Why is Trump ranked so lowly compared to other presidents? What's he doing wrong that other presidents didn't do?

Why is Trump ranked so lowly compared to other presidents? What's he doing wrong that other presidents didn't do?

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it was her turn, he will never live it down

Because he's a fucking idiot who talks like he has a 68 IQ? Why do Republicans cling so hard to this idiot?

>What's he doing wrong that other presidents didn't do?
He's not a career politician and it's pretty much a meme to hate him. Like this guy's problem Do you really care that he speaks a certain way or is it just trendy to use that as an excuse?

>1 year into presidency
>still no wall
>shillary still a free woman
>mass shootings every other month
>Israel first
>dismissing high-ranking officials left and right
>obamacare still in place

What more do you want nigga?

he did things the unorthodox way and that pissed off a lot of people who prefer orthodox

What is this pic trying to say? Is it taking 100 "scholars" from 3 political groups and asking them if they have a positive opinion of president X? If so, then these aren't scholars, since 260 of them still ride the dick of FDR

Obama ranking so highly is enough to say this is bullshit. Higher than Kennedy among Republican scholars? What the fucK?

>1 year into presidency
give him time nigga

B-but Obama saved the world in under a year! Just look at this list of everything he did:

Because he's a TV star masquerading as Commander-in-Chief.

>mfw the shill squad starts getting banned from Jow Forums so they migrate to Jow Forums

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What made H.W Bush so great that independent scholars rate him as the 11th best president? I'm too young (26) to remember any of his presidency but I was always under the impression that he was mediocre at best.

in every fucking job, not acting professional has consequences
what, are you surprised that it also applies to the presidency?

He hasn't really done much of anything, if you've got united government and can't get much done that is seen as a negative. As fucking stupid as Obamacare was/is it still got passed a little over a year into the presidency. There's also the fact that he's done squat with appointments which is really one of the easiest facets of government.

he's an incompetent moron

he's also the most corrupt president I've ever seen

> if you've got united government and can't get much done that is seen as a negative
>need 60 to get majority
>only 51
You don't know how things work do you?

>There's also the fact that he's done squat with appointments which is really one of the easiest facets of government.
He can't even get them confirmed. Demos are dragging their feet on this.

He oversaw the peaceful dissolution of the USSR, people forget how volatile it was when the Soviet Union fell. Plus he also oversaw Gulf War I which was a resounding success (the goal was to get Iraq out of Kuwait which was accomplished). He also helped reduce the deficit with the taxes which killed him and the spending cuts which everyone always forgets about. There were also a number of acts he passed that some groups of people loved (Americans with Disabilities among others).

The Republican Party never held 60 seats under George W Bush and they still got things passed, don't make excuses for the "great negotiator's" failures. I'm not even referring to legislation that has to do with national security either.

>give him time
To what? Cuck us to Israel and the NRA some more? I'm a proud fucking gun owner, but I admit the climate of gun ownership is now motivated by monetary reasons from the government's part (so much for fucking laissez-faire), and by paranoia from the people's part. More thorough inspection is necessary; I don't want give up my freedom to feel safe in my own fucking country just so some nutjob shoots up a school.
The wall pics Trump posted are shit that's been around for a while now, I would know, I'm from Texas.

He's been a continual failure. I know it takes time, but all you faggots banking on his "8 years" will probably be sorely mistaken. Not to mention a lot of his voters just came from edgy millennials.

Trump's tax bill which is supposedly his saving grace actually ends up raising taxes on 57% of the country. Only the top 25.2% end up benefiting long term.

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>they still got things passed
Please, tell me what great things got passed under GWB. The Patriot Act?

>I'm not even referring to legislation that has to do with national security either.
I'm all ears. Go for it.

Also you seem to forget Trump passed the tax reform.

You're kidding me, right? You probably won't even be alive by 2027 you fucking failure

shut up drumpftard

it's important for people to know what a phony he is

Medicare expansion, No Child Left Behind, a ban on Partial-birth abortion, the Stimulus Act, his Tax Cuts, the Security Fence Act, Post 9/11 GI Bill, and that's among others.

The way you think, nothing will ever be done because a decade+ from now we're looking. How about you make a better tax plan in 4 years then? Why can't you do that?

You're using these are examples? Dear god, here we go
>Medicare expansion
Medicare is immediately fucked by this. Our taxes went up immediately paying for the freeloaders and Obama used this expansion as part of Obamacare later, pretty much doing the same thing with the same problem
>No Child Left Behind
So now we're pushing idiot kids through school who can't do simple math. Added with talks of Common Core which has been a detriment all around to children.
>a ban on Partial-birth abortion
I'm fine with this
> the Stimulus Act
Which was immediately squandered and saw a massive raise in the deficit
>Tax Cuts
Which Trump did yet you seem to forget this
>secure fence act
You realize Trump is acting on this by mobilizing ICE right? The legislation from this act was never actually enforced. Trump didn't need to pass anything to do this.
>Post 9/11 GI Bill
Trump signed the vet accountability act on top of this, which you seem to forget too.

Already, Trump in one year signed one thing behind what these presidents took 8 years to accomplish, based on your list.

