Why does no one talk about how men are being openly pressured to be feminine and at the same time still quietly...

Why does no one talk about how men are being openly pressured to be feminine and at the same time still quietly pressured to always be in control

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Society is starting to crumble

Slippery slope is real

Welcome to the world user everyone is blind that includes most people on this site.

Nobody talks about it because people are trying to ignore it. I think that's not something we should do... We should voice our disgust with the idea of men becoming more feminine. This ideological idea needs to stop. We won't get anywhere by being passive with it.

As for the being in charge, that's just the expected trait of men.


openly pressured to be feminine how? what exactly are they making you do that's feminine? what makes it feminine?
also, in control of what? their lives? the lives of others? you've gotta elaborate a little bit before anyone can (should) take you seriously.

you serious? origami

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There are more single mothers raising sons without fathers than ever.
There are more female teachers than ever before.
Masculine behavior is naturally culled in the structure of the public school system, you are punished for rambunctious behavior and conditioned to follow specific rules.
The foods that little boys grow up eating; processed junk food made with soy, sugar and wheat to make you fat and ruin your body while you're going through puberty. (The more fat you have on you, the more of your testosterone is converted into estrogen, obesity during puberty will feminize any male to the point where they will develop gyno and wide hips, typically feminine traits.)

And that's really only shit off the top of my head, there are plenty of examples out there.

We need some pics of girls in this thread to stir up some good test.

But no jack to pics tho. Just stare and let the fuck desires build up idk im just on a tangent tn.

are single mothers single because they've been feminized? or because the fathers have?
are female teachers teachers because they're extra feminized? or are you saying they're feminizing students?

you're saying rambunctiousness and the breaking of rules are somehow masculine behavior, but i don't see why they would be inherently.

i'm not going to address the soy argument because it's not worth even addressing.
obviously. you could always at least attempt to answer the question even if you're not sure, you know.

My nephew turned tranny after getting on anti-psychotics and anti-depressants.
There's something very wrong with our society, it's sick and no one seems to care. My family "accepts" him/her/it/whatever unconditionally, but to me this is like ignoring the elephant in the room. There is nothing normal or natural about that, it's the symptom of a sick society that we accept such things and attempt to normalize them as they come.
What will society try to normalize next? Pedophilia? Bestiality? Necrophilia?
There's no telling how depraved we will become in the name of "tolerance".