>your age
>when (or how) did you fuck up
Your age
>Got into college but didn't go because my parents discouraged me.
>went to a high school of economics and finance instead of mathematics and informatics
I've been fucked since birth
>two times:
>when I was 15 and spoiled my only chance of a relationship by being an aloof, clueless sperg after she asked me out
>when I was 19 and dropped out of uni and cut contact with the few friends I had because I decided I can't be around people
idk when i fucked up exactly, i finished high school and just didn't really understand how to become an adult i guess
>drunk driving arrest, started working for my dad when I should have got a job somewhere else
>when I was 15 and spoiled my only chance of a relationship by being an aloof, clueless sperg after she asked me out
I think I can relate to that
The world would have been really different if I had said "yes" that day. Only one small "yes".
I was almost a Chad in my early years, but I changed schools and that boosted my self-loathing ways. It all went downhill from there.
>I slithered out of my mother's cunt
I didn't work hard in high school
Expelled from high school sophomore year.
Just enlisted in the US Army, leave for basic the 24th.
when I got an invega sustenna antipsyshitic shot. Ruined my metabolism and mind and personality
>Probably fucked up at 15. It's the age my depression really started taking over. I should've just offed myself back when I wasn't all drugged out. When I get to 30 or so I'll probably end up dead from an od or stabbed to death in an alley or something
Ever since I can remember I was different, at some point it just turned against my favor
>Anonymous 04/16/18(Mon)12:12:21 No.4472
got a new meme fresh off the docks for y'all:
(jew niggers)
this should save the precious time of those banterers and ranters, and those overblown ventilation systems wheretofrom hitherto and thushensetofor!
just remember to spell out jiggers in all caps, with comatic insertations of blustial importations in com
atose renderings. no noose long enough!
grease grease and two four floundering stoves. --------loose leaf tincturuous loose leaf tincturous glove. god of shunt and ting ting ding bat brunch. cap'n nunce, the blood of animal lunch!
a) i'm'a put down a jigger with dis trigger right heyuh, m'hm yes'suh.
b) be that one docile jigger over yonder, twixt thy radiant violent shunted awnings.
c) oh fuck its a nigger kike, back from the tomb to permeate our purest wombs!
--that's sourly out of touch, for the year ist 2018 and no longer does our glandular race proclaim the recreant word worlds of nigger or kike. from now on, ignoramous, promulgate the fresh tone of jigger for all those to hear
--oh fuck the jigger is beckoning ripely from the tomb! we must burgeon and bolster all virgin wombs of purest ancestry!
d) wuddup muh jigga, u peep dat new drake single.
--ee, fella, dat jigga got sum mad fierce fleece.
>too much videogames
>too autistic to hang out with normies, but too normie for the weirdos
>rejected approximately 4 girls becuase nervous
>went to art school
>bullied for the most part in school
>dad remarried with some crazy chick that I really disliked, we still have a rough relationship
>mom doesn't care much
Would it tough? It would feel great at first, but she would leave you eventually. Don't get me wrong, I think about that kind of shit a lot too
>when (or how) did you fuck up
Several times actually. I guess the most recent fuck up would be at age 20 when I lost the motivation to go to community college after my first semester, much to my parents disappointment. I'd like to personally thank whatever illness/issues I have for crippling my life in such a fantastic way.
19 years old. It was summer 2012 when I started falling into depression. I hardly could get out of bed. Dropped out of university, dropped out of driving courses, started binge masturbating and aimlessly spending my time on the internet. I felt dead back then. That continued for five fucking years. During this time I became a dumb, lying, degenerate amphetamine addict who either sat home and fapped or played mobashit or simulated going to university so my parents wouldn't be sad about me. I wanted this all to end.
I still can't believe the depression ended and I have to deal with the mess that is my life now. I could live a decent life now lads.
I'm 25 now, forgot to add.
>dropping out of High School and slipping into severe isolation
im you in 9 years. That feeling never goes away. Friends are hard to make
>age 31
Basically my life got fucked up at age 28
I've been successful for some time now and something happened to me when I turned 28
I realized for the past few years of my life I became a recluse
I basically focused on work, for years of my life and ended up being alone. Nobody from work really wants to be my friend or they dont even care about me that much
So i ended up developing depression from being alone for so long. Think about having a successful career and having your wealth increase every few months but you have depression
Sometimes you barely wakeup and get on a morning meeting with other companies meanwhile you're dealing with stress and depression
>I hardly could get out of bed
My dormitory years exactly, depression is a curse.
What does the future look like for you then?
