Join this thread to: >ask questions about tulpas >discuss your tulpa and talk about tulpa related stuff >get help in creating your tulpa
Tulpas are good for: >staving off loneliness >getting a second opinion on things >generally having someone to dick around with
>What are tulpas? A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. More
For anyone worried that they won't like their tulpa, keep in mind that getting rid of a tulpa can be a long process that might not work. For anyone who just wants to derail the thread, let us retreat into our degenerate subconsciousnesses in peace.
You might be worried that tulpas are a form of self-induced mental disorder. This is a common concern. Keep in mind, user, mental disorders are defined by the 4 Ds.
1. Dysfunction - Does this shit make you less capable of performing everyday functions? 2. Distress - Does this shit cause you to feel bad, ie, negative feelings? 3. Danger - Does this shit/condition causes you to exhibit dangerous or violent behavior toward yourself or other people? 4. Deviance - Is this shit just plain weird. Does it deviate from what conventional society consider as normal?
Something need to fulfill all 4 of the above conditions in order to be qualified as a mental illness. Schizophrenia, as people so frequently point out, does have all 4 Ds present.
However with tulpas, it's generally just deviant - it's considered weird by society. People with tulpas cause no dangers to themselves or others. People with tulpas also frequently report improved abilities to perform everyday functions, such as socializing. Lastly, majority of people with tulpas report feeling better/happier in life with tulpas, especially after the tulpa's at a point where it can communicate proficiently with the host.
>making the comment original by adding a bit at the end pathetic, really.
John Gray
is this for real? how would i go about developing a version of myself as a tulpa? i don't want some waifu or something, i just want a outside perspective on things and someone to talk to.
Joshua Sanchez
I can't concentrate on my tulpa anymore. I feel alone when I make her. What do I do?
Brody Howard
I made my tulpa yesterday. It's really fun and we're having a great time.
We laugh at the wold together from the inside of this cage of flesh and bone, mocking our tormenters from within.
Jaxon Johnson
How long does it take, and if you don't like having one, can you make it go away? Either like when youre busy with something or dsppear entirely
Lucas Myers
>is this for real? yeah, pretty much. >how would i go about developing a version of myself as a tulpa? Just make its personality similar to yours. >i don't want some waifu or something, i just want a outside perspective on things and someone to talk to. That's what a lot of tulpas are for.
Isaiah Adams
thanks, and one last question; how do i go about developing it's sentience? that's one thing fairly not well described in the guides i've read.
Christian Harris
I had gay sex with mine and that was a really strong start. A day in he is already kinda real. Pick and name, a personality, and a vague body, and you're good.
Zachary Gomez
How do you lose your tulpa? It depends on the person, might take as quick as a day or two to talk to the tulpa or a week. You can make it go away just forgetting it.
Carter Howard
me and my tulpa whom i made a few days ago he evolved into a chad and now just bullies me every second i started listening to what he was saying he was giving tips ong how to be chad but when i try i fuck up and he stops helping and just tells me to off myself
am i the only one with this problem?
Lucas Ross
You've created a sentient being! Anyway your tulpa is basically you but in a chad form. So tell him that he's a loser too.
Aaron Wilson
git gud Actually, just keep at it. I'm not sure how long you've been trying, but it won't work in the first few days. Persistence is key. >How long does it take Anything from two weeks to months. It depends on how much time you spend on it and how concentrated you are. Joy became independent at around a month in for me. >can you make it go away? Either like when youre busy with something or dsppear entirely They'll normally leave you alone when you want them to. As for having it disappear entirely, you can theoretically ignore it to death.
Wyatt Lopez
>git gud >Actually, just keep at it. I'm not sure how long you've been trying, but it won't work in the first few days. Persistence is key. I used to manifest her and was making good progress but now she's lost her sentience and she acts like a robot or a ghost and just fades and doesn't talk.
Jose Roberts
I used to torture my tulpa sexually because he was mean. Years later he started torturing me, but I liked it. Then afther I got a life he said I didn't need him anymore and he left me, ever since that day I can't create a tulpa. I sometimes wish I could, I miss having a tulpa.
Kevin Anderson
mine doesnt leave when i want him to only when i need him at my side does he quite down i have found myself mentally yelling at him and caught myself almost yelling for real when he gets annoying
I have tried killing him and it doesnt work
should i get help?
Kevin Bennett
I can't really help you. I guess you'd just need to go back to puppeting. I'd say to ignore it by doing things that require a lot of concentration like drawing or reading or something. You should naturally be able to ignore it to death, ideally. If he's still around after a few weeks then get some jew pills from dr.shekelstein.
Charles Miller
I remember hearing about this stuff from some old friend circles years ago. It always sounded kinda weird, even fake, to me. The websites and circles dedicated to it make it seem very cult-ish in my opinion. I can attribute most of my skepticism to the fact that I've only seen people with close ties to the subject talking about it. I've never heard any trustworthy accounts that got me on board or sold me on the idea. Perhaps I'm just looking at this whole thing with a closed mind.
Carson Richardson
Nah, there definitely is a load of larping going on in most of the community, especially places like reddit where the kewlest stories get the most upboats. Looking at it skeptically is pretty healthy.
