My depression and anxiety are getting worse. I feel like it is all stemming from my stomach/gut...

My depression and anxiety are getting worse. I feel like it is all stemming from my stomach/gut. It just never feels good or normal. I feel anxious and tired and sick. What if I have colon cancer, celiacs, or i developed lactose intolerance. I am 26 white male. I have been depressed for over a decade. I think I might lose grip and have a panic attack that sends me to the mental ward. Can someone please help. Or tell me it's going to be okay and others struggle like this too? I just feel so lonely and i am almost constantly suffering

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I feel like that a lot as well op. At this point not feeling pressured and anxious 24/7 would be more anxiety inducing than how I am right now. I also noticed recently that I can't get angry anymore. Nothing really sets me off, I had my wallet stolen the other day and all I could do was shrug. I think it's suicidal dissociation.

Are you taking any medications for it? at least you dont have stomach problems. I hardly have food cravings but still eat because otherwise I'd get faint feeling. I think... I want to die because I am suffering and want it to end

I'm in the same boat, dude. My anxiety causes me to call out of work once or twice a month or I'll have a panic attack in the stand. I've got like three attempts under my belt though, so I can't even do that right.

Essentially, I gain nothing from my daily life; my world is cold and, as such, it makes life seem the same way. Everything I look at, everything I do, looks and feels the same."

OP again. I think I am having a crisis. I keep thinking about how I am not enjoying anything and feel no relief from my mental problems. I am worried about my sanity. I get these anxious waves all day whenever I think about how pointless everything is

I used to take meds but I never wanted to eat and went for days without eating, after which I would have bouts of extreme stomach pain and feel sick. I'm not feeling as suicidal since I stopped, I kind of crested that hill and now I'm complicit with my lot. I'm still deppressed and suicidal but I've just accepted it, I don't really fight it anymore.

I am sorry you can relate. I call out of work A LOT. It got so bad that my boss said from Dec 15 2017-Feb 20 2018 I missed 2 work weeks and that didnt count the times I call in late...
I hope I never attempt suicide because I feel like I'd pull it off... How were you feeling before each attempt? Please share in detail

You don't just develop lactose intolerance. Its a genetic trait, that's why it a white nationalist meme.

Ok but I googled it and apparently you can.

I wish I could accept it. I just feel like it's worse. I think I am going through a serious existential crisis.

First off go get checked out for any physical defects, celiac, lactose intolerance, etc. Secondly contact a mental health professional to properly diagnose you if nothing came up in the physical test. I know exactly how you feel, and I know how terrifying it is. I promise you that things will get better, but you have to put some work in before things improve. It's going to get a hell of alot worse before it gets a hell of alot better. Cut out all drugs, alcohol, processed foods, masturbation, and minimize stress. Create a daily schedule and go for a 30 min run in the morning. Make sure you get lots of sunlight. Take vitamin b6, b6 complex, d, omega 3 (fish oil) and a multivitamin with your breakfast. Socialize as much as you can, connection reduces stress (even discord helps, just not reikos/toxic ones). Reduce electronic usage and instead read a book or draw. Stay with this for 2 weeks and see if your symptoms improve. I almost guarantee they will improve if not remove your symptoms. Stay off Jow Forums for a while, it slowly kills you.

Personally, I've just accepted offing myself as an option. I won't do it until my mother dies, but I know that's how I'm going out. I'm apathetic as fuck and I drown my problems in alcohol though.

Maybe if you had not moved into that trailer like I told ya.

Do I just go to a normal doctor or a specialized doctor to check out my stomach/gut? I feel like I might have IBS. Something isn't right. I read gut health affects mood.
I went to a psychiatrist for the first time and told him my symptoms. He barely said much and just prescribed me zoloft. Fucking disapointing. This was a month ago and I never ended up taking the drug.
I don't know if I can take this if it gets A LOT worse... I am going to take your advice on the vitamins/supplements and going to a doctor for my stomach. I appreciate your comment user :)

It's crazy how you know who I am since I use the same generic image. I live next to family and I'd be so much worse off if I lived away from them. I still don't see them much since I feel like crap and don't feel like going over there....

My boss is pretty understanding, and I kinda opened up when I spent two weeks in the psych ward last year, so I have that going for me.
I just felt hopeless. Nowhere to go, no way to better my situation. Work is the extent of my social life, and I feel like most of my coworkers can barely stand me and my mood-swings. I felt a little better after 13 days in the hospital, but I turned on my phone afterward and had zero texts or missed calls. Two weeks, no messages. Washed down a handful of percocets with a fifth of Jack the next day. Woke up 18 hours later and threw up for two days.
Now I'm just an alcoholic burn-out with no future. I guess I come off as confident but aloof or something, because females are thirsty af, but I'm so fucking dead inside that most people avoid me after 1 or 2 conversations.

jesus why is life so fucking depressing and sad. why do we have to suffer like this. should i check myself into a damn psych ward? NO! It wont help and i'll be in debt and lose money from not working those weeks.
I am glad your boss is understanding. My company i work for hired be due to my depression and anxiety since they hire disabled people. I truly feel my mental problems have disabled me and I wish it was as obvious to people as a broken leg or missing arm is...

Wanna know a secret robot?

The archives people make of this site let you search by image name.

Every time you post an image with the same name, I know it's the same person that did it before, every time they do it.

That and meta data, but I'm on a tablet and retarded.

