I ""abused"" him

>I ""abused"" him
lmao what a fucking faggot
we're all laughing at his messages

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Other urls found in this thread:


stfu autistic virgin. Cant talk shit down anyone.

>defending his friend
Lol youre pathetic

What was this ""abuse"" if I may ask?

Idk who ur talking about in the first place faggot. Anyone on r9k that ''bullies'' other fags is a hypocrite

what the hell is everyone talking about?

Assuming this is Reiko user. Probably a fucking larper tho.

>Says I gaslighted him and all kinds of other shit
>thinks yelling at someone while they cry is abuse
Fag can't even get his story straight while he keeps crying
>Acknowledges bullying isn't real
Im glad we agree

Turning boys into qt traps is a blessing not abuse!

Leave dis nigga alone. Whatd he do. Id probably bully ur gay ugly anime watching virgin ass anyways irl.

>Whatd he do
He cried that I used him and treated him wrong
and he made me care about him
he deserves to die

Lmao cant u explain more than some basic shit. Tell me about it cuz. Whatd u get into.

Listen to this, OP. You'll feel like a new person and you'll have a deeper understanding of the situation afterwards.

Shut up user unless your offering to make betas to cute bois.

Attached: 4567425.jpg (802x1200, 197K)

>we're all laughing at his messages

OP, you should listen to this. You'll understand the situation better and you'll feel like a new person afterwards.

Some beta faggot I was best friends with at some point for a year just became too much so I deleted him. He starts calling my number and adding me every night. So then he cries about it on r9k and tells all these lies that I "abused" him
Then my friends tell him off like the faggot he is and now he's still crying

I affirm the idea we just report this shit.

No matter what context this actually is in, it's gay as fuck.

>Some beta faggot I was best friends with at some point for a year just became too much so I deleted him

OP, you're a faggot.

So are you for defending him
kill yourself with him and livestream it
we're all laughing at you right now

Who tf are you Reiko or some shit

>we're all laughing at you right now
OP, it's ok to be a dickweed, just don't straight up say you aren't when you are.. It makes me sad.. ;-;

Nobody cares if you're sad or if you cry.
Your voice will never be heard
you're nothing to me

No way, OP! That's not true. You need to work on your self esteem!

I need to work on my self esteem?
LMAO fucking loser

No one gives a flying fuck about your /blog, OP.
Read this thread and tell me who truly gives a damn.

OP, I just want you to feel better. Whatever's bothering you just spill it out.

most likely. In any case they are an attention fag, shown clearly by the b8, and lack of detail.

Redditors like you that think anything and everything is abuse.

Hey, I never said you abused him, ya dummy! Maybe you handled the situation in a horrible way, and maybe you didn't. I only judged from the lack of context, that maybe you handled your issue in a toxic way.

Still going to point out either way we should report this degeneracy. Best (most likely) case scenario this is an attention whore. Worst case this is some other less retarded faggot who idolises Reiko and will do more harm than that sperger could.

I never handled it wrong
I handled it like a normal person. just because you're on the internet doesn't mean people have to be nice to you.

Honestly someone should just fucking pull an an hero on ol' Reiko if the dox is legit. This is a low effort post in any case, and should be deleted for that if nothing else

And you thought I didn't know that? Why would I be responding to you if I didn't, but now you're boring, and just come across to me as mentally insane or retarded.

This post is abuse. Stop letting your ego cause you to be such a piece of shit. If it makes you feel bad, harder to pretend to be a great person because you wronged somebody, then maybe practice just a bit of humility and admit that you have some growing up to do. That makes more sense than escalating the sadism and lashing out because someone is living proof that you're not perfect and a good friend.

Think only Jow Forums has the manpower for that kind of shit.

Would honestly be supprised if they weren't already on it to some dagree. Think they leaked his ssn.

>Thinking mentally insane and retarded are comparable
goes to show you are illiterate

Yep, you are a retard. Not insane. But a retard.

>Gets called illiterate
Can't call me insane anymore

Good, that faggot deserves death. I am typically fine with gays, hell I have a few gay friends, but this "man" has ruined lives, and possibly caused a death of a bot

Yeah, never had a problem with gays other than the fact some think they're special for sucking cock.

Dreaming for the day people realize that the only thing that makes you special is your grandiose actions, not your identity.