Wait,so your depression ended a year ago right,but what caused it to end and what did you do for a year now that is different from what you did those 5 years?
I currently got a shitty coding job, I think I'm going back to uni next year. I hope. I'm lucky to have kind parents, otherwise I would have killed myself most likely
i was thinking about it too.
but then i remembered i hate jews.
still did my ASVAB (pic related)
i know its shit but you gotta understand engrish is my 4rth language
Due to some circumstances, I had to stop doing drugs. That kinda led me to trying to change my way of life, because I felt like I was gonna simply die like a dog if I at least don't try to improve.
Improved my diet first, than added some physical activity. Started going on contact with my parents and long forgotten peers. Tried changing my habits, sleep schedule etc. Pretty standart shit. It worked, surprisingly.
What's different? I got a job, I have interest in life, energy and will to improve. I don't want to fucking kill myself.
>16 when i dropped out of high school.
been living as a neet since then
>Currently fucking up in life since I dont have the encouragement to go to college. Might end up as an NEET so far.
>Thinking that being dark/mysterious would make you popular in middle school but in all actuality made you look like a edgy sperglord that everyone made fun of.
>going on contact with long forgotten peers
You mean friends?This seems like bad idea dude.Like if you stopped being friends years ago and they didn't try to contact you why do you do the step then ,fuck em'.They are probably thiking something like:
>Heh i'm probably really cool and famous that this loser i knew from years ago want to be friends again.
You shouldn't live in the past,i had 2 friends that i knew since i was a little kid but dropped them cause i realized they are idiots,like 4 years ago and i have no intention to ever contact them.As for other things,it's good that you are trying to improve.Were you doing hard drugs or soft like weed?
>23 in a month
>didn't work hard enough in high school
>suspended due to grades from a uni i had no business being in anyway with my shit grades and work ethic
>expelled from same uni after being readmitted for something i didnt do and the shit and unfair "due process" of the university
honestly if i don't get into the uni i'm trying to transfer to back home so i can just live rent free and focus on school then I'm just gonna enlist and consider my life fucking over at that point
>passed Hs with honors
>never had to open a book
>knew more bout certain subjects than the teachers
>go to ivy league college
>drop out first semester since could not withstand the SJW propaganda
>bitter shut in since
kinda like that
fuck niggers and fuck kikes.
>education system in my country is fucked
>too much time wasted learning english for 10 years.
>too many bullshit subjects at school.
>Did not have any good background in important subjects due to fucked up teaching and no resources for me to do good(no internet)
>Lost motivation and purpose.
>Had no idea what to do when I grow up
>Misconceptions and illusions about anything because all I knew about the world was from shitty movies.
>Low self esteem regarding girls due to misinformation.
>No support from parents,they are actually idiots,even though they supported me financially,they confused me more.
>I liked reading and music,but did not have access to good books or a musical instrument.Started playing piano now.
>Lived sheltered in a small city with no options.
>The main problem was not working CORRECTLY in high school.I literally did not know how to study properly and how to manage time.Too much time was wasted playing video games and watching tv in summer breaks when I could be learning something useful.
>I like music but I am afraid I am starting getting into it too late.I also like cinema.I am interested in science a lot,especially space stuff,paleontology and animals)animal behavior)
I used to be depressed then I started working out like a maniac eating healthy and fasting and doing daygame seduction
nice LARP dude. just couldn't take the propaganda huh?
>failed out of college
>be me
>forced to watch blacked porn and sissy hypnosis and at the end I get 100000 dollars
>Do not watch it because my mental state is so fragile I will turn into a bbc loving sissy
This is how dumb you sound
lmao mummy made you say no
>>when I was 19 and dropped out of uni and cut contact with the few friends I had because I decided I can't be around people
Basically this, but I was 20 or 21 when I cut my last 2-3 friends out.
>dropping out of the easiest thing everyone has to go through
not a fucking larp.
>get brainwashed for 4 to 8 years and you might get a good job
ohh w8
>your are more likely to end up working at starbucks
HehexD my man
both of this posters prob jewish shills.
>>your age
>>when (or how) did you fuck up
At age 10 when I discovered porn. By far what have shaped me and fucked up my life the most. Spending all your teen years inside fapping, especially with the kind of porn I fapped to, instead of being outside and doing normal teen stuff, really fucked up my life.
I never learned how to socialize, make friends, get a gf, get laid and so on.
Depression and suicidal thoughts since I was 20.
>Am 19
>Wanna say that my life got fucked when I was 7 I in elementary school
>That was when I started getting fat
>When I acted like an autistic sperg
>And had literally no friends
>fell in love in eigth grade, and have refused to let it go
my life is unironically great though, I just make it harder to spite myself.
