The Britfeel family featuring comfyness edition
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First for the mould must be destroyed.
Lad that posted his gf's arse is she called Beth perhaps?
I love /britfeeI/
/nightwalk/ comfies because i said so
Lads I have some sad news for you all.
Sophie Poster died on Saturday night.
I know you'll all probably think this is bullshit but unfortunately it's true. He hadn't been mentally well for a long time and he had given up on changing his bedsheets months ago. It looked like he was on the mend, but sadly he had a turn for the worse in the last few weeks.
I'd been in contact with him a lot, and he'll be sadly missed by many - including a few lads here.
He loved posting here, but he also told me that he wished he'd had the courage to ask me on a date. I suppose that's a lesson for all of us.
Rest in peace mate, you were a Britfeel legend.
So did Mummy May just give up with the porn block?
Capital B on Britfeel
Good lad
I want to have sex with a women for the sole purpose of getting her pregnant. I want a wife. I want to breed that wife. I want to be a dad and have cute kids. But most of all I want to breed my wife. This is what I long for most.
How fucking sharp is Tim on the white puss action?
Can barely see it, eyes of a hawk he has
Lads I have some sad news for you all.
(you) died on Saturday night.
I know you'll all probably think this is bullshit but unfortunately it's true. He hadn't been mentally well for a long time and he had given up on changing his bedsheets months ago. It looked like he was on the mend, but sadly he had a turn for the worse in the last few weeks.
I'd been in contact with him a lot, and he'll be sadly missed by many - including a few lads here.
He loved posting here, but he also told me that he wished he'd had the courage to ask me on a date. I suppose that's a lesson for all of us.
Rest in peace mate, you were a Britfeel legend.
knocked back until the end of this year i think
up to date ones please lad
Tell me this is a joke.
(I) died? Damm
lf this is a fake then I will lose a lot of respect for either of you.
Please post proof of how you found this out.
I'm still alive btw
not worth posting any new ones really laddy, my phone camera has become a bit fucked up so it doesnt take decent pictures at night anymore so ive just been trying to find some older ones that i havent posted here before
We all did this is hell
Lads I have some sad news for you all.
Paki Poster died on Saturday night.
I know you'll all probably think this is bullshit but unfortunately it's true. He hadn't been mentally well for a long time and he had given up on anything that didnt involve discussing Pakistani rape gangs. It looked like he was on the mend, but sadly he had a turn for the worse in the last few weeks.
I'd been in contact with him a lot.
He loved posting here, but he also told me that he wished he'd had the courage to go 5 minutes without compusively posting about Pakis. I suppose that's a lesson for all of us.
Rest in peace.
I hope you find a Paki rape gang where ever your going.
lf this is a fake then l will lose a lot of respect for either of you.
Please post proof of how you found this out.
>tfw /britfeel/ is actually purgatory
Ah it's no worries lad. Good picture btw
Lads I have some sad news for you all.
Poleaboo died on Saturday night.
I know you'll all probably think this is bullshit but unfortunately it's true. He'd been a paki for a long time and he'd been eating Kettle Chips in a high class call centre for months.
It looked like he was on the bend, but sadly he had a turn for the worse in the last few weeks.
I'd been in contact with him a lot, and he'll be sadly missed by many - including a few Polish women in Scotland.
He loved posting here, but he also told me that he wished he'd had the courage to make more films of girls shitting and post them. I suppose that's a lesson for us all.
Rest in peace mate, you were a Britfeel legend.
lf this is a fake then l wilI lose a lot of respect for either of you.
Please post proof of how you found this out.
OK now THAT was funny
Lads I have some sad news for you all.
This pasta died on Saturday night.
I know you'll all probably think this is bullshit but unfortunately it's true. He hadn't been mentally well for a long time and he had given up on changing his bedsheets months ago. It looked like he was on the mend, but sadly he had a turn for the worse in the last few weeks.