Sucks on my tablet you cannot easily leave secret messages in pictures on a related metadata and shit note :(

Yes, go to a normal doctor and tell them your symptoms. They will most likely reference you to another place to go such as an IBS specialist but you need a doctor's reference to get you there. I'm glad to see you didn't take Zoloft, it's poison (not literally). If you absolutely have to, then take it, but I would suggest otherwise first. If you have any stomach problems then the vitamins should cure that. From what I can tell you seem to have GAD, since you are pretty much a mirror image of what I was like when I was anxious and depressed. I thought all the same things you are thinking right now and I know it's scary and it sucks just hang on :(

The biggest things that improved my mood was social interaction, exercising (running/high intensity workouts) and cutting fapping out of my life completely ( masturbation and porn is the worst drug trust me).

I know it feels like nothing will ever change, but it will if you get into therapy, take it seriously and WANT to get better, and be open to being medicated. I lived with depression for 20 years. I was hospitalized for trying to kill myself when I was nine years old. I am 29 now and for the first time in my life I am starting to see the rock I was living under. You can't see it because you are used to it but once you start TRYING to get help everything changes. You life has not begun yet. Seek treatment. MAKE CHANGES. Eat better, exercise, quit video games, get a creative hobby.

But you already knew all this stuff, didn't you? You just aren't willing to try them because you are CERTAIN they won't work. I was the same way. For twenty years. Don't want to try it yet? Well, fine. Maybe some day you will be desperate enough to want to change, where you're willing to try anything to make your life different.

Or you won't, and you'll just kill yourself.

Okay, I am going to make an appt tomorrow. I would love to rule out all my stomach/guts possibilities. I have health anxiety. And GAD, for sure. I eat pretty decently, too. I could stand to eat more veggies. Any recommended multi vitamins?

I fap at least once a day...It seems to be the only thing that gives me SLIGHT pleasure. Not happiness or relief, just a little pleasure which goes away immediatly after. Is fapping so bad?

The ironic part is that I work for a popular burger chain on the west coast. All of my coworkers are impossibly happy all the time. I play it off well, but my self deprecating humor is almost a cry for help at this point.

I feel similar. What I feel more than anything else is discomfort. At work I often have a really painful feeling in my stomach but its been gooing on for awhile. My doctors all say its just anxiety. Why do I feel so anxious all the time?

your post really hit hard. You're so fucking righ. I already knew all this stuff. I google search all day. I have tried 4 different therapists and 3 different medications. But did I try with any of it enough to make a difference? apparently not because my mental health has never been worse and i am afraid of meds now since i keep reading horror stories.
I cant get myself to workout. eating healthy takes effort but i try that, at least. its hard to change when youre depressed. everything feels hard. nothing is fun, i look forward to nothing but sleeping. thank you, i needed that

my doctor actually said the same thing, its just anxiety. how the fuck does she know? she did no tests and just assumes?
Did yours just assume with any type of tests? i am losing faith in doctors and medications which is probably not a good thing

meant for

hope things get better for us, user. I had been making suicidal jokes infront of my coworkers but decided to stop before someone ended reporting me to hr

I take "Kirkland signature formula for women", it says for women but it's just a marketing tool(check the ingredients if you don't believe me). I like it since it doesn't contain copper (copper toxicity can make you feel depressed and anxious, but unless you are a vegan or taking copper supplements you won't have it).

Once a day is alot, it's like doing a line of cocaine a day. Mother nature rewards you for "breeding" with a HUGE release of dopamine that over time will desensitized you and leave you miserable if you don't minimize it. I quit and after 2 weeks I noticed massive improvements. I had low anxiety, depression was fading, loads of confidence. Only downside is I was extremely horny all the time but that is alot better than being depressed.

Please don't take any drugs like Percocets or drink alcohol anymore. Alcohol is horrible for anyone with depression, it's not worth it. If you cut alcohol be prepared for 1-2 weeks of hell, especially if you were a heavy drinker. Your body has to readjust to the lack of alcohol being poured in acting as a depressant. Take this time to do something productive like exercising to get a natural flow of endorphins and dopamine to your brain.

Nobody said this was going to be easy. I believe in you user, you can make it out of this hellhole and live a fulfilling life. You're quite young, there is still time to correct yourself. Never give up.

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>Kirkland signature formula for women
from what I am seeing both men and womens have 0.9mg copper but the womens have slightly more iron which I believe is bad for men to have too much iron since we don't get periods. Either way I will go with the kirkland brand and have already read great reviews on it.
Okay, I will fap once a week and see if I feel improvements, but yeah I'd rather be horny than depressed. I actually dont feel horny much anymore since I fap once a day...which is sad.

Luckily I dont drink or do drugs....except lexapro 5mg which i am currently weening off of and have been taking for 3 years hoping to god it'd work. it hasnt had any affects on me
Thanks for believing in me. I am going to give it another shot. I dont want to kill myself, i just want to feel happy

Try and do it once every two weeks, you will see more dramatic changes the second week(from my experience). Journal how you feel everyday/rank how you generally felt. From 0 (absolute hell) to 20 (bliss). See if there is an increase even if it is slight.

Exercise/run as much as you can. I know you are tired and it feels like weights are keeping you down but you have to put effort in. Play some music that motivates you and push hard YOU CAN DO IT user.

I used to worry excessively like you seem to, and I still worry from time to time, but you have to try and stop worrying(I know it seems impossible and useless but just try). Search up videos on meditation and how to clear your mind. I'm not asking you to do yoga and become a guru, but releasing your worry will help significantly.

I personally would try and quit the medication (slowly), and props to you for already doing that. From what I've seen medication is awful and turns people into zombies.

Don't get frustrated if you don't get immediate results. Rome wasn't built in a day. You will have to endure suffering a little longer but I promise it will be worth it. Your body takes a while to adjust.

>I just want to feel happy
Everything will be ok user. Show how much you appreciate me believing in you by believing in yourself.

Goodluck space cowboy.

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