The boys in flecktarn made some good points though. And, many cases of child molestation come from gays. But in general they are ok, oddly flamboyant and a little annoying, but ok

>And, many cases of child molestation come from gays.
And most murders are straight men.
And every single school shooter has been straight.
Blah blah the list goes on.

actually you stupid fucking faggot, between 1980 and 2008 blacks made up 52% of homicides, not straight white men. School shootings make up an incredibly small, and unimportant minority of deaths

Definitely subscribe to the idea that being gay is just a fetish. Don't have anything against them but with people who were once gay turning into raging assholes to gays, and people who are straight turning gay.. Have nothing against them if they're cool about it, but thair identity no matter if you're gay, trans, femboi, ect its all mental. There's no gay gene you won't find one, and gay people are so varied and different. Definitely just a fetish.

nah, even dolphins and shit exhibit homosexual tendencies, it might just be a mental thing, seeing as how prison gay is

i fucking hate Jow Forums but reiko and this damned board have made me hate you disgusting shit-stabbing faggots too

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I believe most animals don't give a fuck what they fuck. Nature just pushes them in the right direction slightly. Same with humans, we just have developed preferences with our more intelligent brains. I say again there is not gene that makes homosexuality a thing. But homosexuals try to be more feminine, probably to kinda trick our natural senses. A gay gene would be worthless anyway, it wouldn't continue down though lineage.

No, a gene couldn't code for that sort of thing, so it may technically be a mental disorder

I don't disagree but everything is a mental disorder if the mental health conscious considers it to be. It's human preference that makes something a mental illness.

It is a negative impact to an animal to not procreate. As people we are supposed to do that, and being gay goes against it

I don't care if you're Reiko, Haruko, or some gay roleplayer. FUCK OFF! You are ruining this board. I used to love traps, now I can't even fap to them because of you.

same my trap-fapping friend

Yeah, again I don't disagree, and I think it was once considered a mental disorder. But it's still a sexual preference IE a fetish. Something could definitely be considered a fetish and a disorder no? If i was sexually attracted to trains isn't that both user?

ur insane and illiterate. How will you respond now

by laughing at you

I never said anything about race you moron lmfao.

Yeah I totally agree, gays don't kill others.
They just kill themselves.

So user what's going on in your world.

You're incredibly defensive.

Straight men are more likely to rape.
Straight men are more likely to kill.
Straight men are more likely to steal.
Straight men are more likely to lie.
Straight men commit 99% of all mass shootings.
Straight men make up 99% of all serial killers.

Stay mad.

I'm not the same user you were talking to.
Your statistics are obviously made up off the cuff. The other user was just stateing facts, any you got pissy with what was essentially the truth.

Isn't it the ambitions of femboi's like you to attract straight men anyway.

>Your statistics are obviously made up off the cuff.
Ok so disprove them.

>The other user was just stateing facts
The other user argued that white men don't commit all the crime when I never stated they did.

>any you got pissy with what was essentially the truth.
I pointed out that his argument against me was based on race when mine was based on sexuality.

>Isn't it the ambitions of femboi's like you to attract straight men anyway.
I'm a girl.

Look at the prison system, it's full of straight men.

Oh and since he wants to turn it into a race argument.

Straight white men between the ages of 20-29 are the most likely to kill themselves, it's actually an epidemic right now, you guys are slaughtering yourselves.

If you yell at someone while they cry that is abuse though, if you are aware that you're making them feel worse. If he brought it on himself then so be it but doing that is abuse, and calling people names doesn't change that.

Lmao you're such a pussy..
this is why I hate guys like you

>OK so disprove them
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide_statistics_by_gender or ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/10shrtbl03.xls

>The other user argued that white men don't commit all the crime when I never said they did.
And I was talking about the original comment you had an issue with and both those comments of his are factually correct.

>I pointed out that his argument against me was based on race when mine was based on sexuality.
He probably was able to detect you were angry at him and all men and decided to defend himself on racial means because he is white and whites commit less of the crimes.

>I'm a girl.
Sorry my mistake, then why are you taking offense for them and defending them? It's not your fight anyway.

>Look at the prison system, it's full of straight men.
Yes isn't it a tragedy. I wish nobody was in there. But everyone knows people in prison aren't very straight. Lots of gay stuff goes on there.
Yep straight white men are killing themselves in record numbers thanks to being suppressed both racially and genderly buy the mainstream media and SJW's.

>get insulted for being correct by someone who can't do shit to you
great feeling unironically, though I can't muster anything past a mild disdain for people such as yourself. You are not worth emotions as strong as hatred.

Faggots are literally the majority of child molesters despite being 3% of the population. Gay 'culture' is literally a child sexual abuse cycle

>Straight men are more likely to lie.
>I'm a girl.
I can tell from posters like these that they have literally fried their brain with hormones.

If you offered real statistics maybe you would be worth engaging. But you're literally delusional.

Think we should just stop user? Wouldn't want to add her argument to the murder statistics.

