why dating robots suck >theyre paranoid >theyre insecure >they dont trust women including their gf >yet theyre dependent on women >theyre manipulative >imgonnakillmyself.wav >they have mommy issues >theyre sad babies who just want milky
anyone with this mentality is weak. it's even more pathetic when men take the feminine role
Jace Long
>theyre paranoid kind of >theyre insecure not really >they dont trust women including their gf I don't trust anyone >yet theyre dependent on women My mom loves her only son >theyre manipulative kind of >imgonnakillmyself.wav yes >they have mommy issues kind of >theyre sad babies who just want milky kind of
to be honest when I was exercising, had a great body, any bitch minded that - I had a lot of attention Personality does not matter in sexual relationships, it only matters in making friendships
Zachary Taylor
>tfw was never like that until some girl I dated cheated on me >was never dependent on woman after that
Jonathan Sullivan
>I don't trust anyone not even yourself?
Colton Brown
Are we really weak for being raised to be like that? Are we supposed to just miraculously break through our feminist upbringings with single mothers? I had a gf once, she expected me to be a man, like her very masculine father. Well, I had no father after the age of 5 growing up, so how was I expected to learn masculine mannerisms and behavior? Naturally, I learned them from my mom. I learned everything from my mom when I was a child. And while I love my dear sweet mother her worldview is very naive. My only saving grace was the internet. In a way, Jow Forums became my new father figure.
Brody Baker
are you at all interested in a traditional relationship or have you given up? I believe physique and personality matter equally
Blake King
that's fucked user, but now it's on you to teach yourself those things, however you have to. it's not fair that others got a leg up on life but you should only compare yourself to your past self instead of others. it's harder but it's worth it
Kevin Howard
It doesn't necessarily matter how you were raised, at a certain age you should be able to look past your upbringing and analyze as an adult and individual.
Brayden Perez
Thank you, I've been trying. Jow Forums taught me a lot, there's some serious wisdom floating around these bangladeshi beyblade boards.
Easton Morgan
You have my support, go girl! Nah, I'm just kidding..
Kayden Morgan
not even myself too many fluctuations happen in my brain on daily basis, I change my mind easily
Jordan Nelson
>are you at all interested in a traditional relationship or have you given up? I am, but I don't think I'll ever find a woman worth my commitment
Ryder Gonzalez
>tfw was never like that my ex claimed this as well so what do you want from women now, in order to trust them?
Liam Green
>at a certain age you should be able to look past your upbringing and analyze as an adult and individual.
I agree, but in my case that happened way too late. If I had to pin it to an exact age I'd say 24. By then my only real gf had come and gone, 5 years beforehand. And it was a 4 year relationship, not some short fling. Naturally being the feminized male that I was, I couldn't keep her happy. I wasn't ambitious enough for her and so she dumped me for not pursuing a college education at the age of 19. I cried like a bitch and implored her to reconsider. She had already made up her mind weeks ago. Hell, she ghosted me that entire week before the breakup. I'm not blaming her. But sometimes I wonder what if mom didn't divorce dad....
Lincoln Robinson
>theyre paranoid no >theyre insecure yes >they dont trust women including their gf no >yet theyre dependent on women propably somewhat >theyre manipulative in what way? Literally every human is manipulative in some way. >imgonnakillmyself.wav I wouldn't wanna guilt trip anybody to stay with me >they have mommy issues some people would propably say my kinks are a result of mommy issues but I don't have any issues with my mother. >theyre sad babies who just want milky pic related
>four year relationship ended at nineteen >she ghosted you before break up most people have yet to even fully develop their personalities by this age so dont take this so seriously user. twenty four isnt too late to realize what you want in a relationship and pursue something meaningful. nothing to do with your mom or dad
Andrew Hall
younger robots: do yourself a favor and get a hard job doing something manly, do it for at least a year. something in the steel industry or construction or similar. make sure it keeps you on your feet all time. you'll be surrounded by people you hate: manly men, rednecks, etc. do it for a year minimum. (i know the real losers here probably work retail or NEET anyway). it'll fix most of the problems listed in the OP. as someone who had to start over late in life, it helped me, though i'm still far from a normal person.
t. 31 year old steel worker, former pussy.
