Minimum Acceptable Height, Dick Size, Income, etc

I wanna hear what the consensus is on the cutoffs for these several categories
>minimum acceptable height
>dick size
>n-count (im a guy but fems can add)

essentially my question is, if you wanted to create someone who just passed all the minimum requirements what would that look like? I see a lot of disagreement on here. here's mine (these aren't my own stats tho)

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i think yours are spot on but height should be 5'11

>minimum acceptable height
>dick size
whatever average is I guess 5in
Same or less than serious relationships

wow he looks really kissable no homo

>minimum acceptable height
>dick size
4 inches i guess
>n-count (im a guy but fems can add)
just dont be a manwhore


Attached: fizzy.jpg (499x360, 47K)

Taller than 5'4
Enough to sustain the both of us

I think my standards are pretty fair.

the fuck are you female?

>minimum acceptable height
Taller than the girl he's going for
>dick size
Completely dependent on the girl's vaginal depth.
Dependent on the current cost of living in his area
>n-count (im a guy but fems can add)
Literally does not matter

What's that? Nonce count? I would hope it's only like one or two for most women

>minimum acceptable height
>dick size
6 inches
6 figures

if you don't meet the 3 6's don't bother. i am a girl by the way.

6'3 is the bare minimum, you really want to be at least 6'4 to be in the clear

anywhere from 6'4-6'6 is ideal, you risk lanklet status if you go too much higher, but if you have good bone structure and a good build you can look good all the way up to 7' and above

7 inches is really the minimum so far as length, girth is also important. You gotta have at least 6 inch girth. It's important to remember that if you go to far above 8 inches you might start becoming too big for lots of girls, which is also a problem. Having a big dick isn't always a good thing, I can speak from experience there.


you gotta have at least 100k. That's just common sense.


doesn't really matter if you fit the above

what's the minimum women standard?

typical satanic semen demon

not fat

This is now original

i understand the other two but whats wrong with 70-80k you cuntbag? thats plenty

Dunno about the height or income but the dick's gotta be at least six inches

Yes, I'm also a KHHV so that might explain my considerably low standards.

5'8", the taller the better until 6'4"
>dick size
>n-count (im a guy but fems can add)
Whatever as long as he's not diseased

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Am I the only girl here who thinks n-count is the most important thing a man can have?!

then spit it out, how many

A man with an n-count greater than 1230ppm is what most women desire

i can't believe women post on this board. anyways, this is pretty solid. and i take it pic related is your conception of a desirable guy?

parts per million?

Dressing up as a girl doesn't make you a girl, you fucking tranny.

I got 7 inches, 200k salary, n-count on 12 but I'm only 6 feet. Am I fucked? I can always just get a gold digger right? Or do I earn too little?

If we're talking bare minimum of what you need to be a passable guy, my list would be:

--6'0" - This is the shortest a man can be w/out losing his man card
--6x5" - Length x Girth
--$50,000 - Decent income if you're living alone
--At LEAST 8 - I know people's circumstances vary, but at LEAST 8

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6'0" is just making it. You can still consider yourself a man, user.

You should be fine, 6'0 is not manlet status it's just not "tall" and being able to make up for it with money and dick is fine

Just remember, as far as "exceptional" men go, you will be average. So don't try to punch above your weight.

6 figures
The number of the beast

20 by freshman year of college

>6 figures
What a laugh. Good luck finding someone with that income that isn't over the age of 40.

this, the 6s club are the number to have. other than that you're out.

get to a normal city. At 21 you can make 100k already. You will pay crazy rent price but don't brag about this part.

>minimum acceptable height
I don't care about that.
>dick size
Just not very small, 3 inches is acceptable
I also don't care too much, if he is a great person he can be a househusband
>n-count (im a guy but fems can add)
Not over 4 (0-1 is ideal)

6 figures is nothing fancy. Maybe back in the 60s it was something but nowadays it just means about average(for people who aren't bottom of the barrel trash). Just look at some job listings if you don't believe me. People in their 40s should be making about twice that, at least in America.

6ft, im 5'10 sooo it really narrows my choices :/
enough that we can live comfortably, as long as we are frugal
doesnt matter

Saving it, I take it?

Rather low standards. I take it you're no prize yourself?

If you are a girl, you shouldn't have problems dating shorter men.

What the fuck is n-count?
Amount of niggers owned and accounted for?

what is n count?

some normalfag shit.

Why, are you chubby yourself? A titcow?

>According to the US Census Bureau persons with doctorates in the United States had an average income of roughly $81,400. The average for an advanced degree was $72,824, with men averaging $90,761 and women averaging $50,756 annually.
This board is such a fucking meme

Yeah fucking right you're a girl. I've seen enough faggots on this board to know not to trust you.

not minimum acceptable but imo minimum ideal is just the rule of 6:
- at least 6' tall
- at least 6/10 face
- at least 6" dick
- at least 6 figure salary

The people on this board are legitimately retarded.

holy fuck you just solved poverty user congratulations

no 6ft 200k/yr people browse r9k lmao

stop LARPing

>being this bare minimum
kek enjoy dating some cheating landwhale lifelet

Good developers make 100k out of the gate. In the states. More like 80k in Europe, but the cost of living is better there mostly for where the good jobs are.