to step down off that pedastal you're living on and come join the common folk, we won't all hate you back.

Thank fuck I'm not the only one seeing this shit

This isnt Jow Forums though.


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results of necklacing

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La luz extinguisho..

You're 12 years old and have fat fingers? That actually explains a lot. Back on topic now. You may have been typing, but I've been writing. There is a difference between the two.

Wow, you'll have to show me how you take a writing utensil and literally write a post electronically onto the internet without some software to turn your musings into this font I'm reading.

Kek lmao btfo wh*te boi

It'd be easier to just link you to the dictionary. Writing is a skill that requires a little more brainpower than you have.

Spell it right whitiod sage*

The actual verb for what you are doing to put words on the internet is universally considered typing. Please stop being an autist user.

I tried but I accidentally wrote what you are. Ha! Eat it, nerd.

The dictionary and everything in the universe disagrees with that peculiar little definition you just made up. That's pretty funny, you're a real piece work.

Interviewer at a computer related job:

"So... how many words can you write a minute?"

fighting on the internet is retarded, im over it. go be a racist twat, i dont care just dont expect me to swallow that shit sandwich you ate.

Sorry to ruin this debate, but you guys do realize that pol stands for politically incorrect, right?

Sorry to ruin this debate, but you guys do realize that pol stands for politically incorrect, right? Even pollers forgot this

Sorry was using shitty tablet it wasn't registering I was posting



T. 12 yo nigger loving mutt