Mom comes in my room and tells me that she's just been to my aunt's house and my cousin has a girlfriend

>mom comes in my room and tells me that she's just been to my aunt's house and my cousin has a girlfriend
>say that's nice, is she pretty?
>she tells me yes and she has a beautiful little boy from her last boyfriend and my cousin is doing a wonderful job taking care of him
>I burst out laughing thinking about all those cuck memes
>she stares at me with confusion, ''what's funny?''
>''uh you know, it's just like embarrassing for a guy to be doing that, he uh looks weak taking care of another mans child''
>at least he has a girlfriend


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Other urls found in this thread:

Lowering your standards always results in a surplus. It's just common knowledge.


>Getting BTFOd by your own mom

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You must be THE most beta male on the planet. Imagine a cuck being more manly than you

Attached: Tard2.jpg (221x250, 5K)

Your mom fucking rekt you, kiddo.
You HAVE to get a gf to beat her now.

Ur mom is based and ur a fag lmao


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>Cousin is 30 years old, no children
>Didn't work out with his last girlfriend for 3-4 years
>One day hear he has a new girlfriend
>She is older than him
>She's a single mom
>Oh boy.jpg
>First thing that hits me is all the cuck and single mom memes
>Thinking she will most likely get pregnant as soon as possible to keep him around
>thinking they will most likely break up in 6-8 years
>Meet them, kid is a shithead with no disipline
>Didn't take long to hear that she is pregnant

I never had a close relationship with my cousin, but I really feel bad for the guy.

An hero and leave your mom saying this in the death note. She'll be haunted by it for the rest of her life.

You did the right thing, OP. Don't listen to your mom. You should have said, at least I'm not taking care of some dumb cunt's bastard child.

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>implying your mom #rekt you
Fucking lol you dumb faggot. Women cannot wreck anyone, they can only say something retarded then screech in laughter about how they "owned you." No different than someone saying "I know you are but what am I?" in school.
Also, she's a woman. They think unless you fuck a woman you're a loser, even if that woman has a kid. Judge yourself by male standards if you're going to judge yourself, not female ones. At least he has a girlfriend? At least you aren't a pathetic fucking cuck caring for spawn that isn't even yours.

Nothing matters in life except for reproduction. Cuckfags literally fail harder than virginfags, because it's the exact same result, except they have to dedicate time, money, and effort to someone else's kid. In contrast, cucking someone is genetic brilliance, and the true winner is the ex boyfriend that nigger'd out.

Don't care about it, user. Women are all whores.

I'm not taking care of no one's austic bastard kid

dont pay atention to her, your mother is just a thot

i rather stay alone than be a cuck, remember anons, being a cuck is a choice

poor guy origijgkg

You should've responded with something cynical.

couldn't think of anything good to say

>le lower standards maymay
Would you eat shit for food and drink piss for drink if ti was plenty?

Whats its like to suffer from legit retardation?

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>>at least he has a girlfriend
>yeah, and i free time, and most importantly, dignity
>something you, as a woman, will never understand

in order to be a cuck, you need a woman to cuck you.
being a cuck is unmanly.
Is OP less manly than the cuck cousin?

Fucking this, OP, its better to be alone forever than being victim of extreme socio-parasitism.

Still, I would bet my ass his gf is still in love/has a crush, with the previous bf and would instantly trade your cousin just to get him back.

Your mother is just isecure to admit single moms are the lowest kind you could aim for in a relationship.
Be happy you are not in that situation OP.

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>spending your resources on other people
>thinking it acceptable to spend your resources on other people
you deserve everything resulting

Holy fuck the incel levels are high like fuckin joe rogan in this fucker.

Better to incel than to incuck. OP's cousin is even worse though, because he's getting cucked voluntarily.

single mothers are a huge red flag. the fuck is your cousin doing? is he blind? not only is she going to take his kids but she is going to make him pay child support and he could be on the hook for the other kids too.

Attached: single mother.jpg (806x453, 104K)

spotted the single mother. single mothers are the cancer of society. they are a drain to the welfare system and statistically speaking create all of the criminals.

cuck, go back to r*ddit

Well shit.It's okay you'll get her next time.

I hope so, she really caught me off guard

No-one in the real world cares about the wife's son meme. Being a step-parent is a normal concept in every culture and it's been going on for a long, long time. You think you're "red pilled", but the rest of the world doesn't care.

spoken like a true cuckold, based!

spotted the roastie lol

im already taking care of your bastard child with my tax dollars cunt

Absolute bullshit, the only people that dont care about that are dirvorced men that most likely have kids already with another person, or somone that is 40+. Those are the few cases in which being a step-parent is considered "normal".
No man, ABSOLUTELY NO MAN under 30 will think it is a good idea to get together with someone so irresponsable to have kids at such young age without being married or with a stable relationship, go out and see for yourself.
It is simply not an healthy start and it will go down the shit.

This is not even "red-pilled" pol faggotry, this is common sense, that every young person has.

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>at least he has a girlfriend
At least you dont have to pay child support to ex

Tell her she failed you as a mother for not raising you properly.

Clearly your uncles and Auntys raised their children to be successful... Why are her kids all incel robots?

This is all your mother's fault and you know it

burnt by your mom
based mom

>at least he has a girlfriend

No, he has a parasite ready to bleed him dry

>me when i hear someone is dating a single mom or fat girl

>>''uh you know,

This is where you fucked up. The fumbling destroyed you. If you had just responded casually instead of fumbling defensiveness, it would've just been her REEEing at you and doing the exact same stupid roastie tactic of hole denial they all always do. Instead you looked like a beta and let her have the last word with the stupid roastie hole denial bullshit.

Impotent rage moar faggot.

I like your mother. She seems nice.
Is your dad around?
I'm going to pull your mum and become your new dad.
Now who's cucked?

The guy larping on Jow Forums sounds pretty cucked

Most quintessentially reddit post I've read in a while

it seems I fucked up