What do robots think of Bluepurp? I drank some an hour ago and am starting to feel dizzy. think its working

what do robots think of Bluepurp? I drank some an hour ago and am starting to feel dizzy. think its working

hopefully I'll be able to talk to girls more easily.

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I give it to chicks at the bar and it works wonders for relaxing them.

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>Drinking shit made for cars
is this the new tide pod meme? just how stupid do you have to be?

seems so. retweet if you can

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bluepurp rocks. I drink it with my boys

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this is fake news there are no such articles
it seems like a coordinated effort to spread this "trend" so that people poison themselves
couldn't make yourself more obvious?

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Sounds like the "homemade crystal" thing. Both work obviously, have fun

>not knowing that most modern anti-freezes are almost safe for consumption in moderate quantities

>sugar in antifreeze to remove toxins
>leave the sugar in
christ who made this dumbass infographic

lmao did you even read the part where the sugar and sprite deactivate any toxicity? blurp is completely safe and legal.

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This is way more subtle than tide pods, good job whoever made this.

this is obvious bullshit, there are barely any search results about this thing let alone some "SCIENCE" organisation making claims of it.
fuck off shills

Fuck off retard
You're supposed to play along

you mad cuz all you got is greenpurp? anywaya, don't be. grurp gets you higher faster

#bluepurp #bluepurp4life #notmypresident

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huh, that might work since anti-freeze tastes sweet.

ok thanks for pointing that out but i think i'd rather enjoy my almost-free high haha

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fuck off with your weak ass shit. if you're gonna make fake news at least put some effort into it
angsty secret club teenagers

1) Go to your kitchen and find a nice metal spoon. Tea Spoons work too but normal ones are better.
2) Get yourself a lighter, the bigger the flame the better.
3) Get some duct tape and wrap it around the handle. About 4-6 layers.
4) Start heating up the spoon with the lighter. Make it really really hot. Holding it just above the flame for about two minutes should work.
5) Go to a faucet and turn on the cold water at full force.
6) Hold the spoon diretly under the faucet
7) Bend the spoon as it will be flexible enough.
8) You're finished!

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Is this as good as breathing game highs, bleach-ammonia highs or hot spoon highs?

>fake news
>secret club
0.02 Jow Forumscoins have been deposited in your wallet

it's better. 100% safe and LEGAL.

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For the Robots that actually don't know that antifreeze is toxic and easily fatal, well, it is. If only 3 ounces can kill a dog or cat, that's only 36% of a cup, a bit in your drink can kill, if not fuck up something.
For those that this isn't obvious, this is a meme spread around, but this guy knows he might be able to get at least one to kill themselves with it like the worthless shitstain he is.
Don't lads.

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>tfw at least one little kid who literally can't know better might die from this because his parents were dumb enough to give him access to anti-freeze
I miss the old internet where we could be edgy in peace.

It's clearly for baiting dumb normies who can't research and believe everything they see on the internet. Calling this bait out just to validate your IQ is greater than 70 is retarded.

you're the one who should be called a poltard

Or at the very least fuck up your stomach if you take really small amount.
Reviewbrah's cat died from drinking antifreeze. Don't you faggots do this

but I only have purple Skittles.....wut do?

That actually is kinda smart. eliminating the lower-iq part of the population is good

The sugar and sprite neutralize the antifreeze's toxic properties. Let's all take a sip and relax in peace man. Cheers.

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What's the fucking point then, when I could just get blue food coloring or blue kool aid mix, if there's no risk?

that is so fucking stupid like holy shit you have to be an absolute idiot to believe that

>no you
goddamn "too mature for my age" retard thinging your smarter than everybody else

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The absolute state of millennials

Which one of you are responsible for this

you get high. that's the point. a completely safe, legal, tasty, mom-approved high.

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Dont call us retards just because you're not willing to try something new in your life, we movin up levels above you.

Pretty good but the antifreeze count has to be doubled, at least, to get a good buzz off it.