Nolan Reyes
r9k personality tests will prove you wrong... robots are absolutely paranoid, narcissist, and manipulative. they are unhappy and jealous of those who are. if you are just a submissive male, you are a faggot.
Connor Thompson
I've realized what I want in a relationship is an impossibility, that being unconditional love and support from a partner. Women don't love "unconditionally". There are always going to be the expectation that you consistently live up to her standards of what she recognizes as a "man". Whether that be through your ability to provide or how you behave or act out masculine mannerisms. Even if a female were to temporary settle for you, she's always looking out for the more suitable provider. So knowing this, the game is unwinnable. I choose not to play. I cannot be taken advantage of this way.
Jaxson Watson
People generally don't love unconditionally.
Aaron Myers
You don't date someone for the person you think you can make them, you date someone for who they are.
Ian Hernandez
I think I'm unironically autistic, so that probably explains that. Maybe I need to find a female sperg.
William Lopez
>>theyre paranoid True >>theyre insecure True >>they dont trust women including their gf False, one of my faults is I trust easy >>yet theyre dependent on women True >>theyre manipulative False. I'd rather be manipulated >>imgonnakillmyself.wav I'm only suicidal because tfw no gf. The thought of living an entire life without knowing what it's like to cuddle with someone is unbearable >>they have mommy issues False, I think I have daddy issues >>theyre sad babies who just want milky I'm sad because I'm alone >their therapy wont work and you cant fix them True. Only I can fix myself. But having a partner to help me with it would make all the difference in the world
Joseph Roberts
why cant you strive to be the best provider for her? in a ideal relationship, she meets your expectations just in different ways... no doubt you are as well looking for the next best thing unless you are satisfied
Thomas Anderson
true, but the person I fall in love with began to show these negative traits after we began to live together.
Owen Lewis
I wouldn't be looking for the next best thing if I were in a relationship. Looking comes after the relationship is over. I have no intention to cheat on my partner in any case, whether it be physically or emotionally. Women are more sneaky about this and they're always looking for the next best thing no matter what you do. And there's a lot of competition out there, in olden times women didn't have to work so they couldn't "fall in love" with co-worker or boss Chad like they do today. I can do my best, but my best isn't good enough. Perhaps if I try hard enough I can surpass my limits but that feels like some DBZ shit.
Jayden Gonzalez
Why dating fembots sucks >they're attention whores >they're insecure >they're prone to cheating on you >yet they're desperate and clingy >they're even more manipulative >I'll kill myself if you leave! reee.mp3 >they seek out beta orbiters with mommy issues >they use milky promises for scamming marks online
There is no cure for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
you do not understand if you have not tested yourself in a serious relationship. if you feel worthless and you dont love yourself, your chances of having a successful relationship are little to none
Jeremiah Hernandez
Only thing i have on that list is insecurity. But i think everyone is a bit insecure to some degree. Sure i may not be perfect but with each passing day i get better.
It seems that there will be endless threads about shitty men and women but i dont really care anymore. I try to view people on the individual level, even if past experiences lead me to think otherwise.
Angel Nelson
still pretty much you beta fucks fault for falling for their obvious bullshit. fembots dont orbit at least
Angel Wright
>r9k personality tests will prove you wrong they are memes anyway.
>robots are absolutely paranoid I'm not >narcissist I'm not >and manipulative. Like I said, every human on earth is manipulative in some way.
I hope you do judge people individually user, good luck
Henry Lewis
You're blaming us for our ignorance regarding females.
It's a sad fate, to be raised by a female, to be taught by females, to be indoctrinated into this feminist mindset, only to be shunned by the only real females who matter in the end; your potential partners.
Evan Nguyen
a woman needs a man, man does not need a woman. We can have our problems and wallow in them because that's a spiritual journey for us. you are inable to provide for yourself emotionally regardless so any criticism on your part is fucking retarded. Which begs the question, why not go through this together? The answer is that women are shit and it's not worth dealing with you vile creatures unless you're brainwashed to say thank you when we swat your ass with a spatula, when both sides embrace your worthlessness.
