*Cures your introversion"

*Cures your introversion"

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Alcohol does this as well

More like cures my hunger.

*for 90 minutes*
*then makes it twice as worse for the next 8 hours*

It literally doesn't do that at all, if anything it makes me even more introverted because I'm focused on something and more aware of whether I'm doing stupid shit.

Alcohol only makes you go numb if your base personality is introverted, yeah you get more desinhibited, but that just isnt enough most of the time (remember that alcohol is a depressant)

Stimulants in the other hand activate the "fight or flight" response in your brain that makes you be more inclined to take risks and therefore more inclined to end up doing stuff like asking you crush on a date.

It just makes me sweat and gives me more anxiety. The sweating makes me more nervous and anxious, resulting in more sweating. It's like a positive feedback loop from hell. I have a script, but I refuse to take it unless I'm alone and have to study.

Don't ever fuck with amphetamines robots. It'll just make your problems worse.

Sounds like you're just being retarded
Sadly there is no medication for that

>for 4-6hours
Which is why people take it twice a day. One in the morning, again at midday.
>but but you shouldn't need medication to function!
It's better than not functioning at all. Which is an extremely tough concept for people to fucking grasp. "I don't like meds/I don't need meds so you shouldn't either." and "I'm going to project my views on everything onto you because I get off to controlling other people's lives."

I fucking hate people,

Give me my fucking medications back. Instead of drugging me with other meds that DON'T FUCKING WORK.

not that user, but for what reason are you using amphetamines?

>taking adderall regularly to curb social anxiety
The state of the modern autist

you're clearly under the influence for missing your second use of an asterisk, instead replacing it with quotation marks.


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>hasn't heard of vyvance
not gonna make it

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i got diagnosed ADHD and took these for about 3 years. i actually hated them because they didnt seem to do anything then made me horribly depressed once they wore off. i would literally crush tablets and snort them just to try to feel its effects and still got nothing. idk if they are actually just placebo or if my mind is just fucked up.

can't stop thinking about a million things literally every second of every day while at the same time never, ever being able to enjoy anything at all. Like, I can't finish a movie in a single setting. It takes 3-4 times to watch any movie. I'm so mind numbingly bored all the fucking time no matter what, which causes my mind to wander to anything and everything.

Not what I took it for but it was a nice bonus. Same thing for the energy boost. Normally, I'm an extremely lethargic person, even though I can never focus and still have the tendency to fidget or play with shit constantly. Or doodle. Mostly doodle.

See, in school everyone just thought I was too smart for my classes (which I mean... I was) to the point they made me bored but in reality I was just so fucking autistic and ADD that I was unable to do any of the work.

But they don't want to give me meds anymore because psychiatrists are fucking retarded.

Coming down from a meth binge pretty hard rn I literally feel like a robot lol

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Mind elaborating some user? I never tried meth but it's rampant here in TX.

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I think you're the President

I'm actually in Texas. And kinda sorta, the first all nighter you feel unstoppable. Confident and energized and whatnot. But for me after bingeing w/ no sleep for 2 or 3 days my mind shuts down completely. My brain feels like it's been in a microwave rn but I tried to fall sleep and couldn't so here we go again ig

I took addys once and that's exactly what happened, it was fucking nuts. Lost my appetite too.

I say we link up and hit the clubs desu. Im in SA.

I binged some etizolam and alcohol yesterday, which was pretty fun.

In the US can you order modi or addi online?

if you keep it within the recommended dosage and have something for the comedown it's probably the best drug ever. I use twice a week and don't binge and it's really improved my life more than anti-depressants ever did, the keys just not to abuse it or become dependant on it to do tasks you don't want to do.

Don't mix benzos and alcohol senpai, you can end up ded

It's fun and I don't really have a problem with dying, which is why I do it. In the worst case all of it will be over, which I'm fine with.

But getting spun and snorting a line up my nose every 30 minutes can be so much fun.

Anybody here ever actually experiment with meth at therapeutic dosages? I like getting pretty geeked tf out so I haven't myself but I can kinda sorta see how it would help.

where the fuck are you people buying this if you didn't lie to your psychiatrist?

It is. I'm not going to pretend I've never pulled an all nighter, but it just diminishes the good effects and exasperates the bad effects for me (I also never get any thing worthwhile done after the first 24 hours anyway) i almost always end up regretting it and almost always end up in a depressive state for the next few days to a week. Also, tolerance is a bitch and it just feels like waste after the second dose.

Online, or a friend with a script. If you go to uni there's almost always someone who knows someone too.

hmm.. really makes you think and stuff

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I don't think it's do-able unless you have rock solid self control, the come down just causes such a compulsion to redose. Amphetamines like speed would be more effective I think since they're not as hard on the comedown unless you binge heavy. I do know people that oral meth in low doses but they're addicts.