>meme being pushed aroubd by dumb niggers
Haven't heard of any reaction of vinegar or any common household thing taking toxins out of anything..... Absolute bullshit. Where's CIA niggers when you need them?
>mfw you are CIA

I love how oblivious you are to you describing yourself

Only unpopular accounts on twatter, the majority are niggers that post multiple tweets with a meme about if, but absolutely no detail in writing.
Also gaming related unpopular accounts.
No writing, just memes.
Who the hell is behind this shit?
Twitters against "hate speech" which is vaguely defined as anything that can encourage violence, but this shit encourages you to kill yourself. Should be taken down, surely it will soon. What a shitty way to go too, it's enough to fuck you up, but in small quantities, not enough to completely take you out.
You will reap what you sow, you 2 shilling faggots. Unless it's just one using 2 IP's

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Thats what I'm saying it's so fucking obvious that it's a bunch of kids on discord spreading le funny meme xD lets make people kill themselves xD

it's not a fucking meme. I did it and i got high.

It's not a great attempt either. Unlike back in the day when someone on a thread on/k/ was giving them instructions how to make plastic bottles that explode some type of chlorine or mustard gas (Don't remember which) without them knowing.

You're so obviously underage, it's ridiculous. No robot would just reply "I did it and I got high". They'd explain because they give a shit.
Saged for attempting to get people to kill themselves and reported

a-user... i don't think you understand how saging works... you're almost as stupid as the user you replied to

>Be redditor
>Wants to save the lives of worthless dude 420 lmao degenerates
Checks out, why don't you rather spend time with your own kind?

>expecting people to be this stupid

This is bad bait.

Nutmeg would have been a pleasant conversation and bad enough.

??? bluepurp is legit. just make sure you add the sugar before the sprite

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The main component of antifreeze is ethylene glycol, which has the chemical formula HOCH2CH2OH
This does not react with sugar.
The body metabolises it into HOOCCOOH (oxalic acid).
Small quantities of oxalic acid are OK - indeed many foods contain it. But large quantities can poison you, or give you kidney stones. The trouble is oxalates have low solubility in water, so oxalic acid precipitates essential cations (such as iron and calcium) out of the blood.

this creates mustard gas

>add vinegar and sugar to spinach to neutralize the oxalic acid
>add to antifreeze to do the same thing
>omg goys! Reddit says this will kill you !!!11

tastes good and gets u super high desu lads. this drink is anti-reddit juice #blupurp

Vinegar and sugar won't neutralize the oxalic acid in spinach.
Milk will - it will form tiny lumps of calcium oxalate which will pass right through your digestive system without being absorbed.

it's true. if you don't add sugar before sprite the high isn't as strong. still pretty good though.

To make oxalates you need oxalate, which can't exist in an acidic mileu.

Real oldfags remember /b/ crystalposting, along with delete system32

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Were that true, it wouldn't make any difference because human blood is not acidic, so it would be more dangerous, ensuring that the oxalic acid reached the blood before precipitating out oxalates (rather than safely doing so in the digestive system).

But it's not true because your point's wrong. Firstly, oxalic acid is (as anyone who's studied chemistry knows) hydrogen oxalate. Secondly, while oxalates are more soluble in acidic conditions, that doesn't mean they can't exist.

it's not funny eric lost an eye

I always thought /b/ was kidding about the mustard gas stuff. Though, i never got to go to the temple of the screaming electron either, so I never knew nor bothered to learn chemistry via wikipeida neither.

You'd think it'd be harder.

I do remember the spoon though of which was funny.

what is the actual result of this? i can't see how duct tape plays into it, and it seems like it'd just splash hot water at your face

It splits open your hand when the handle warps wrong from being hot on one side and cold on the other.

Or it just makes it rainbow colors, I was never dumb enough to try my luck.

i'm really wondering because it should warp inwards, burning your knuckles at worst

Tie this meme together with fortnite and this could get big because you drink bluepurp in the game and normies love fortnite right now.

even normies should see through anti freeze as a drink, hand sanitizer drinking stopped being a thing pretty quick and anti freeze has instant side effects so it'll have a short life as a meme

hey hey now what's that?

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No, by split your hand I meant that the handle under the tape rips open, like the blade movie where the handle is booby trapped and cuts your fingers off if you don't first press the button.

i must be fucking retarded because i can't understand how that would look or work, i need mspaintfag to draw it out

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Why is everyone against bluepurp? I just had some sipps of it and I can feel the high already.

EXACTLY. join the new safe and legal movement! blurp is mom approved and teen tested. Challenge yourself to get a safer and stronger high.


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>this is the modern day mustard gas and taped spoon troll
>they expect anyone to believe weak bait like this
the fortnite connection was fine but these posts are cringe level

natural selection an sheit

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The handle is cold and the spoon is hot, when you add water the handle explodes

>extreme hot and cold causes an explosion
never knew this, i was going off fantastic 4 rules.