>'haha whos he'
>'oh lmao thats my brother, ignore him, he is a weirdo haha im sure he has never had sex hahaha'
what do you do
'haha whos he'
fuck you bitch why don't you take your whore friends and get the fuck out of here
good thing my sister is a big loser too so I know that this will never happen
>Fuck off, sis.
Then I go back to my room and don't leave until past midnight when everyone's sleep.
You originally know the drill.
>oh lmao thats my brother, ignore him.
Shows up as pic related.
What now roasties ?
>sure he's never had sex
>little does she know
Who else /sleepcreep/?
>girl with hairbun
the whole group sucks
>what do you do
The one on the far left.
yeah well your tacos suck and your taco parties suck, inger.
get bent
h-hi guys, i-im a-user
Well fuck you bitch. At least I have a job.
thank fuck i never had a sister, but if i did and this was said about me i'd probably lose my shit because im really autistic when it comes to people disrespecting me in my own home
Do whatever I want. Why would I care what a group of 17 year old girls think of me?
girls night in the lounge?
parents must be out
>"whatever faggot" walk back to room
>roll joint, walk back out past the girl and out the front door
>spark up and blaze it
>walk back inside, girls notice my *high* eyes and weed smell
>"user are you high?"
>ignore them and grab a taco shell from table
>*takes bite* "Yep" *walks away*
>these bitches want my weed, they'll come to me
>return to room, do some pushups for a bit of a pump, put on funny ass podcast, eat taco shell
>wait for the nominated sloot to poke her head in and ask about weed
Tell them to move up then eat all their food, cunts. Teach them to humiliate me.
I would unironically smile at them and then return with my dagger and stab them all.
>im sure he has never had sex hahaha'
I like how every KHV thread includes a line like this like women everywhere are always ready gauge how much sex a man has based on his looks. That's a very male way of thinking that you guys project way too much on women. That's why you're all running around with all this anger.
Yeah I don't count you when you're asleep either.
Jeez Ashley you act like I molested you not dad.
i might be a virgin but once you will be all asleep one of you is my first, so sleep tight ;)
>walks up behind the one in black shirt
>whisper into her ear
>ignores your lame stammering responses after they tire of toying with you and they get the tv working
why didn't you post the original, OP?
>go to kitchen
>get eggs
>throw eggs at girls
get buttnaked in front of all of them and urinate on them while apologizing for being a weirdo.
i cant get over the fact that these two setups have 2 couches and neither face the tv. what an awfully designed room
if they had 1 more single seater couch instead of that goofy footrest it would be ok but dam what a retarded setup
>you know firsthand I have had sex, sis
>tfw I unironically avoid women just because I think they will either ridicule me or talk behind my back
Women are just annoying loudmouthed niggers who enjoy being irritating cunts who "shittest" men.
Yeah, not to mention that one whore who blocks the TV.
>go to room
>get bible
>come back downstairs
>start reading anti degeneracy bible quotes
>Smile and say: what, are your friends offering?
They would probably leave in fear afterwards, but the keks would be many
Cropdust the room and leave
"yeah funny...oh sis I forgot to tell I picked up your yeast infection tablets this morning. Might want to take them before you go to the bathroom again. Oh and warn your friends about the smell. I've already warned your boyfriend for you"
>go back to my room after grabbing a sodipop
based original christbro.
Nice try jew, but we all know youre seen as a weirdo with deep potential psychological problems if people find out youre a virgin past the age of 20.
get an erection, waddle to my room. think about this moment while masturbating forever
Fucking absolute original audible kek
"Are you ashamed of our incest, sis?"
>walk out, leaving her friends in confusion
>Later, rumour spreads, ruining her life.
I dont have a sister so I'd be very confused
the only true response
Nothing but a taco shell?
>burp loudly
>Oh hey, what thottery do we have here? Try not to let the argument of who gets to fuck Chad next turn physical.
>grab beer from fridge
>Welp, sorry to miss out on what's surely riveting discussion but I'll be in my room if any of you wanna suck my cock
>turn around and fart as I walk away
>Blatantly pajeet
Deny knowing what sex is and show your dick while asking your sister when will she help you again with getting the dangerous poisen out.
nobody talks like that in real life, user.
Go in the and just be confident. Be yourself and I no time you'll be fucking each one inlcuding sis
>"Any of y'all want to change that for me?"
>Roastie giggling
does anybody else find this picture really weird?
Only one girl has a coke, yet they all have water. One water is lower than the rest, so they have clearly been sitting there a while. The coke is still unopened. Someone wanted a coke badly enough to get a coke, then they just sit there and don't open it? Why?
Also Tacos. Lets talk about tacos here. Of all food to eat on a plush rug living room, they go for tacos? Is that really the best option? Tacos are a messy food, even more so when you're going with hard tacos - which it looks like like they plan on supplementing their tortillas with. Do they have no regard for their carpeting?
Lastly, what is in the far left girls bowl that she would be eating with a spoon? Especially a short time before dinner? It all makes no sense! Ah!
fling spaghetti
>ew, gross I'd never touch you user
>you only say that because you aren't unconscious yet
>maybe your friend's not as picky considering she her with you
Women have some kinda innate fear of men.
The only correct option would be to walk towards them while starting to insult them with an aggressive voice.
>The fuck do you think you're doing here.
>If you don't have have anything better to than insult me, take you whore friends somewhere outside
Then I'd go to my room and deactivate the internet for them.
Obviously this only works, if you look a bit like a scumbag.
Thing is I'm an intense af person irl and I would crack their necks with ease. I lift weights and these whores lift starbucks cups. Should be easy.
>Be me
>have friends over
>shut-in neet brother comes out
>"oh lmao thats my brother, ignore him, he is a weirdo haha"
>he gets a weird expression on his face
>looks constipated
>he retreats to his room
>faint mumbling sound comes from his mouth
>2 hours later
>comes out of room again, stinks of weed
>"user are you high?"
>he glares
>picks up empty taco shell
>he mumbles something else mumble
He's gone back to his room, and there's been fucking wheezing and banging noises from there for the past 3 hours. What the hell do I do, /soc/?
They won't eat or drink anything they just think they're being funny
i would go to my room. look at their instagram-accounts and jerk it to those perfet white qts