I'd been in contact with him a lot, and he'll be sadly missed by many - including a few lads here.
He loved posting here, but he also told me that he wished he'd had the courage to ask me on a date. I suppose that's a lesson for all of us.
Rest in peace mate, you were a Britfeel legend.
Out of curiousity how many here raised by a single mum?
Smashing the juice tonight lids
nightwalks later
I think my actual s1 conveys my feel towards this rather well
Why does SCEA have beef with BritNormie anyway?
If this is a fake then l wiII lose a lot of respect for either of you.
Please post proof of how you found this out.
thanks laddy, obviously ill get around to getting another phone soon but since im trying to sort myself out im saving up and planning for other things first, still have plenty more pictures that ive either never posted or hardly posted here
Timothy's a very special lad indeed. I really want to meet him.
Lads I have some sad news for you all.
Ebin's Mould got cleaned on Saturday night.
I know you'll all probably think this is bullshit but unfortunately it's true. It hadn't been cleaned for a long time and Ebin had given up on ever cleaning the wall. It looked like it would grow forever, but sadly Ebin had a turn for the better in the last few weeks.
I'd been in contact with Ebin's wall a lot, and the mould will be sadly missed by many - including a few lads here.
It loved spreading all over, but it also told me it wish it'd had the courage to kill Ebin. I suppose that's a lesson for all of us.
Rest in peace mate, you were a Britfeel legend.
Lads I have some sad news for you all.
Tilde died on Saturday night.
I know you'll all probably think this is bullshit but unfortunately it's true. He hadn't been mentally well for a long time and he had given up on getting the pigeon out of the Greggs he works ages ago. It looked like he was on the mend, but sadly he had a turn for the worse in the last few weeks.
I'd been in contact with him a lot, and he'll be sadly missed by many - including a few lads here.
He loved posting here, but he also told me that his knees were ugly af. I suppose that's a lesson for all of us.
Rest in peace mate, you were a Britfeel legend.
The great debate lads, when pissing do you
>A - Pull out just your cock
>B - Whip out both your cock and balls
B masterrace here
>still have plenty more pictures that ive either never posted or hardly posted here
Get em up then lad haha, I love your nightwalks.
Lads I have some sad news for you all.
Ebin died on Saturday night.
I know you'll all probably think this is bullshit but unfortunately it's true. He hadn't washed for a long time and his chest had been taken over by mould. There was actually so much mould growing on his skinny little chest that it looked like he had two big black tits.
It looked like he was on the mend and had even started shopping for a bra for his mould tits, but sadly he had a turn for the worse in the last few weeks.
I'd been in contact with him a lot, and he'll be sadly missed by many - including a few lads here.
He loved posting here, but he also told me that he wished he'd had the courage to go to B&Q and get something to deal with the mould. I suppose that's a lesson for all of us.
Rest in peace mate, you were a Britfeel legend.
I think it's important to get the balls out. Especially at the urinal.
Don't get the lads hopes up
Drop my trouser to the floor
State of this thread.
Although I don't think any other general on this shit site has more lore than us
>Get in queue behind a 9/10 girl
HD version lad, cat is hard to spot
That's considerably better than getting infront of her, surely?
>realised I only have to be at uni for 2 days in the next 4 weeks
>I can just stay home because uni's close
Comfy af lads
Hey lads, how about when you walk past a pretty girl and a few moments later you can smell her perfume, love that thing lads
I smell her perfume, she smells the massive fart I let off as I walked past her. Give and take, lad.
dont mind if i do laddy, nice to know someone likes seeing my pictures and sometimes reading about my ramblings here
This is why I wear perfume
Confuses the lads when they look back at me, a big fat bloke smiling at them
I'm not going to fucking rest until BritNormie posts CATEGORICAL PROOF that he has a gf.
How can he provide proof of that which does not exist?
