Im BPD and my boyfriend doesn't know this...

Im BPD and my boyfriend doesn't know this. Should I go about it in a bit or just push it aside until he realizes that I have it.

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Ok, I'll help you, but you need to answer me one question. Are you a male or female?

If there is even the possibility that you might cheat on him for any reason at all then tell him. Otherwise just let him figure it out for himself.

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How bad is your BPD?

You're not BPD, you just had shit parents and no boundaries as a kid. Stop using this meme illness as an excuse to be a shit person.

I think it'll be obvious to him eventually, but you should really think about the impact it might have on him and what the outcome would be. You know him most so what do you think? How does his personality fit in?

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Why would I cheat on him?

Just cheat on him and then convince yourself it was his fault. Your boyfriend now left with lifelong trauma, you can then move on to fucking up another guy's life for a few weeks of good idealization-stage relationship feelings.

He's pretty shy and sensitive
and we get along together since our humor matches so easily

Be forthright so that he knows whats up when you suddenly stop talking to him

>Why would I cheat on him?
Because BPD people are known to do that whenever they get pissed at their boyfriends for whatever reason.

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Is this the new psyop?

I am still wrapping my head around the logistics, but it might just work. Keep pushing it so I can see how it functions.

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Poor guy is probably going to kill himself when you inevitably cheat on him and then try to convince yourself it's not your fault because you're "BPD and I can't help it".

What the fuck is with BPD threads today, why is there so many?

He tried to kill himself before when I yelled at him when he was crying. I'm afraid of what might happen if I go away one day

Ok, well I have your answer. Off yourself. Nothing but suffering and heartbreak follow your path. Truly you'd be doing mankind a favor.

You should tell them otherwise they are going to assume that you or the relationship has changed, healthy communication is the key to lasting relationships i am sure he will be more understanding if he knows what is going on

I've cheated on my last boyfriend and I feel really bad. Haven't talked to him in a month since I met my new bf

>you:Brad, I have BPD
>Brad:Lol whatever, talk to me when I finish this PUBG match lol
>you: *fucks chad*

Why even bother

What is a psyop user

so not only are you a shit human being, but he's a weak little bitch as well. What a wonderful combination. I can't see anything going wrong here.

If he's a weak little bitch then he'll probably be like that for the rest of his life
so there's not much bad you can do to someone whos stuck like that. But i never faced him and told this to him.

>there's not much bad you can do to someone like that
I'm pretty sure causing someone to kill themselves, regardless of their mental fortitude counts as something bad. But hey, I'm not a cop or anything.

How? You're saying I'm responsible for killing someone if they kill their own self?

if you give them a reason to, yeah, you're at least involved in it.

What reason would that be? If Im mean to him? Sounds pretty pathetic

This is a PSYOP, newfriends.

Let the thread get pruned and move on.

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Shit is Jow Forums really that desperate?

It's Sierra and her beta fuck followers from her Discord group. This is their revenge on us for chasing her away.

(Sierra has BPD and blames it for all of her bad behavior, if you didn't know).

Link to her discord group? so we can fuck with her

Not a discord fag, sorry.

But join us here and we'll talk about in the resistance thread:

Thanks user
let's fight these goddamn nazis