Anthony Walker
I find it hard to believe someone able to create a tulpa under a month, it took me several months to see some signs.
Robert Cox
It really depends on what you mean by "create". It would only take a short time to have an idea of what you want the tulpa to look like and act like, but it could take a while longer for it to achieve any sentience. Mint took about a month to start doing things independently and even then, I'm still working on it. They're never really "done" though.
Leo Moore
>Mint I meant "mine" fuck.
Jaxson Turner
Me and my tulpa went to war. Now hes gone, Im and idiot
>For those bad at visualising who might find it easier to create a Tulpa through guided meditation can download (3.39gb) I asked this question yesterday, but it probably got burried under all the other posts. Could you please upload a sample of this so that we don't have to download a 3.9 GB file to see if it suits us? I have a shitty internet connection. You could alternatively upload an excerpt on vocaroo or youtube if it's simpler.
Ryder Fisher
>Then afther I got a life What do you mean by getting a life? Under which circonstances did it disappear?
It's from Talmadge Harper, he's a self-improvement hypnotist : . There's a thread about this on /hypno/ 8ch , some people on 8ch have seen postive result.
Parker Nelson
Ikr, I have a tulpa and I believe it's real but the amount of LARPing in this community is huge. There are even some faggots say that they have more than 10 tulpas in there head.
Brandon Price
Iaccepted being alone isn't so bad and I started feeling happy in a weird melancholic way. Idk, I cried a lot when he left, but I don't feel bad anymore, it's like my loneliness disappeared.
Angel Green
The best are the ones whose tulpas have tulpas. It's fucking tulpaception.
Daniel Hernandez
Are you stupid or your mom dropped you as a baby? A tulpa is just talking to your own brain, you can get one by watching too much anime, your brain programs a certain area to work like that. You don't need to meditate nor do you need to read occultism to mess with your brain, it's just that a lot of anons here don't know jackshit about what they are doing so they mix absolutely everything and call it a tulpa. I wouldn't be surprised if the so called tulpas of some anons here are actually some supernatural shit feeding off their attention.
Jack Perry
This shit seems creepy though. While i think it is an extremely cool topic, it scares me
In addition to the larpers it's likely that most of the redditors and their ilk are retarded enough to not tell the difference between an imaginary friend and an autonomous entity. That certainly is padding the number of "Tulpas"
Brody King
So before I can communicate with my tulpa, how can I know if I'm doing it right or if I'm just talking to myself?
Daniel Perez
I think he was talking about the people who make a tulpa in like three days. For the first week or two you will basically be talking to yourself, you need to puppet it and have it respond in the way you want it to until it basically molds itself into its own entity.
Logan Reed
So you guys really believe your shitty attempt at making an entity are autonomous at all? Ffs, you are using your brain, you are not even creating a separate entity, just projecting your conscience, giving the illusion of another entity. I believe women cannot generate tulpas.
Hudson James
Im interested but this freaks me out s bit. Like a parasite in mind, im not a big fan of sharing my mind
Leo Williams
>you are not even creating a separate entity, just projecting your conscience, giving the illusion of another entity. That's the general idea. If it seems like a person it is a person. For instance, you have no reason to believe that other humans make free willed actons or truly feel emotions, but they act like they do so you assume that they do. It's the same with tulpas. Proving that they are actually separate entities is hard to do, but proving the opposite is just as hard.
Ryder Garcia
Is God a form of tulpa?
Elijah Green
God is a tulpa.
Wyatt Harris
>I think he was talking about the people who make a tulpa in like three days. Yes, that's basically all I was referring to.
Lincoln Torres
You can prove they are not separate because they will never autodestroy. You might have some really fucked up stuff going in your mind so you end up cutting or something, but your tulpa will never actually try to kill you, because it would die too. Now, a separate entity will love you because you created it, yet it's more dangerous as it can actually kill you. >Now to explain The brain already has two consciousness working together to get stuff done, a tulpa is like allowing your non conscious part of the brain to work with you, your second consciousness. So it's not really another being and It is at the same time.
The human brain has an incredible amount of plasticity and we still don't fully understand its mechanisms. Is it really hard limited to only one consciousness? It doesn't seem like such an outlandish concept to me.
Joseph Phillips
Interesting explanation. original pepperoni pizza
Sebastian Barnes
>let's induce schizophrenic delusions w.e.w.
Camden Peterson
Well there's a thing called "split brain syndrome" that implies there is at least two consciousness confirmed in our brain. Yet taking into consideration how people that lose the part of the brain related to the consciense claim to have died (which is scary as fuck if you read about it) we might say that while we might have a lot of consciousness, we ourselves are our conscience, that's where the soul is stored I guess. So yeah, at least three beings might work together to operate our body. Tulpas might actually be the next step on evolution.
Tyler Thompson
Create a Jackie Chan tulpa to beat him up.
Brandon Phillips
That's a good point, though guess for next it's all real enough so I'm happy to just go along.
Wyatt Smith
Maybe creating a tulpa is a process of giving a personality for your sub-conscious. Turning your sub-concious into a conscious one.