Gf comes home from work

>gf comes home from work
>she appears to be really sad for some reason
>won't say why
>says she don't really wanna talk
>try comforting her by telling her how much I love her and how beautiful she is
>basically go into detail about every little thing I love about her
>tells me to stop and leave her alone

Hold me lads
It hurts

Ladies, how do I approach this situation?

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start touching her inappropriately
dont suck up to her thats cringy af

She doesn't love you anymore. She's found a new man who gives her more love than you ever could.

I'd call her a sulking fucking child. If she still doesn't talk she's been diagnosed with stage four brain cancer or something.

What about giving her space op?
The trick is giving her something nice when she decides she is ready to talk about it, not before

You literally just described what women do when they first cheat on you.

Currently giving her space.
Thanks for the advice user.
I am very new to relationships (I'm 25 and didn't start dating until this year)

use your charisma to turn her mood, if cant; otherwise:
its all over . she is cheating on you .

please say it isn't so, lads :(

She obviously got dicked down by Chad and feels bad for you. You should call her a whore, that usually works wonders for roasts

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all im saying is that right now you gave her some space. ok . but if that happens often .its all rekt.

Go about your day to day functions normally with only the required mannerisms, ya know... "hi. hello." , "have a good day at work", etc etc until she is ready to have "the talk" whatever it may be about, itll probably be at a bad time and out of nowhere, but it is coming... women are fickle creatures. If youre nice when shes mad it does not work like in the animes, she will get angrier and more irrational and WHATEVER the fuck shes so tiffed about, youll inherit if you try to console her when shes in moody bitch mode... just be what god made you... an uncaring man going about your day to day functions and not letting her bitchiness stop your M.O., by uncaring i mean aloof, cool with it, sort of eh a "meh whatever" demeanor without being too obvious.

dont ask women for advice on women cause they dont know shit about what they truly want. First off you never lay it all out on the line on girl unless its your wife and even then i would tread lightly. To have a long lasting successful relationship the woman needs to be more invested in it than you. 60/40 her/you. basically if you could of re done the situation you would of asked why she is sad, she would of said she really didnt want to talk, you would of said are your sure babe? im here if you need me, she would of said no go away, then you would of shrugged and said ok then went to do something productive like read or work in the garage or whatever (most likely play video games like a faggot though lets be real right op.) The men who cant keep a girl in a relationship long term make the fatal mistake of assuming that once you have her you can slack off and just tell her how much you love her and that you would do anything for her. This is a wrong and will inevitably lead to her wanting something else, something that she might think is better than you.
TLDR; 60% her, 40% you

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What, for real?
I though women wanted to talk about their emotions

Yes and no.
People need time to process things.
Men can process stuff instantly because being inside a man's head is pretty much living life with a cartoon soundtrack playing.
You don't fucking care it's all whacky races shit and you're invincible.

Women are fearful neurotic wrecks and the music in their heads is the shrieking violins from the Psycho shower scene.

Yeah, we all fall for that one. Think about this, would you want to talk about the issue with the person who is the source of the problem? You'd literally talk to anyone else first.

Not trying to make her out as a bitch, but this is a prime learning experience for you. Be on your toes, and internally scrutinize everything she does.

Women typically don't hide shit unless they feel they need to, to protect themselves. Otherwise they blab about anything and everything if they don't have a horse in the race.

If you try to force it out of her, she'll get angry and spin it off on you. If you do nothing, she'll get angry and spin it off on you.

The correct course of action would be to put all your energy into finding out what pissed her off. Be thorough, but be discrete.

God speed user.

Either it's :
a) her period
b) she has cheated on you and "feels bad because you're such a great guy" even though she will do it again
c) has had a sudden realisation that she doesn't want to be with you

Either way fuck off normie etc

why don't you go to with the rest of the stupid fucking normie cunts you piece of shit

give her space my dude - if something just happened - she just got home from work and wants to unwind. Instead of trying to talk to her about it, help her do something that she would do herself - pour her a drink, make her some food, fuck her throat.

Just be supportive.

Fuck off ye cunt. A robot gets a gf and suddenly he graduates R9k and no longer is one of us?

They just instantly become Chad the second they hold a hand?

This ain't no fucking seekrit club. A robot is a robot for fucking life son. You can leave the board but the board never leaves you

I wish they would leave the board but evidently that's too much to ask of cassanova here.

Bro, non of us are a Chad on any level, let alone fucking Casanova.

I don't get where all the animosity comes from, you can't handle the prospect of someone on your level doing better than you? Is it that no one could possibly be on your level and everyone just has it too easy to be worth spit on this board?

Get a grip.

>A robot gets a gf and suddenly he graduates R9k and no longer is one of us?
Actually yes

Buddy is Reddit down.
What's going on here?
I've never seen so many people post retarded out if touch shit before.
It's not even summer yet.

>finally got a gf this year
>lost virginity to her
>didn't magically become Chad
>still just as autistic

why you lying to me, lad?

Sounds like she's guilty about cheating and won't tell you. My ex did this shit. abort

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Oh all right I'll just take that and fuck off th-

Come on, you can do better than that. There's no discernable difference between two robots locked in a room. If I asked you to point out the norm and there virgin, youd be relying completely on the 50/50 chance.

You wouldn't be able to pick them apart, lest one is obviously the more unfortunate robro.
Been here longer than you bub.

Hes right ,get the fuck out of here normie

Looool dude only newshits use the summer meme to fit in, has been like this for years.

Her boyfriend broke up with her maybe?

I've been posting on this site for ten years, you are wrong.
You should be lurking.

Girlfriend has a problem? You:
>you seem down/quiet everything okay?

Doesn't feel like sharing or doesn't think you can help?
>all right, I'll be here if you need me
Then give her space.

Don't force or demand physical, emotional, or intellectual intimacy. It's a bitch move that won't earn you any points.
Don't reward sulky, withdrawn behavior with praise, affirmations of love, or gifts. It makes you look needy, when she may want emotional strength and stability.

Oh boy, ueah OP, give her all the "space" she needs. Big black space she gets at work, its better that what you could ever give her.
I do not see how it can go wrong

stop being fucking clingy
they just play the hard to get kind of shit
I simply dont give a fuck about them, until they come and beg for my attention