Did you ever go out with them like some normiefag or were you just a beta orbiter?
>the moment I entered the egg cell
>won't say age, though i am an adult
>by my predisposition to introversion and childhood neglect made me the person i am today
>my dad was a 18 y old homeless dude
>get my stupid 16y old mom pregnant
>my grandparents went full ape shit
>kick my mother out
>I was born to homeless parents
>my life is unironically great though, I just make it harder to spite myself.
i do dis 2
no, we've only had one real conversation since high school. she rejected me back then and I blew up in her face. I started hating her (or tried to), and talked alot of shit.
Back in the day she was was more an acquaintance than a real friend. She actually liked me back in middle school. Now she wont talk to me. c'est la vie
I also fucked her virgin friend about a week after I decided to hate her. I was a virgin myself.
Not getting help when I showed signs of early mental problems
Could just have tried fixing social anxiety and depression instead of AvPD and Schizophrenia
>never did well in school, lost all passion and motivation in high school, ended up just barely being allowed to graduate
>was never pushed to do anything or achieve things by mother, just let me sit in my room and play video games on my shitty laptop for my entire youth. All I ever knew and found comfort in was a computer screen
>autism and sperginess ruined any hopes and dreams I had for the future regarding employment or success in general
>becoming self aware led to crippling (social) anxiety about how I looked and acted, couldnt function in social settings or around people. bullying didnt help
>paranoia made it very difficult to trust people and leave the house, ended up being a neet since graduating hs
>no skills, no talents, no aspirations, never held a job, never made friends, never had any experiences with the opposite gender, became completely dejected from life
>depression hit hard since teen years. would pretty much spend all my time awake either in school or sleeping/playing vidya. this fucked up my mind, developed severe brainfog and couldnt focus on video games or anime anymore. would just stare at walls or pace around room for hours on end
>came to terms that I would never do anything with my life, would always be alone, and would kill myself in the near future.
In a futile forced effort to try to fix my fucked up life, I enlisted into the army, which in itself was a huge mistake since the army is the last place people like me should ever be.
but what's done is done, I ship out in 3 months and I honestly do not believe I'll succeed there. I'll probably just end up getting chapter 11'd or killing myself at some point during basic, pulling a fucking pvt. pyle or some shit
I've just given up at this point. Nothing I can/have done has helped improve my situation, only made it worse
I just honestly believe some of us were born to suffer and die.
"EASY" I couldn't even finish middle school
Drank so much I couldnt remember the shit that happened
Everything went downhill since
15. got in a massive accident which scarred me for life. Everything went downhill from there and it just gets worse. If I can't get disability ill just kill myself
>tried to get into art as a conservative
I'm really retarded.
you dont have to be a conservative yknow
You have to be liberal to be successful in art. I'm conservative as shit.
>start playing multiplayer games, join a gaming forum to find people to play with
it led me to Jow Forums and I'm still here 7 years later. why.
lol are you literally me?
Damn son, I can pretty much relate to that.
Difference being that I'm a dropout, my father was the only one who always tried to push me to be productive, but stopped by my mom saying that I was capable of doing things whenever I wanted, even though I was always sleeping and being lazy.
I always did well/enough in high school until the third year were I completely fucked up, and not wanting to do the same year again I gave up and started to learn coding online since then. Literally 3 years has passed and I haven't learn almost to nothing because of my lack of motivation and loneliness.
My father divorced my mom and now we're stuck together since she can't/don't want a job and I'm trying to learn coding so I can work with something.
Had my heart broken already and my compulsive desire of go back to be with her is making me stay up at night sometimes.
Thought about getting into the military too, but also believe I would get eaten alive, my dad said that it wasn't a place for me.
Still 19 so I think that maybe I can fix things up...
> -9 months
>be born
>never put any effort into anything that could have made life meaningful
>decided to try to be social despite not being built for it
A month ago, where I was sleeping next to my crush and decided to look at her ass. It was dark, so I used my flashlight like the absolute moron I am. She woke up and thought I was filming her
One police report and a destoryed friendship later, I regret it everyday. Whenever I go to sleep, it is always the last thing on my mind.
