Who else mastered the forbidden art of day-dreaming so you only need a dark room, comfy bed...

Who else mastered the forbidden art of day-dreaming so you only need a dark room, comfy bed, and headphones with favorite music playing to isolate yourself from this cancer world?

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>sit in a dark room doing nothing, not interacting with anyone and pretending to be somewhere

how to fuck your life up 101

>Implying I need any of that
I can lose myself in my own world surrounded by normies chattering to each other

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yeah. this is not gonna end prettily

>Going out and doing things you don't want to do interacting with people you don't like and wishing you were somewhere else
How to fuck up your life: the normie way

I like to go early to bed, so that I can do exactly that, but unfortunately I am running out of compelling ideas for dreams. I like to create stories, characters and build worlds, but this is hardly something that you can do before sleep, because my brain is running like an engine when I am building worlds. Furthermore I am quite obsessed with realism and unfortunately you will have problems to create amazing stories and worlds, when you don't sacrifice realism. I guess that's my kind of autism. Anyway, what exactly are you dreaming of OP?

Welcome to the daily life of the schizoids

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Its called maladaptive daydreaming


I don't have visual imagination. Kill me.

OP here, years back I used to day-dream about a normie/chad lifestyle, like fucking my classmates and all that shit, be tall, have wide shoulders, godlike cock, and other physical normie dreams, but I realized it is bullshit, you just become a salty robot that lose time in roasties and 3d cancer world, no, now I fantasize about higher dimensional beings, like spiritual connections, no more food, sleep, even talking loud, everything would be mental connection, quiet world, no talking shit, no hate, no "physical sex" that could corrupt our thoughts, yea, that kind of shit, everything after I smoke a couple of joints and take half sleeping pill of course