Leo Bennett
Pretty much this. Robots are unmanly beta cucks and that is why they cant get laid. Money and looks have little to do with ih.
Brayden Fisher
>you are inable to provide for yourself emotionally
like what do you mean
Christopher Long
Not an argument. Men are playing the game on hard mode. A stupid roastie who has no idea what it's like shouldn't open her worthless whore mouth.
Women have no major problems worth complaining about and still cry endlessly about everything, complain about how hard their lives are and attempt suicide way more than men. That tells you something.
But some males will go their whole lives unaware of why they cannot get a partner.
You require emotional tampons, do you not? Also known as beta orbiters or guy friends. They fulfill your emotional needs while you cuck them out of their physical needs. A relationship should be give and take, not take and take. This is why men and women should not be friends on that sort of level without actually establishing a valid relationship. In a way, the female is acting as an emotional vampire and feeding off of them.
Nicholas Martinez
Im not so sure because men are generally looking for the next best (youngest) thing, as it has always been. Men also gain higher sexual marketplace value as they age, while women lose value as they have children and age after thirty. so I wonder why you have given up, when youve barely reached your peek
Kayden Long
That's unfortunate. Guess he wasn't very sincere with you before that point.
Elijah Watson
Yeah yeah! Thats why I go and vent and shit to my unironically slutty ex who always tells me what I want to hear then leave back home and call my gf to hang out when I've had my feelings and shit heard and am satisfied. Also she cooks me dinner so thats a major bonus lads.
Leo Taylor
I peaked in high school, and that was my downfall. I became complacent, and never really had any life goals in mind. No ambition. No clue what to do in life. And to be honest at 28 I still haven't a clue what I'm doing exactly. Right now I'm a NEET who quit his 10 year retail job last year, barely making ends meet by selling off my video games on ebay. So right now, no female in her right mind is gonna seek me out as a provider. And I don't know if I'll ever be able to qualify as one. That's not even mentioning other issues such as how I'm Avoidant and literally avoid interacting with females when I can. Basically I'm a mess and know it, but don't quite have the skills to sort it all out.
Jacob Morales
I cant argue a lot of women are like this but when I see so much cucking and insincerity in people, it makes me sick.
Aiden Smith
the central thesis of your critique of the robot is his faults as a companion to women, what that fails to account for is any justification for why a man needs to carry his own spiritual weight and possess both the ability AND the inclination to carry yours as well. You have a vagina, you can go get fucked by joe schmoe while you're young and feel less alone. When you move out you can get betas to drive you around, buy you things, tell you sweet nothings, and give you money by masturbating on a webcam and mailing your used underwear to nip businessmen. You're not challenged with the genuine struggle a man is faced with every day as the protagonist of all social interaction, and the sole master of his own soul. You are cattle to be prodded and directed, and most of your activity revolves around drawing attention for others to come fix your shit for you. Even suicide statistics shake this out. Women are several times more likely to "try", but their success rate is a quarter that of men, or less. This is because women generally try to overdose on pills. Pills they have because they relied emotionally on some jewish head shrink instead of handling their shit, or pills they got from some nog wannabe who gave them free drugs for sucking his dick. They share zero credit and next to no real responsibility. They know it probably won't work, they just want prince fucking charming to show up and fix their life for them. This is generally right when they hit the wall and realize just how fucked they are as the gravy train of betabux moves focus to younger women. Some men, dealing with harpies in life, sometimes decide they either can't control a woman or don't think they're worth the trouble. So he takes responsibility, puts a tool of war, hunting and defense (responsibility) and shoots himself, the final master of his destiny, stronger than almost every woman, even with his brains spread out all over the ceiling.