This. It's more cost effective, and orally it feels about the same as Dexedrine, (aside from lasting longer) but it's a slippery slope, and at least with pharmaceuticals you know what you're getting.

Adderral is good in theory, the problem for me was that its strongest effect by far was to increase my libido, so while I could focus/work more in public situations, any moment I was home I'd just spend fapping.

Ask around. There is always someone who's getting a script off their parent's insurance and hates taking them so they'll sell them or give them away.

I've always found is easy to control yourself if you jerk off before hand, and have a little bit of self-control ofc.

all these decades of drugs existing and someone still is not at the point where sober life feels even more weird than when ure highaf

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>everyone says they become horny fuck machines on adderall
>my dick completely stops working
>can look at porn for 10 minutes and not feel a thing
>get bored of it and go back to studying/whatever

I jack off like 5 times a day without it though so who knows?

*makes your dick shrink
This is like a cosmic joke, the only thing that makes me talk to girls without them thinking that I'm a retard, and I can't fuck them because adderal gives me limpdick.

>introversion is something to be cured

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see Also pic related, introverts are the niggers of the workplace

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>Tfw alcohol makes me either try to kiss people as a loljoke or makes me cry buckets while I say shit like 'we're all gonna die'
>Either way cringe as fuck
>Remembering the instances where this happened makes me want to kill myself out of shame

>take this
>talk to people
>later i think about all the stupid shit i said
>feel even worse
epic simply epic

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>tfw brainlet and introverted
why even live?

>not being smart enough to realize you need to lie on personality tests for a job

Even when I was a teen applying for my first job I knew pretending to be extroverted as fuck was the way to go, even if you don't behave that way at all IRL. It's not like they ever cross reference your behavior with the test, it's just for initial vetting.

Anything legal where I don't have to fake adhd?
Does it work for social anxiety (this and other meds)

Is it worth the long term implications?

I went to the doctor for anxiety issues and ended up with a prescription for Propanolol, which just physically calms my heart and nerves.

I feel like anything else is masking the problem and can only leave you worse off in the end.

Why do mods delete my post

anyway resposting

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>saying you play video games in a fucking JOB INTERVIEW

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provide me with the goods dad, they put me off the meds months ago and they don't allow you to buy those in here from a pharmacy without a paper from the psych stating you need them

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>>Why do mods delete my post
was racist bait desu
why people with such a lack of self awareness attack introverts is beyond me
i would put adam in the customer service desk
dealing with people that enter frustrated, and if he's good, leave satisfied should build up his confidence dealing with he public
once he's got the lay of the land i'd put him with my best sales guy
adam sounds smart
could be a selling machine once he's learnt the right skills
who knows

it makes it worst my mind goes faster and get even more absorbed in thought

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How's it going doctor goldstein

Vyvance is just extended release dextroamphetamine which is a less potent medication than Adderall . So i'm not sure what you mean at all.

Stimulant were great for a while, but my body got so used to them that I could take a 70mg vyvanse or a 50mg adderall rx and go straight to sleep. Then the stupid doctor never wants to prescribe me enough. I 'd burn through a 30 day script in 15 days and go through withdrawls for 15. Eventually quit. Great for the few years it lasted though, would recommend. Makes videogames super fun for me.

*keeps you up for 24 hours and makes you write a 5 page essay on why religion is actually a disease that mutates to adapt to our separatist insincts. you feel like a genius writing it but it's completely illegible.

I have narcolepsy so I have a prescription for modafinil.

>causes tooth decay
>causes "bipolar disorder" ("treatment emergent hue hue hue")
>causes tardive dysphoria (Uncurable "depression")
>causes permanent dependence
>causes impotence/noodle dick/women to laugh at you
>causes you to be unable to actually masturbate
>creates orgasmic dysfunction too
>fucks with your hormone levels
>horrible crashes
>raises seizure probability
>adds 7 years of aging to your face via the SRI component of its MOA
>makes you bald

This shit literally has no bright side and exists only to make you like school, make you like a minimum wage job and make you like ugly/fat people.

Less potent my ass

Levoamphetamine is an adulterant. It has no medical purpose at all. The racemic mix is just a way for shire to make jew shekels and you goy bought it.

This won't even work for me. Am I literally supposed to front load the shit 400 mg at a time?

Love is the cure *sigh* romantic love.

Too bad oneitses are rare, and oneitis quality women can never be sex workers :( like no matter how pretty the sex worker, she will always be a stripper or hooker....

Wow and I thought the switch from meth to this was safe.

I can do that legibly via a fucking keyboard without adderall.

I can do it now considering the idea is already put into place but nobody would give a shit regardless of whether or not it was articulated properly. It's a cope.

fucking this

it happens a lot

but if i drink alcohol with it seems to work better for some reason

>not taking valium every day
I feel bad for you. I'm a literal god.

benzos are memes