>wake up
>think I'll study today
>turn on computer
>open firefox
>homepage is Jow Forums
>spend the rest of the day browsing boards and shitposting
>realize it's 4am
>didn't do anything related to studies all day
>go to sleep
>wake up
Where are my procrastinating bros?
Wake up
>homepage is Jow Forums
That's not going to fly in the real world.
No one uses my computer except me
You don't even use it. Get off the internet!
I have used numerous website blockers to block Jow Forums on 5 different extensions at once only to be unable to repress my urges and uninstall them all, then reinstall them all again that night
make me f4gg0t
There's nothing like Jow Forums
Other forums either track your post history which makes you unable to shitpost or you just don't want all of the ignorant shit you've posted to bite you in the ass when someone stalks your account.
Other imageboards are either some weebshit or just slow as fuck.
I won't be doing it, personally. Your years of failure to maintain a modicum of self-control will send you freewheeling into a ravine, and I'll just be there to laugh at you.
Burn in Hell, frogposter.
>Your years of failure to maintain a modicum of self-control will send you freewheeling into a ravine, and I'll just be there to laugh at you.
>saves photos of guys with katanas and fedoras
>has Jow Forums as his homepage
What are you doing?
>implying Jow Forums is my homepage
>not saving fedora pics to make fun of cringy faggot redditors like you
Omae wa mou shindeiru
You are a clear example of someone who has not just gone into the ravine, but whose carcass still burns from the pit.
Enjoy your Hell.
>Ha, foolish human... I have studied the ancient art of debate for many centuries, do you think you can outclass me in verbal duel?
kill yourself, fucking redditfag
>Nuh uh, you're the redditor!
What the fucking fuck is this fucking shit? Are you fucking fucking with me you fuck? For fuck's sake I don't fucking believe this fucking bull-fucking-shit get the fuck out of here now.
>saves reddit images
>saves fedora guy images
kill yourself
Ho. You kiss your mother with that mouth?
More than kiss, my child
been doing this for 4 months
Feelsbadman, real bad
This was me last semester. I had an extension for every assignment and failed most of my units. Got put on academic probation.
This semester I'm top of all my classes, always ahead of schedule etc...
Wanna know how I did it.
I sold my computer. Over the summer break I read books, exercised, started eating healthy etc... Recently with the money I saved from selling my computer I bought a knew one. I come on Jow Forums once a day, at the end of the day and that is it. My relationship with the internet had changed. It was the best thing I have ever done.
the other guy is obviously joking, why are you so upset?
>in uni
>get lost in most classes early in semester.
>pay less attention
>try to cram before tests
>set to do it a few days before
>waste time on youtube and playing games until the day of
>even with successful cramming understand very little.
I want out I can't handle it, give me an actual job and orders I can't do things on my own.
>implying it wouldn't be hilarious if he actually did kill himself
where's your sense of humor