Xavier Hughes
yeah roasties suck what is your point
Lucas Ramirez
>theyre paranoid About what? Be descriptive >theyre insecure What does this have to do with anything? I have some issues with myself, I won't lie, but why is that such a problem? You'd think I'm supposed to come of normally after years of bullying and isolation, as well as abuse by authority figures and several botched prescriptions at a young age. But that's a pipe dream, and if you truly think someone can walk through a fucked up childhood and be completely normal, you're lying to yourself. The fact that I didn't shoot myself in the mouth when I had the chance all those years ago is nothing short of a fucking miracle. >they dont trust women including their gf Not entirely true. I trust people unless I'm given a reason not to. Most people have given me very good reasons not to >yet theyre dependent on women No >theyre manipulative I'm always the victim of manipulation >imgonnakillmyself.wav No, despite past tendencies and the limbo that is my life, I wouldn't. >they have mommy issues No >theyre sad babies who just want milky Good god, you're gullible, that's a fucking meme. At least I hope it is.
Look, I get robots have their problems, but not all of us are absolutely insufferable human beings. We're painted with a very broad brush.
Samuel Diaz
>absolutely insufferable human beings.
Nice bullshit. 99% of robots are complete vitriol filled assholes with nothing to offer.
Oliver Adams
>still pretty much you beta fucks fault for falling for their obvious bullshit Have you been evaluated for anti social personality disorder? This is classic victim blaming mentality. This is not unlike what a rapist tells himself: Well, if she didn't want to get raped, why was she wearing that dress?
>fembots dont orbit at least Spend some time on a Chad's Instagram page. It's fucking filled with orbiters, many of whom are spergy little fembot types.
>paranoid about your faithfulness to them in a relationship and other peoples intentions in general >insecure about their worth in life (job, education, relationship, family) >trust people have broken their trust before >dependent not a meme >kys many folks with mental health issues do >mommies yes
Samuel Lee
I'm not, and I don't want to believe that we're all bad people. Many just seem sad and broken to me. Call it projection, but I don't think all robots are bad. There has to be at least a good fourth that are. What little of us are even left here, that is.
Landon Barnes
Yeah and 99% of women are total faithless whores. See? Two can play at that game.
In reality We're just the byproducts of a broken society
Grayson Allen
I personally wouldn't rape a whore or orbit a faggot and youre weak if you do
Carter Carter
>r9k fags in denial
Everyday we get confirmation that this board is in 99% fulled with salty cucks, virgins, beta orbiters and pathetic incels. Daily whinning threads, women hate threads, hey anons, muh Chad, why me, its unfair bla bla bla. Cant bullshit old lurker.
Elijah Walker
>about your faithfulness to them in a relationship Oh, that's the least worrisome thing at this point >and other peoples intentions in general Well, when everyone beats you down and calls you garbage for existing, you can't really blame me for flinching around them >about their worth in life (job, education, relationship, family) First two I'm alright with, last two I try not to think about anymore >people have broken their trust before Yes >dependent >not a meme That wasn't the one I said was a meme, I'm fully aware many of us are dependent on women that we'll never interact with >kys >many folks with mental health issues do Didn't deny this one either, but I don't think many of us would do so if it would hurt someone we cared about. Part of that's my main reason not to, among other things. Some people just don't have anyone that would be hurt, though. >mommies >yes The "milkies" thing is, isn't it? I thought the actual mommy gf thing was more of a motherly affection thing whereas everything else is rather normal. Then again maybe I just don't understand what non-platonic affection is.
Cooper Young
What you personally would do is besides the point. Even if I generously take you at your word, outliers do not represent the mean. Many femcels orbit Chads in a way that puts beta faggots orbiting their little waifus to shame.
But is that the majority, or a vocal minority? Even just a vocal half? I can't be the only one who's too deep in despair to focus on hurting everyone else. >virgins And why is this a problem?
Nathan Hill
Its not a vocal minority if 99% of content on this board is whinning and "woe is me" bullshit.
>And why is this a problem?
Its not unless you are under 18yo. If you are virgin over 18yo that means something is wrong with you.
