you guys are ugly
You guys are ugly
>Couldnt pay me enough
Idt im ugly rn, I was validated today. A brad from work wanted to hang out with me, we did and had a good time. Idt ugly people do that. Most people arent truly ugly.
Is the shit flavor ramen any good?
>E.coli flavor packets
>cyanide flavor packets.
>anthrax flavor packets
my fetish is poorfag resourceful girls.
>can afford coffee maker
>cant afford a pot
this isnt genius or poor
this is just retarded
this is so disgusting, why would she eat that literal shit?
Dr.Oz did a segment on coffee makers, filthy as hell, they are. Only a woman would do something so retarded.
>pot which is probably wider can cook pasta easily
>put it in a coffee maker
HUURRRRRRRRRRRRRR gotta be a woman
Some dorms don't allow stoves
How could coffee makers be filthy? You just put parchment and coffee beans/grinds in them.
apparently not senpai, apparently not.
>Filthy digits
I think its the filters, people are supposed to run vinegar solutions through it but fail to. Naturally bacteria cfu become due to stagnant nutrients.
Makes no difference to me, I hate coffee.
I can't imagine the bacteria could survive being flushed into my cup of solar temperature tier brew
I don't care if they do, they'll meet some new friends in my gut and maybe get their fuck on
That could be at work or in a dorm from a poor fuck using it to cook since they cant afford pots.
Doesn't make it less stupid
Buy sandwich material, make sandwiches forever, they'd be set for life
my mummy says im beantiful on inside
Ceramic flavor packets
This pepe is too cute with his little cat.
Why do people hurt him? T.T
Ya, well so does money
But I'm not about to stop spending money...and nor am I going to stop using keyboards either
we had a roach in our coffee maker at my old job
Hi I'm a poorfag girl.
So what if I'm ugly what do you plan on doing about it?
I feel ugly because I shaved my beard off and my students are shocked that I have a face.
I remember you. Why do you spend time here when you come across as content and well adjusted?
it's a variety of perspectives, personalities, and (often shared) interests i don't regularly encounter out in the tangible, social world. i like people and i truly enjoy listening/providing advice when asked. Jow Forums sates some of those desires!
What are some of your obscure interests? I like cinema and music and sleep.
Also ive been thinking about becoming a teacher assistant for grades through pre-k thru first grade or special ed. idk where youre from but its a prevalent position in California. Any advice?
i'm big into backpacking, spaghetti westerns, marijuana, magic the gathering, and marathons. they're not necessarily obscure but they're uncommon for my area, other than backpacking. i would suggest special education for the job availability and security. i teach middle school literature and, though getting the credentials for the job was an excessively work-heavy process, the job itself provides enough flexibility to be relaxing. give it a shot, man! on your resume, seriously emphasise your ability to specialize instruction and care to each individual student, they love that shit!
You have cool hobbies. Did you like The Hateful 8?
I have an associates degree from a community college, do I need any more than that to be an assistant, and do jobs like that offer a pension?
thanks, guy! i do, i'm a fan of most of those tarantino movies, especially the ones that draw heavily from italian and japanese cinema. that should be more than enough, in TN all you need is a high school diploma. unfortunately, they likely will not offer pension or insurance but it may be different on the west coast.
Ill try, man. Retail is sorta depressing. I use metacognition a lot, I just think for hours at a time how my back aches and how dumb I feel standing there using canned phrases all day. desu im happy to have a job, NEET life at a young age is sad if not unavoidable imo. Also I think im making a friend from work! Havent had a real friend since 2013. Very cool dude I hope it works out.
I called in sick today, been hitting the sauce think it lowered my immune system. A movie youd like to recommend? I was thinking about watching an anime or finally Her(2013)
or Menashe (2017)
metacognitive and self-reflective practices are invaluable tools for many seeking peace of mind or general happiness. socializing and finding comfort was very difficult for me at one time but, as i age and make a more concentrated efforts to enjoy my fleeting life, it's been much easier to float by without sweating the small stuff. keep at it with your friend, guy! comraderie with others is, in my opinion, one of the greatest inherent pleasures of being a person. careful with the booze, i catch myself falling into the beer cycle regularly. if you'd be interested in a good animated psychological thriller, try "perfect blue" by satoshi kon!
I looked perfect blue up, looks outstanding, user. Sorta seems like it has a dreary Requiem for a Dream feel at first glance. Ill watch it! Next time I see your post ill let you know what I thought, keep posting awesome photos!
Makes me think to ask btw, have you visited Japan and do you collect or practice art?
it's very similar to aronofsky's black swan in plot and tone but i consider it much better in terms of quality. please do and i hope you enjoy it! i collect ukiyo-e prints for my house and classroom but i'm not a very adept artist, though i do enjoy churning out lots of rambling fiction writings! my parents grew up in rural japan and i plan on moving there to teach for a few years after my 27th birthday.
I remember the first time this image showed up on the internet and niggers everywhere were making it a race thing and going "xDDDDDDD das whypipo cochuh fo u xDDDDDD"
>the irony, the retarded irony