Say its in the Bible
He definitely doesn't have one.
britnormie's gf here, here's a pic I just sent him
>the look she gives you when she realises you're inhaling the air from the back of her neck but she can't move because the train is packed
>finally play MGS V
>the first hour+ is essentially just an interactive cutscene
>reading about my ramblings here
Lad, it's better than most of the shit that gets posted here.
You're a saviour in these dark times
Exactly! Hahahahah! You fucking loser BritNormie!
Britnormie, would you let any of the britfeel lads or personalities fuck your girlfriend out of sympathy? Think of people like Ebin and SP who would benefit out of it and there's no risk she'd leave you for them, she'd probably appreciate you more after getting with them for a night
I've yet to see anyone here prove they have ever had a girlfriend, much less had sex.
Fukken saved, thanks for making it laddy
I died at 14 when my dad died desu. i'm just waiting for my body to catch
i had a gf back in highschool but everyone bullied us cause she pissed herself on a rollercoaster on a school trip
eventually got kicked out for fighting a teacher
>the first hour+
first 15 minutes
You're so autistic you couldn't make it past the hospital scene lad, come on
I had a gf once, and I had sex with her, you know its the truth because I know that the inside of a vagina feels like the inside of your mouth and smells sort of musky
Fuck that. Ebin is younger than me and he's got 25 years of spunk saved up. How do I know he wouldn't fuck her like a champion?
I hear the non-white lads have an open invitation
shit sorry lad. I didn't mean to link you with that shit feel. I could delete it but the you has already been sent
Thats because all of the people stupid enough to post proof about having one, dont.
Need girlfriend NOW
was meant for i had to give myself a (You) as i had replied to the wrong user
I got to the bit on a horse but it's definitely closer to an hour if you include the cutscenes from when you're on the bed and can only look around an stuff
You should probably Ieave
Lads I have some sad news for you all.
Mado died on Saturday night.
I know you'll all probably think this is bullshit but unfortunately it's true. He hadn't been mentally well for a long time and he had given up on making ARGs. It looked like he was on the mend, but sadly he had a turn for the worse in the last few weeks.
I'd been in contact with him a lot, and he'll be sadly missed by many - including a few lads here.
He loved posting here, but he also told me that he wished he'd had the courage to ask me on a date. I suppose that's a lesson for all of us.
Rest in peace mate, you were a Britfeel legend.
stop it lad youll have me blushing, luckily while ive not had a decent camera i havent been anywhere new or seen any mad shit thay was worth taking a picture of, i am gutted that theres now literally 2 nice orange lamp posts left around my usual /nightwalk/ routes, they are taking the last out them out now, i realise its an autistic thing to care about - orange lamps Vs white LED ones but chaning the light colours completely changes the scenery of a /nightwalk/ anywhere you go, its like changing the colour of the sky during the day
The poll was a dead heat and that was without my vote.
What's your girlfriends foot size britnormie?
>mado will never rest his lil feets on your shoulder
3.5 UK, 36 EUR. I make fun of her about having small feet all the time.
>and that was without my vote.
Bullshit. I bet you even VPN for second votes as well.
>3.5 UK
nonce confirmed
hi im a girlfriend to someone who browses r9k.
I walked past planet timmy this weekend
no you're not, post tits
4 and a half. I can't make fun of them since mine are size 5.
Hi Im a boyfriend to a wife who has a husband who browses r9k.
>You know who I am
Who are you?
been posted already, ages ago.
>he's got 25 years of spunk saved up
ebin shagged tidle in scarborough i thought?
Also fukken saved, probably my favourite pasta we had in a while
Do it again now, time stamp to, and if you don't mind can you stick your tongue out while you do it to, feel free to dribble on yourself little to (don't ask, I'm just into that)
Watch out mate, Sagiri loves small feet
You reckon? I thought there was just a bit of hand action and even that was just through the trousers. Could be wrong though.
LOL. Has to be.
i think that exceeds what is required