Not that guy but "gay culture" is as racial as the homicide rate for straight men. Look at the statistics for new HIV infection rates and see how they remain as high as they are despite the rate for white MSM dropping for a long while now.

The guy is so bitter and angry, it's like this argument is going to have some far reaching result in his life, no wonder he's here.

That's not an argument.

I'm sorry that it offends you that someone would dare to point out the massive problem of child sexual abuse in the 'lgbt' community

Attached: homosexuality.jpg (640x640, 72K)

You couldn't offend me but obviously I can offend you and him.

Both your links were statistics on the victims of murder not the perpetrators although I think you know that and I think you're just trying to badly troll a girl because this is r9k.

>participating in e-drama
You people are the worst of the worst. I'd rather spend the rest of my days with a furry than someone that does that shit. You are pond scum.

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>wanting to be around a furry
Nobody cares about your opinion

Basically what I said: It's like a conspiracy theorist grasping to his reality as if his life depends on it. It isn't going to change anything and no one really cares what he thinks.

But they'll just tell you that isn't an argument lmao.

Whoever you think you're talking to that's not me. I like how you assume that the only person opposing you is one guy.
17 UID

My only posts are
I could care less if you're a girl or not. You are disgusting inside and you are willing to actively ignore victims of a sexual abuse cycle because it doesn't fit your agenda.

Not to mention that you also defend the online grooming of damaged and broken individuals, some underage, who are taken advantage of so they can be used as personal sex objects by disturbed men online. You make me want to puke

Sexual abuse is likely to make you gay and sexual abuse is likely to turn you into a perpetrator. That doesn't make being a gay perpetrator of sexual abuse right, but it doesn't make being gay a cause of sexual abuse, either. Blast the issue of sexual abuse and I agree with you, but shitting on gay people as a whole because a subset of them were sexually abused and turned into perpetrators is like the same as shitting on all men because a subset of them grow up to be murderers. Which is a disagreement you had with the one you were arguing with.

I'm the guy who just posted the statistics.

The Wikipedia article has both statistics on murders and murderers. And the FBI one clearly says Murder Offenders at the top of it. Now youre just fucking lieing.

I haven't ignored or argued anything about the victims of sexual abuse.

Your feelings don't matter, I never imagined to find a social justice warrior on r9k but here you are.

Why don't you go outside and spread your message to the masses if you really want to make a difference.

Ok I just looked at it again.

You're right and men are the most likely to murder, thank you for proving my point.

Again, it is part of their collective culture.
Nobody is implying that every homosexual is a child abuser, but the majority of child abusers happen to be sexually abnormal, be it homosexual or otherwise.

For a parallel example, nobody literally thinks every muslim is a terrorist, but the fact lies in that the majority do not speak out against jihad and honor killings etc, they passively ignore it or sometimes support it themselves. And just as in these muslim communities, nobody speaks up when they know someone is planning an attack, the 'lgbt community' does not stand up even when it's known that someone is a molester.

We are the most likely to murder I never disagreed with that, but the ratio isn't 99%. You can't just throw random numbers around in an argument.

>Straight men are more likely to rape.
>Straight men are more likely to kill.
>Straight men are more likely to steal.
>Straight men are more likely to lie.
>Straight men commit 99% of all mass shootings.
>Straight men make up 99% of all serial killers.

I said straight men are more likely to kill and you just proved me right, I never once said 99% you're a liar.

I think you care too much about arguing with people online but nevertheless you just lied because I never said anything about a 99% ratio on murder.

I agree with you that that is a problem, though that is not exclusive to the lgbt community. Abuse is not talked about as much as it should be anywhere, which is why shit like the mass accusations in Hollywood happen, because things snowball.

>their collective culture
Just as you could say it is part of the collective male culture to be violent, not that that makes it any less misleading when you consider the environment.

Child abusers are sexually abnormal because they were abused as children. That makes many of them homosexual or bisexual as well, which is why you see these increased rates. Trauma in general fucks people up, look into ACE scores and how they correlate statistically with life expectancy.

OP here
reminder that im not participating in these spergs discussion
thank you

r9k is a culture, a weird broken and antisocial one, but it still is a culture.
There are still remnants of a community here which are rapidly leaving because of outside forces attempting to turn r9k into a porn board just like modern day /b/

You can play it off as if nothing I am saying will have any effect, but that was the mistake many outsiders in the past have made about anons. I'm simply a cell in the immune system in this website, insignificant on my own indeed. I only hope that I can convince others through foregiveness that they can change their own ways and reflect on and challenge what they believe before it's too late.

