All women that are 5'10 or taller are disgusting freaks of nature

All women that are 5'10 or taller are disgusting freaks of nature.

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Shut up, they're not! I want my 6' tall mommy gf!

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What's the name for a lanklet when it's a woman?

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A man

muh dicc

fuck you robot

Nope, amazon women are the future.

All men that are 5'8 or smaller are disgusting freaks of nature.

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The future is going to be filled with tall women and small men and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

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>tfw you're 5'7" and would gladly date 5'9" or taller woman.


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>tfw 5'6" and would gladly date 5'11" or taller woman

I think they sense it and are all scrambling scared desu

All women that are 5'10 or taller are cute

Not if you are tall you fucking manlet
If you are 6'5" 6'2" is fucking perfect since you can kiss her on her forehead and she can easily wear high heels without getting taller than yourself

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But it's always tall "men" who are scared by women taller than them because they feel emasculated.

The ugly ones yeah. The pretty+thin ones are goddesses.

We are saying they look fucking disgusting. They are genetic freaks, they hardly look human. Fuck off you desperate cunt.

*original and passive aggressive comment*

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lmao look at this pathetic tall "man".
good thing you're getting phased out my man.

i think mouths and foreheads are further apart than 3 inches.

> Someone saved one of my crops from last year

Geez user you're making me blush

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>implying what I am
>pic related, its both of you

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Yea this site knows.

Women under 5'7'' should be erased from the gene pool
Honestly though why are petite women so unattractive? Maybe they can pass as cute but only 5'11'' GODDESSES can be considered truly DESIRABLE, petite women should accept a fate where their greatest purpose is to serve as foot slaves to taller girls whilst being eliminated from every possibility to breed and pass on their inferior genes

Tall women are beautiful and must be protected.

This is the future (only even more pronounced) and there is NOTHING tall "men" or short "women" can do about it.

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by us manlets, we're bad at it but we are cute bois.