>Lurking on Jow Forums for long time.
>Always been feminine boy
>met Reiko on Jow Forums 4 months ago.
>He promises to help me figure myself out.
>He tells me to take pics of myself in a dress. It doesn't feel right, but I play along.
>He tells me he will send pics I took to my family if I don't start HRT, and he tells me how to get it.
>I go to endocrinologist to get HRT.
>Since I'm under 18, I need parents permission and note from gender therapist to get prescription.
>I forge parent's signature and find gender therapist.
>After 2 months of meeting with therapist, she tells me that I'm clearly not trans and refuses to write recommendation.
>Reiko gives me name of a crooked therapist who will write anyone a recommendation if they bribe her.
>I meet with crooked therapist, and she agrees to take bribe.
>I reach into my pocket for wallet.
>Spaghetti falls out.
>I run away crying.
>No HRT for me.
My Reiko Experience
Holy shit. Reiko's worse than I thought. I'm glad you made it out without getting skullcapped.
But do you have any proof?
>believing anything a stranger tells on the internet
Not saying that OP is definitely lying, but I think OP is trying to get some (you)'s while the whole Reiko thing is still hyped.
You have to listen and believe. Why are you so mean?
that just made me lol originally
What are you doing on Jow Forums as an underage shit?
>spaghetti falls out
are you guys retarded or
^^^^^ Finally, somebody gets it. I wonder what took so long.
Fucking Reiko man. How does he keep getting away with this shit.
You guys aren't even fucking reading it. Talk about a blind anger.
>How does he keep getting away with it
Fuck off normie
But I literally just said "But do you have any proof?"
How do we stop him?
^^^^^ Reiko is Sam Hyde confirmed. Pedo and serial mass murderer.
QBrrrW is the server if anyone would like to go.
>posts expired discord link
Nice one... Nice one indeed...
MPZqBRB here's one that isn't expired
What discord server is that? Is it pro-Reiko or anti-Reiko? Or both...
Reikos home server. He's sleeping though
(((Reiko))) is a Jew. I don't want to join Jew server.
I'm surprised even the Jow Forumsditters didn't notice the epin spaghetti falls out meme
Reiko was the hero r9k needed but not the one we deserved
In what way is Reiko "the hero r9k needed?"
Like ozymandias he united r9k against him by becoming the common enemy.
because he pretty much caused all the trap threads to get banned