I need your help, Jow Forums

I need your help, Jow Forums.

I think I am losing faith in god. I dont ever feel his presence and the theory of evolution seems so much more plausible to me. I also have some gay friends which are really chill guys and I all of my prayers dont do anything. I feel like miracles are just rare events now.
I tried reading the bible but I think I found a ton of contradictions and cannot come up with a way to explain them. I also realized the bible has been altered throughout hundreds of years and dont know which version is the most credible.
There is no valid evidence for me to reassure myself and I do not want to tell people I know about it because last time I asked about something in the bible they got extremely mad and tried to make me feel guilty about Jesus or something.

Can you guys help me or do you think I am better off as an Atheist? God wont answer me.

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Son. You are losing faith because your destiny has arrived. You need to get pineapples as soon as possible, I don't have time to explain but while you're at it fist them too! Good luck user. You'll need it.

if you're looking for an evidence based construct for evaluating problems or navigating life you're not looking for religion, really.

if you're not comfortable not having evidence for what you believe, you're not going to be able to just have faith in a god, or in miracles or prayer, etc. you're going to have to either find a way to be comfortable with your inability to prove your beliefs to be true, or start trying to form a cogent system of beliefs yourself.

>I think I am losing faith in god.
Good. God doesn't exist.
The only reason religion took root on you is because you were brainwashed as a child when your mind was vulnerable.

Choosing to believe that life and nature are amazing things worth protecting here and now during your permanence on this planet is going to make you a better person

oh, something i forgot: you do get to choose what evidence is sufficient (for yourself) to make you believe in what you believe. you can't tell people who don't agree that it is, but you can choose to feel it is for yourself.

this is a stupid sentiment. people who believe that "life and nature are amazing" aren't also 100% irreligious. and people who are religious do not automatically think they're not worth protecting "here and now". sit the fuck down, dude.

Two sentences were enough to conclude that I don't want to read the rest, if you want advice go to Jow Forums instead of ruining this board with your bullshit

What I meant is that there's nothing depressing with there being no afterlife, which is what religion is mostly about

"faith" is for idiots.
Godel's ontological argument has been computer verified a bunch of times.
Belief in God is a logical thing.

Why do people even care if god exists? I genuinely never have understood that.

It's like an ant wondering if Wi-Fi exists. Even if it finds out it does, it will never understand it and it won't matter in its short existence.

maybe not for you, sure. i'd argue that some people would be absolutely paralyzed with fear and anxiety in the here and now if it weren't for their belief in the afterlife. if that's what it takes to get people off their asses and trying to better themselves or their world, that's fine with me.

God is a chaotic neutral entity. He exists, but I don't think he loves everyone like Catholicism says. It's more like our relationship with ants, who gives a fuck about ants.

Attached: God left this place a long time ago.jpg (1278x716, 109K)

catholicism doesn't say god loves everyone. or at least not equally.

>who gives a fuck about ants.
I'm an atheist and I love ants, I never kill them and I like watching them do their thing sometimes. I love how small yet complex and fascinating life can develop on this Earth.

The ZOG wants you to move away from God. They'd rather have you care only about materialistic things and to be a good got by wageslaving to fill their pockets and live while you suffer.

Jo 15, 12-17

I used to give sugar to ants when I was a kid and punched a guy in my school for deliberately kill them next to me. There are some ants in my bedroom and when one bites me, I kill it. But I've never touched the nest. They are harmless to me.

You have to understand God through a phenomenological perspective. That is, existing in a world conceived of phenomena, as good and evil only apply to sentient actions.

Sciences deal with the physical perspective. That is, a world built up from inanimate objects. They cannot derive any morality.

Both perspective are useful and non-contradictory when you see them as such.

Kek what's with this Pineapple fisting shit? I've seen it everywhere

>tfw I lightly stepped on a bee once and it stung my toe
>my first thought was about the bee on the ground
>was happy when I saw it fly away

Why do you even want to be religious?

It's a shitty forced meme

Bee die when they sting you. That was a fucking wasp. Wasps deserve DEATH.

Lol it either just bit you or it died soon after

How can you believe in something that isn't defined?

inb4 faith; easily asserted, easily dismissed

If you think God is some sort of magical creature that lives on the clouds you are wrong.

Too be honest I think Christianity and Islam and Jews have it all wrong.

This is why I am a pagan
The gods of old, where not real people, they were symbols.
Freya is love, or femininity
Loki is deceit or lies
Thor is strength, or masculinity
Odin is wisdom etc. etc.

They have all stories about them, same as in the bible, just stories, with a meaning behind them where you can learn from.
Stories that teaches you values.

Dont wait for God to answer your questions,
You have to find them on your own.

>Bee die when they sting you.
They don't necessarily inject venom and detach the stinger when they sting.