>when (or how) did you fuck up
I potentially fucked up at 17 when I chose to ghost a girl who kinda liked her because I didn't find her attractive (in retrospect she had a good body and she seemed nice). She ended up dating some faggot from my old school but they did anything. The reason this is such a big fuck up is because I had a very good chance of getting my first girlfriend ever at 17 at least getting experience with a girl, also losing virginity. I try to convince myself it wouldn't have worked out but I can't help feeling I've missed out. I'm now a 20 year old KV, never had anything close to a girlfriend. Feels bad
I also fucked up at age 15 because thats when I made the active decision to start living a sedentary lifestyle, which made me into the socially retarded inexperienced fuck I am today. I spent my most tender teenage years in my room alone, and now I'm spending my early twenties in my room alone.
>When i was 16 and i discovered this stupid website and made the amazing decision to throw my normie life away and become a robot
Willingly became an extreme NEET right after highschool ended because I caught a depression episode as soon as I left. Probably went from age 18 to 19 only going outside a few times.
The 2-3 people I knew from HS went onto become hyper normalfags, have good careers and I left myself in the dust just because I decided to be a whiny faggot.
My parents were never there mentally, didn't give a fuck what I did.
>be 6
>dad offers to buy me piano lessons
>play max payne 2 instead
>i'd say at about 12, the last point of no return was at 17 though
>13 being a child of white trash
>Saw the movie Drive
>Became obsessed with it
>Ditched all my friends to become a cool loner
>Realize being alone all the time sucks
>Now i spend my days looking at my old friends facebooks all day
I wish i was memeing
Somewhere between 14 or 15 years old. I hated all of my friends so I stopped talking to them. Stopped talking to people in general. Became very reclusive and now I barely have any friends and the few boys that showed interest in me I just pushed them away. Shy and unable to have a relationship with people. It sucks because sometimes I really want human company. When I was younger I wasn't like this and in a couple of years my personality completely changed, for the worst.
8th grade was the last grade I finished. Now I'm 21 year old brainlet struggling with algebra 2 in a desperate attempt to get a GED
>dropped out of high school and got my GED
>wasted 2 years of my life getting out of shape
>join navy
>get in shape
>get back out of shape
>be me now
>not fat but obviously not in great shape
>in the fucking military
>have to deal with the stares
whatever you choose to do, I wish you the best of luck
maybe you'll have my luck than I did
I wanted to become a paleontologist when I was a child
Parent always stigmatised me with mental illness
Spent my youth in my sisters shadow
Now tried to kill myself at 24 yo
They send me in a mental asylum for a week
Im the only person without a mental retardation
Constant screaming wakes me up
>went to a literature and liberal arts focused high school
>fucked up about 2 years ago
How cucked do you have to be to sleep next to a bare assed girl and still only be friends with her?
The fact that you broke your friendship with her was for the best user.
>when i went into puberty 10 years ago
Some girl let me be in her story. I was wanting to be a fun guy or something, but instead she put me as a shooter. I had to go to the principal.
Not paying attention in school and now paying the price. And boy am I paying for it!
I like this thread it makes me realize that i'm not a complete waste of space like you faggots
>dad is a hypercontrarian autist savant ex-criminal who memorized the encyclopedia britannica and the dictionary at age 13
>sister would scare me so much as a toddler when I walked through the house that I couldn't go to the bathroom alone
>mom was both an object hoarder and a cat hoarder. Actively sabotaged attempts at having a GF
>lived in the middle of the desert and explicitly taught no manners because of contrarianism.
>parents were old when they had me so I have a deformed lung which makes it hard to breath and gives me selective mutism + a caved in and weakly structured chest
>nobody in my family cleans and they make fun of me if I try to. made fun of me for any attempts to be a normie.
I think I was part of an experiment to design the most soulless robot physically possible.
>couldn't go to the bathroom alone all the way up until 6th grade and still have trouble leaving my room at night.
>I started browsing this board
I'm 34
I fucked up when I dropped out of HS. I am NEET & Khv right now but I think I can still bounce back from this and live a normal life if I commit myself and work hard. Need to go to college too oh man...
Well we were sleeping in two different beds, user
Too late.
Make sure you put in 10-15 years at some job so you can get Social security when you're 65... youre more than halfway there
>passed high school the same way everyone that has went to Ivy league school
>oh oh I'm not mommas special boy here
>oh oh there are other smart people
>oh oh I cant compete with them
>not to mention that there are people here who like things I dont like ????
>better ruin my life, that'll show them
Yawwww ftfy bud
you got the '
>when you're 65... youre more than halfway there
Oh fuck you're right I'm half way there... I'm scared...
>became a NEET at the age of 12
Telling a dude I liked him and dropping out of high school 'cause of the humiliation. He was just toying with me for fun for ten months and just saw me as a friend. Worse things have happened since, but this was the catalyst of my life going downhill.
all of you chads getting asked out by girls baka