My depression and anxiety are getting worse. I feel like it is all stemming from my stomach/gut. It just never feels good or normal. I feel anxious and tired and sick. What if I have colon cancer, celiacs, or i developed lactose intolerance. I am 26 white male. I have been depressed for over a decade. I think I might lose grip and have a panic attack that sends me to the mental ward. Can someone please help. Or tell me it's going to be okay and others struggle like this too? I just feel so lonely and i am almost constantly suffering
My depression and anxiety are getting worse. I feel like it is all stemming from my stomach/gut...
I feel like that a lot as well op. At this point not feeling pressured and anxious 24/7 would be more anxiety inducing than how I am right now. I also noticed recently that I can't get angry anymore. Nothing really sets me off, I had my wallet stolen the other day and all I could do was shrug. I think it's suicidal dissociation.
Are you taking any medications for it? at least you dont have stomach problems. I hardly have food cravings but still eat because otherwise I'd get faint feeling. I think... I want to die because I am suffering and want it to end
I'm in the same boat, dude. My anxiety causes me to call out of work once or twice a month or I'll have a panic attack in the stand. I've got like three attempts under my belt though, so I can't even do that right.
Essentially, I gain nothing from my daily life; my world is cold and, as such, it makes life seem the same way. Everything I look at, everything I do, looks and feels the same."
OP again. I think I am having a crisis. I keep thinking about how I am not enjoying anything and feel no relief from my mental problems. I am worried about my sanity. I get these anxious waves all day whenever I think about how pointless everything is
I used to take meds but I never wanted to eat and went for days without eating, after which I would have bouts of extreme stomach pain and feel sick. I'm not feeling as suicidal since I stopped, I kind of crested that hill and now I'm complicit with my lot. I'm still deppressed and suicidal but I've just accepted it, I don't really fight it anymore.
I am sorry you can relate. I call out of work A LOT. It got so bad that my boss said from Dec 15 2017-Feb 20 2018 I missed 2 work weeks and that didnt count the times I call in late...
I hope I never attempt suicide because I feel like I'd pull it off... How were you feeling before each attempt? Please share in detail
You don't just develop lactose intolerance. Its a genetic trait, that's why it a white nationalist meme.
Ok but I googled it and apparently you can.
I wish I could accept it. I just feel like it's worse. I think I am going through a serious existential crisis.
First off go get checked out for any physical defects, celiac, lactose intolerance, etc. Secondly contact a mental health professional to properly diagnose you if nothing came up in the physical test. I know exactly how you feel, and I know how terrifying it is. I promise you that things will get better, but you have to put some work in before things improve. It's going to get a hell of alot worse before it gets a hell of alot better. Cut out all drugs, alcohol, processed foods, masturbation, and minimize stress. Create a daily schedule and go for a 30 min run in the morning. Make sure you get lots of sunlight. Take vitamin b6, b6 complex, d, omega 3 (fish oil) and a multivitamin with your breakfast. Socialize as much as you can, connection reduces stress (even discord helps, just not reikos/toxic ones). Reduce electronic usage and instead read a book or draw. Stay with this for 2 weeks and see if your symptoms improve. I almost guarantee they will improve if not remove your symptoms. Stay off Jow Forums for a while, it slowly kills you.