>The way you think, nothing will ever be done because a decade+ from now we're looking. How about you make a better tax plan in 4 years then? Why can't you do that?

>raises taxes on poor people
>lowers taxes on rich people
>but it's okay because he did it in a sneaky way and It'll take a while to go into effect and by then it'll probably be a democrat's problem


Because he's an idiot, and if you can't see that then it means you're one too. Notice how his supporters never describe how he's a capable, intelligent President. They instead attack the groups they perceive to be against him, pretending like they're all a part of some mainstream Jewish conspiracy theory instead of just normal people who realize he's retarded.


That'll change as he continues to feed the military industrial complex like the last two

Our taxes were lowered until 2027. And also, the taxes go out around ~5%. That comes up to around $50 for someone making 100 grand a year.

I'm a libertarian. It just doesn't make any sense, I'm sorry.

Obamacare solved my parent's financial problems you rich cunt.

Oh whoops I'm sorry, did I say 5 percent? I meant they go up around .5 percent. Which is 10 percent of 5. So that means 5 dollars a year increase. Oh fuck, better impeach and repeal this now, my immediate pay raise from this being enacted won't let me pay for this!

Obamacare made it so my mother couldn't see a doctor because her premiums went through the fucking roof and they didn't catch her heart problems. All so I could pay for your lazy family's health insurance.

>complaining about freeloaders on a board full of freeloaders

Fucking retard

Presidental power evaporates into nothing by 6 months into any presidents term, and he's being dogged down hard by the Mueller thing.

This is why Obama had to win again to pass Obamacare.

Trump is generally incompetent at his job and surrounds himself with incompetent people like his retarded son in law and daughter.

What a retarded criticism, you realise the government can and will change how taxes are structured between now and 2027 right? Trump is basically being criticised for lower taxes for the lower classes on the grounds that hypothetically if his tax policy didn't change until 2027 it could cause problems?

>Trump is basically being criticised for lower taxes for the lower classes on the grounds that hypothetically if his tax policy didn't change until 2027 it could cause problems?
Yes. He is also being criticized because in 2027 taxes may go up $5 for people making 100 grand a year.

Obama was at least skilled in domestic politics and managed to pass major healthcare reform and keep it there even after he went out of office by compromising well.

His foreign policy was a shitshow but that never prevents historians from usually rating LBJ highly.

It's not about what you like or dislike, it's about the ability to get legislation passed. Also Medicare Expansion was a hell of a lot more difficult to pass than repealing Obamacare (a Trump objective that failed miserably) because Bush actually knew how to lead his own party and both needed and got 60 votes. Trump had a 2 vote margin with in the Senate and still fell short when it came to repealing Obamacare. Also you mention all these executive actions, which are comparatively inconsequential because if some lib takes over in 2020 they all go away.

I'd also like to point out that I brought those up in the first place because you're acting as though legislation can't get passed with fewer than 60 seats in the Senate and I brought those up to point out that it can. Despite the fact that W was a pretty shitty president, the fact remains that at least he could get Dems to support his measures, something the guy who prides his ability to negotiate failed to do.

>n 2027, 25 percent of tax payers would experience a tax cut from the included provisions, averaging about $1,500, and 53 percent would face an average tax increase of $180


We're not on welfare you fucking retard.

Who gives a fuck, the Trump tax plan will 100% not be tax policy in 2027, I will eat my hat if it is. Why are democrats attacking Trump over a hypothetical scenario which will never happen in practice? Do they have autism?

>Trump lower than Johnson, and in the Democratic scholars, FUCKING BUCHANAN
what the fuck

Because that's his tax plan. His tax plan ends up raising taxes for poor people and lowering them for rich people with the richest people benefiting the most.

>his tax policy will be gone when a better president, most likely a Democrat, takes office

yeah, thank god

>I will eat my hat if it is

hehehehe I bet you said the same about Trump becoming president

LBJ was arguably the most effective president at getting legislation passed of all time, and multiple people on his staff were also political legends.

Trump is comparatively ridiculously fucking incompetent at getting legislation passed. He can't get something the Republicans have been bitching about for 8 years straight repealed with a supermajority because he pissed off people like John McCain for no particular reason. One of the more objective ways to evaluate presidents is their effectiveness at getting things done in congress relative to others.

The main reason LBJ isn't higher in the rankings was the Vietnam dumpster fire.

My bad, I meant Andrew Johnson

>. He can't get something the Republicans have been bitching about for 8 years straight repealed with a supermajority

If you are talking about Obamacare, that's because they don't want to repeal it. A large part of their base doesn't realize that the Affordable Care Act and Obamacare are the same thing. They hate Obamacare but love the Affordable Care Act.

If Obamacare was actually repealed, a large part of the Republican base would be in an uproar over the Affordable Care Act being repealed, and not just Obamacare.

>Democratic scholar

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This. Modern politics is straight entertainment now. He says some valid things here that I wish could make talking points in some sort of actual civic discourse, but it's drowned out by his belligerent tweets fueled by diet Coke, "diet pills", and hours plus of daily television all among a number of sexual scandals that are degenerate as all fuck.