Should I join the military? Im not really scared of dying in combat and im not scared of boot camp...

Should I join the military? Im not really scared of dying in combat and im not scared of boot camp. The only thing that is stopping me is hazing. I dont want to walk into my first unit or whatever and have a bunch of angry guys yelling at me and telling me shit for being new.

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Depends entirely on the MOS you want and what you want out of it.

Are you a turbo sperg who thinks you will somehow get friends in the military? Almost certainly not. You will be bullied and ostracised. You will be the weird stinky guy that no one associates with and who makes their NCOs life a living hell because for some goddamn reason you can't shave or shower and you store piss in bottles.

If you want some money and housing and food and a good base to launch a new successful life then it is good tier. You literally can't be fired.

Just don't think you are going to somehow make friends if you have never made friends in your life. Those jocks and """Chad""" who bullied you in highschool? Guess where they fucking ended up? In the military.

You will definitely do better in something like Signal. Under no circumstances should you go combat arms if you are asking this question on Jow Forums you will be bullied mercilessly.

This is pretty spot on.

OP if you do decide to join the Army, aim for a 25 or 35 series job. They have most of the Army's autistic population. I'd go 35 series for that Top Secret clearance, assuming you can get it.

Im a fairly normal person im just socially awkward, also Im not joining to make friends, im actually worried that I wont make friends for some reason

Ok, tell us more information, where you're from etc.

Number one rule, don't pick a retard tier job, a good rule for most countries is go Air Force

I want to join the marine infantry

question for anyone who might know:
if i join the army to be a medic and ww3 starts, will i still get to kill people, or will i just go around healing comrades all day?

You shouldn't?

Also that doesn't answer my question, but I'll guess U.S

Infantry is bad for a few reasons.

1. Fucks up your body
2. Heightened chance of deployment/ combat (a bad thing!)
3. No qualifications that apply to shit
4. Payed in dog biscuits
5. Gruelling course to become one

You are 100x better off getting a trade/ doing literally anything else in general, assuming you couldn't become and officer

>not scared of dying in combat

stopped reading there. youre bullshitting yourself and none of us are falling for it. you may think that now but when death is knocking on your door
youll be shitting bricks and praying to god in a final act of desperation. its the survival instinct we all have and posting about it on Jow Forums dosent make you any more ready for the end of the road.

I'm giving this a 100% chance of being bait

This absolutely, I've seen a million and one dumb kids who think they're John Rambo shitting themselves when push comes to shove

>not scared of bullet or explosion
>words hurt me please no

It's past your bedtime you fucking pathetic faggot.

Im colorblind so infantry is the only cool thing I qualify for. Everything else is just supply and cook and admin and shit like that

you wont be on the battlefield. they will bring the injured to you and youll fix em up the best you can.

no killkng fotlr you unless you kill your own comrades.

>not scared of dying but scared of hazing
okay my dude

>cool thing
nope, you should take a really long hard look in the mirror and think really hard about why you want to do this.

If you come back to 'it's pretty cool aye', then do something else, retards like you are the reason that the U.S military continues to scam people

You need to learn they don't give a fuck about you and if you join you need to take as much as you can and give as little

why would it be bait?
can you be a combat medic, or is that a thing of the past now?

I've heard that rule #1 of being a medic is to return fire. In ww3 you would certainly get to kill people; however, if you join now, you'll just be handing out asprin and shit.
>implying you have enough life experience to have your word mean anything in this discussion
>it's another newfag who enjoys putting people down for no reason post
kys yourself

I am obviously scared of dying, its just a different kind of fear

die for my freedom , wagie !!

surely you could do medical healthcare stuff on the level of enlisted

If you really want to be infantry than just do it. You'll hate it, it'll suck, your legs might get fucked up, but most guys who did infantry and get out would choose it again. Just do your 4 years and use the GI bill. There's really no hazing beyond boot camp besides getting verbal abuse

because of the retard tier way you phrased it

"killin' pipl'

how about you don't see the military as a tool to exact some sick murderous desires on people

you don't want that, jesus

Americans are so uncivilised

Surely you can go do something retarded in a service that isnt 'dah muhreens'

I'm 28 and haven't done shit with my life. If I'd joined the military I'd be out for a few years by now with money in my pocket, preferential hiring in loads of jobs, or I could've gone on to be a PMC and make 30k/month while deployed, retire at 40 having lived a life of well paid danger and adventure around the world. As it is, I'm going to be working menial jobs until the day I die. Stupid hippie parents convinced me that the military was bad in every way so I avoided it like the plague until I finally learned to shake off their conditioning around age 26. I could've joined up in 08, served a couple tours in Iraq, be bored out of my mind interspersed with moments of intensity, then become a PMC in my mid 20s and rake in ten times the pay for the same bullshit.

Oh well, the opportunity is passed. Gotta go to bed now to make it to work tomorrow.

what is the top age to enlist?

why else would anyone join the military?


don't tell me people buy this meme

the high paying positions almost exclusively recruit from sf units

besides, you literally do the worst job on the planet, fight, probably get injured, captured or die with practically zero rights as a combatant

>he wants to fight and die for a government that hates him, that is a puppet state of Israel

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The Air Force typically closes the door to recruits at age 39 The Marines close it at 28, and both the Army and Navy limit the maximum age to 34. The Coast Guard has both doors open to applicants asoldas 39

And whats the deal on foreigners enlisting?

This. If you're a directionless 18-to-20-year-old with no way to pay for college (and don't know what you'd study anyway) the military is your ticket out of a meaningless life of dead end jobs and financial insecurity. You learn employable skills, get discipline, get money, get fed/housed/healthcare, and afterwards you get the GI Bill and tons of other perks, not to mention people buying you beers because you're a veteran.

You dun goofed user. Can't you still enlist at 28?

seriously? thats whats scaring you? Im about to hit the fleet soon and i know whats coming for me
but its definitely not the hazing. If you are physically and mentally strong just deal with it in a way thatll make them respect you

Tell me about the GI BiIl plox

gi bill is enacted about 2 years into your military service assuming you have a 4 or 5 year contract (dont know how 2 year contracts work) but basically its about $80,000 for college about 3 years. I should get it in about 1 year

>I should get it in about 1 year
i thought only combat vets get it

where the fuck did you hear that? every military member with at least 2 years service gets it

>where the fuck did you hear that?
you told me

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oh i forgot to mention im not the same user
anon above is a retard

people are not gonna buy a pog a beer
with zero combat experience

>turbo autist thinks real life is like video games

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why would you sell yourself to the imperial war machine and sacrifice your life for the profits of the wealthy? it's literally the most cucked thing you can do.

because you get to kill foreigners in other countries and its legal

why not take that rage out on those who are actually responsible for making your life shit, rather than some poor fuck who never did anything to harm you?

because ill get arrested and go to prison and or be put to death
Its not comfy, but even if i do die overseas, ill still be a hero to americans

>why not take that rage out on those who are actually responsible for making your life shit

I wish people would follow this advice, it irks me how teens would rather kill innocent children than kill politicians

war isn't comfy either user, neither is ptsd

both preferable to prison

i guess, but it's still cucked to sell your body to the military just so someone who doesn't give a fuck about you can become even more wealthy