Jackson Brown
You know, you're just as bitter as the "99%" of robots are. Is this some sort of tough love reverse psychology shit you're trying to pull here? Maybe if you pick on the weak robots enough then they will become provoked enough to go on the offensive and start being MEN? No, what you're doing is the equivalent of kicking a man while he's down and telling him it's all his fault and that he deserves it. Why are you here? What was your intent with this thread? Surely you're not here to help anybody.
Kayden Nguyen
>If you are virgin over 18yo that means something is wrong with you. This is quite possibly the biggest fallacy of this century. What's wrong with saving your virginity?
Brandon Mitchell
Yeah and it fucking works. If you are men enough, you will get pissed and angry enough to prove me wrong. If you are a completely spineless faggot you will just rollover and cry because "mommy user on the internet is mean to me waaah waaah". Coddling and kind words dont work on faggotrons like you people.
Its not saving if no one wants to fuck you retarded ass because you are a weird creep. Losing virginity is something that will come naturally to you in your teenage years if you dont have any problems will self esteem, are not some inhibited retard etc.
Parker Carter
Most people should rein in their rampant sexual urges. The stigma of virginity is all that keeps me alone, nothing more than that. Go ahead and try to justify this shit, retard.
Carson Moore
Dont pretend you have any choice in that regard. And keep that religiously motivated "sex is evul " bullshit away from me. It doesnt work on people who are not some church cucks.
Alexander Price
>Dont pretend you have any choice in that regard. I do. You can fuck off any time now. >muh religion Neck yourself
Bentley Bailey
Yeah sure. I bet your ass is swimming in pussy that why you get all defensive about posts on faggot central that is r9k. Its obvious.
No one is getting fooled you pathetic fuck.
And yeah you can fuck off with this religious bullshit
Carter Thompson
Sure. I bet you're swimming in tail, huh? That's why you're on the board for broken people? Shove a 12 gauge up your ass, then perhaps something more meaningful will escape your throat aside from "muh sex"
Henry Edwards
>theyre paranoid >theyre insecure >they dont trust women including their gf >yet theyre dependent on women
All men are like this.
Ethan Powell
Stigma of virginity, thats a good one. Its not a stigma when the thing is legit shit to be embarassed about. Your father and grampa had high school sweethearts, summer romances, fucked one night stands and interns in his place of work, had lovers, multiple partners etc. Its only your pathetic ass believes its normal to be 25yo kissless virgin who faps to jap cartoon porn on daily basis but never held a girl .
Im not to one who whines how Chad stole a girl from his pathetic ass. And by girl i mean some random semi attractive girl from your work/school/random street walker, a girl that doesnt care about your ass, doesnt know your exist, you never talked to etc.
Stay mad pathetic faggot.
Leo Brooks
>25yo kissless virgin who faps to jap cartoon porn on daily basis but never held a girl Nice projection fatass. I'm neither 25 nor kissless, and I don't fap. >Im not to one who whines how Chad stole a girl from his pathetic ass More projection. I've never complained about "Chad". Have fun pretending, it's obvious you're a LARPing bot. Get AIDS twice, faggot.
Jackson Garcia
Nice larping you faggot. This entire fucking place is full of whinning about muh chad, muh oneitis and other beta cuck bullshit.
You aint fooling no one you turbo cocksucker.
>beta faggot thinks its an achievement that he kissed a girl Jesus christ you faggots deserve a rope.
>theyre paranoid Yes >theyre insecure Yes >they dont trust women including their gf Kinda >yet theyre dependent on women No >theyre manipulative Yes >imgonnakillmyself.wav YES >they have mommy issues No >theyre sad babies who just want milky Kinda
Asher Campbell
>faggot larper gets called out >"n-no u" Pathetic. Just end it you cock sucking shitbag.
>retard complains about IQ The fucking irony. Have fun pretending to be Chad, larping beta fag. Here, I'll even give you the last word, since you seem to want it so much. Aren't I generous?
Just fucking neck yourself kid, save yourself some embarassment.
Noah Gomez
>pretending to be Chad I dont have to pretend. I fucked multiple women, i dont shit myself whwn women are talking to me, i can leave my house without a diaper unlike your pathetic ass. Compared to you im a Chad incarnate.