I'm a femanon with aspd

I'm a femanon with aspd
why don't we exist on this board? My occupation was doing camshows but that ended. I've saved up more than enough to go to college and buy a studio. And have cheated on a couple guys before but now I'm alone

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>and have cheated on a couple of guys before but now I'm alone

I wonder why?

For a woman with AsPD (I assume you mean sociopathy), cheating on only two guys is a lot lighter than I would expect.

>I wonder why?
What do you mean by this
Mm well I've cheated on more than two but yeah it's lot anyways

if you cheat on someone you fucking deserve to be alone. I hope you get raped.

*Light anyways

fuck, i hate roasties so much, now this thread is gonna gum up the board. fuck you, seriously. you don't belong here and its fucking insulting that you think you do

Gentleman first user

why are you baiting
you know very well how guys from r9k are going to react to a "femanon" thread
and then you mention the cheating

are you actively trying to get bullied

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I'm not a gentleman though?

>did camshows
>cheated multiple times
i'm sure this is bait, but either way you're not wanted here

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>I'm not a gentleman though?

ASPD here as well, fun world

Hey fae

What's your current occupation? Prostitute?

I was a camgirl almost a year back but I quit since i've gathered all the money I needed

what name did you go by? i've probably fapped to you for free.

>baiting this hard
I'm curious, what do you actually get out of making a thread like this? Does having anonymous men call you a whore satisfy some kinda deep-seated mentally ill tranny feeling?

>female autists can live like NEET queens by showing their vagina on the internet

There is no justice in this world

it always gets (You)'s because of the huge amount of failed normies that inhabit this place now.

guys stop replying and let this post fucking die
its a obvious bait

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What's bait about it? Is having a vagina literally foreign language to you spergs

>tfw no camgirl gf who cuckolds me unknowingly

Jesus christ fuck off you massive whore. Even though I know you are just a lArping neckbeard
Trying to piss me off, the knowledge that such evil women actually exist make my blood boil.

Fuck off with this, if you have ASPD then you can't camwhore. I don't see how someone who has anxiety has difficulty talking to people and being with them, but somehow can get naked in front of hundreds of strangers and talk to them.

I don't have anxiety I'm just antisocial
learn to know what you're talking about

again this is a bait thread just stop posting

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It's not bait. I have proof that I am aspd

>I'm a femanon with aspd
Wrong. You're a woman with a hole and nothing more. Go choke on cock and do your job of getting inseminated you bitch.

Too robot 4 me

>mfw all these people falling for my bait
Holy FUCK you people are stupid

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False flag
youre not me and Im op

Stop fucking up my thread you fucking normalfag.

I see this thread is going very well. Hey OP, whats the craziest youve done sexually?

Remember to sage if you're going to respond to a bait thread.

Do you want to be a prostitute? Sounds like it would be your thing.

I've never thought of it though it sounds dangerous..

Only in Burgerland. You could do something like become a traveling escort, it's legal in most of Europe.

Legal where
where do you live at. Cuz I have only done camshows in my country

be my disgusting camslut to gather nudes from

No thanks
robots are not romantic material


Neither are you, and camslutting isn't romantic

Fully legal in places like Germany and Austria and Holland. Pretty much fully legal in places like Spain, UK, Poland.

I'll be your first client, and even pay you for a plane ticket to Europe.

Do you lie? That's the only thing that will make me leave someone. I don't care how much you sleep around or show off as long as you are open about it and don't try to hide it.

It wasn't supposed to be romantic
but alright