Actually per-capita, homosexuals are very over represented when it comes to serial killers.
Jeffrey Dahmer, Andrew Cuanan, and John Wayne Gacy were all gay.

when accounted for per capita most of these things would easily level out, if not show that homosexuals are over-represented for their percentage of the population. Obviously it's easy to be disingenuous and claim that 'straight men do this more' when you purposely refuse to adjust it.

Fine, statisticbrain.com/serial-killer-statistics-and-demographics/
So you're still fucking wrong with 99% and you can't even tell which ones are gay and which ones aren't.

Being straight is not a motivation to kill people user.

But you did. I hurt now more than ever knowing it was you all along. I was convinced that women are the Devil because of you, and I was right. You're also a sick twisted individual or something

From my short stay here all I've seen is anger and hypocritical behaviours.

Ok so I'll change them to:
>straight men are more likely to commit mass shootings
>straight men are more likely to be serial killers

So which one of you lied to me and tried to pretend that I said 99% of all murderers were male? Just going to forget that are we because that was the basis for your whole argument.

You don't think it was the fucked up childhoods most serial killers have?

The truth is that you are essentially standing up for the cultural status quo and attempting to bash those who don't want to see it showed in every facet of their lives.

It's none of my business if someone has a fetish of some sort, even if I don't approve of it, I can usually ignore it.

I would have the very same reaction that I am having now to anyone else who spams X fetish constantly on multiple boards to the point where there are 6+ threads about that fetish at one given time.
But the thing is, I don't see footfags or anyone else putting the effort in to spam their fetish everywhere. I generally only see this behavior with 'trap' posters.

And when they are called out they keep wondering why so many people hate them and end up blaming it on Jow Forums because they can't fathom why anyone wouldn't want to constantly see someone else's fetish being forcefully and artificially spammed on their board.
It's the immune system of the board fighting off a foreign entity attempting to infect their body.

I admit that you've totally lost me, my home board is /cgl/ but what I do notice is you implying ownership of intellectual property, do you ever wonder if everyone feels the same way as you here? Maybe that's why r9k is getting such bad press on every other board, imagine if every single person here, with their different opinions, morals and views felt they owned this board, it would be chaos, it would be like it is right now.
Maybe this statement from you:
>on their board
Is a reflection of how most people here feel and maybe that's why it's so chaotic.

Obviously it is. But (s)he was claiming it as if ONLY straight people are serial killers, when serial killers are disproportionately gay/other sexualities.
I never claimed that homosexuality is a cause of serial killers, but he made up a statistic.

>straight men are more likely to be serial killers
This is ignoring per-capita again.

"The proportion of serial killers who are known to have had homosexual experience is high (over 43%"

My home board is not r9k but it is clear to see that what is going on is an invasive jamming of the board culture.

Imagine if there was a discord specifically made to spam /cgl/ with off-topic threads for the purpose of promoting an agenda into the board and manipulating it's culture.
How do you think that would impact the board?

I would argue that those fucked up childhoods with abusive single mothers is what make these people into what they are, but I'm not contesting you with that here because I think we're in agreement after reading your response to my post. If she said otherwise then yeah she's not knowledgeable on the subject. The bitch shouldn't act as if she is when she just wants to use serial killers as a cudgel to beat her worldview into people.

Should say that we should, considering that it was an honest mistake. But in all reality tho the fuck cares about particular cases where people die. I think it would be best if these dropped to zero by accepting and respecting one another. The point is your a bigot, who's defending someone you shouldn't identify with, because a bigot made fun of them. I don't know what kind of logic that makes but it's only something a 4 chan user would come up with. Your not going to change anyone's mind by attacking them. If you read the conversation we were having, you would see the person you're criminalizing doesn't hate gay people and was just pointing out something odd about the homosexual community.

43% isn't 50%.

It wouldn't impact us because we simply wouldn't reply we also have a filter system and off topic threads are removed very quickly.


Gay men aren't 50% of the male population.
They are 3%

Yes there are more straight serial killers by NUMBER, but gay men are vastly more likely to be serial killers than straight men.

This is middleschool level statistics. You're obviously smart enough to understand the concept of overrepresentation.

Straight men are not overrepresented in serial killers
Gay/other men ARE overrepresented in serial killers

>Ok so I'll change them to:
>>straight men are more likely to commit mass shootings
>>straight men are more likely to be serial killers
What are you actually trolling? "More likely" statements are always based on percentage figures (ie, adjusted for total population of the groups being compared).
If a given country has 100 homosexual men and 10 commit murders, and 1000 straight men with 100 murderers in this group, they are equally likely to commit murders - both being 10% of their respective population being murderers.

m8 you ignore the bigger issue with a misrepresentation of statistics when you do that with the intention of levying the "being a serial killer" problem on straight men.