How do people know something is "off"? People are repellent to me. The normies know something is wrong with you.
How do people know something is "off"? People are repellent to me. The normies know something is wrong with you
People's personality matches their looks.
Facial expression, posture, fashion, all those things change along with personality.
So, if you're a crazy person, you'll have a crazy expression.
It's also why you can notice how a woman is a thot without talking to her, or how some people look like douchebags.
This applies to you as well, and they notice.
>People's personality matches their looks.
>The normies know something is wrong with you.
It's okay, user, there's no reason to worry about what normies think of you.
They may judge you, but as long as you're an okay person, it's all good.
The opinions of normalfags don't matter
If they were capable of forming their own intelligent opinions, they wouldn't be normalfags
Goes both ways normies.
I can read what type of normie you are by the way you carry yourself as well. Bascially I know whether its pointless to even talk to you since I can tell if you're the type of person that will ask for some bullshit favor or the using type within the first minute.
Seeing through your normie facade of fake niceness isn't hard.
>If they were capable of forming their own intelligent opinions, they wouldn't be normalfags
Muh supreme intellect.
normalfags are literally fucking drones in regards to their media taste, nigger
ask two thousand of them what their favorite tv show or video game is and you'll get about ten different responses
Socializing is a game like dynamic that starts developing in your psyche from a really early age. If you weren't properly socialized its harder to react to ques that a group has developed within a conversation to indicate a sort of "game move" that has its corresponding "counter move". If you don't respond properly then people gain an intuitive understanding of how incompetent you are to contributing to their little game. It's easy to notice this if you interact with children and experiment with different responses to their actions like being cold towards them or playing along their more simple narrative. Happened to me once while I was hanging out at a friends place and their younger sister was being loud and attention seeking. I acted apathetically towards her and 15 minutes later she mentioned to other people that I didn't like her.
accurate but ironically somewhat long winded and off 'topic' (no evident self pity or scorn)