why do couples do shit like that?
Why do couples do shit like that?
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Because it's cute and feels good.
To make robots feel like shit because they know they'll never have that
l dunno but it's cute
Because none of your business, virgin.
Id never stop holding his hand in the first place, without someone leading me around and holding my hand I just feel scared and lost and want to go home
It's not cute when it's two guys.
Because public displays of affection are cute.
Normies want you to know they have gfs/bfs
If normies doesnt make sure everyone in the next 5 square meters knows he is in a relationship normie will die
I enjoy making my gf make kinky comments on how big is my dick while in public.
Because it feels nice you fucking virgin incel faggotron.
imagine being so self centered that you think a happy couple is even has an inking of a thought about someone like you
Normans feed off the misery of robots. It fills them with a deep, primal joy to see us struggle with the most basic of social inertactions and wallow in our loneliness.
It really doesn't, it's even worse
They dont care
They don't think about you or look at you or know you exist
Weeb shit Kys
Holy shit, imagine being this much of a narcissist. Nobody cares about you, faggot.
I wish I could do this. Some people are really lucky.
Isn't the story behind this scene that the dude is getting teased by some random qt on a train for wearing the NOFAP sign on his pants?
>gets home later and fists a pineapple into oblivion
they dont even notice the dude whos fucking dead opposite them lmao
And yet, they come here in troves just to taunt us with their social success, sometimes under the guise of trying to help us with the same tired self-help advice, only to tell us it's our own fault when this inevitably fails.
People are hierarchical. Our instincts tell us to put down those below us to feel closer to those equal to us. And robots are the bottom of the bottom.
There's obviously malicious intent, they only do it when other people are around to rub their privilege in everybody else's face. No different than someone parking their Lambo outside of a homeless shelter.
That's just your average NYC subway car at 3 am. The dude's probably homeless or drunk
you're wrong and you're dumb
we're on Jow Forums, you're retarded.
Die faggot, die
>fat ugly woman calling anyone else retarded or dumb
This is why you will never have a husband you pathetic sack of shit.
The people who come here to make fun of us are a special breed of retard, not to be confused with actual well-adjusted normies who have social lives.
I'm a skinny cute boy, no u.
nuh uh
>I'm a skinny boy
>I'm a skinny cute boy,
No, you're just a soyboy, which is why I mistook you for a woman.
You're just as pathetic.
calm down
How did you come to the conclusion, that calling someone a soyboy on Jow Forums is not pathetic?
because faggots need to die immediately
>posts gay shit
>whines when confronted
This is why gays need to be hanged, they seek attention any way they can.
Im amazed he can get a boner in a traun full of people...
Pretty weird place but whatever.
Damn im jelly.
This shit is hotter than porno.
Do you really think off the shelf normies come here to rub their happiness in your face ?
They don't they are busy having normal happy lives.
It's nothing more than a bunch of larping fags laughing their ass off as they trigger you.
Why should I about that? It's not like I will ever get close to doing that.
This is cute and makes you heart melt every time you see it.
This is vulgar and rude, it's repulsive to see people behave like that in public.
>train full of people
Just a dead homeless dude opposite them and other nigger staring at them sometimes, nothing else faggot
Because there's nothing wrong in calling out faggots like you. Neck yourself and do this community a favor.
NYC subway trains are usually lively.
Shit senpai, I used to come here two years back and feel exactly like you, then I met this vietnamese robot at Uni, and somehow we ended up in a competition to see who could become the most successful. Nearly I year ago I would get cold sweats talking to girls and now I'm off to bang a qt 5' azn cardio bunny tomorrow. The main mentality that helped us was "abundance mentality", try and make the most out of every interaction, and know that you will fuck it up miserably, and just read every single bit of normie advice on reddit about being successful, and try it out.
Use Tinder every day, and talk to every match, I went from no replies to guaranteed dates over a year of daily persistence. Lifting weights helps too btw, just having that discipline really helps in life.
One of the most important things was realizing nobody really cares about you, nobody owes you anything, and you don't owe anybody anything. Which is one of the first things you gotta wrap your head around.
Also go read these, they picked me the fuck up, I quote `The wise man consents to everything for he identifies with nothing, an opportunist without desire` to myself daily. Keep thinking good thoughts user!
First time posting about dragging myself up from hell, hope it helps someone.
>do this community a favor
I'd suggest you leave yourself. No one here likes larping redditors.
That's rush hour. At 2-4 am they're filled with a sparce collection of drunks, homeless, and night workers.
do the girls in the front want some fucc?
Then why the shit are you here?
Robots don't build communities you retard.
No you literal bumbling mongoloid, why the fuck a redditor like you is here? Fuck off.
To make everyone think that they're in a cute, romantic relationship when 90% are far from it.
>you are redditor
>no you are the retarded redditor
the actual state of Jow Forums
t. redditor
Hahahaha wow man. If I judge by the way you speak, you'd actually belong on tumblr more than you do here. For once I'd take tge tranny predator's side and encourage you to take girlman pills just so you can finalize your special snowflake transformation and fuck off there for good to talk about privilege and oppression.
But its a public place.
Still amazed.
But then again girl is hot so i guess its understandable.
Originally Lels
>tab into r9k
>accuse someone of being a redditor
>tab back into reddit
life is good, man