Why do women not like sci fi?
Why do women not like sci fi?
because they’re dumb
Because they don't have any imagination.
scifi is for children
Women don't think. They feel. Scifi requires abstract thought to understand. This is why almost every modern scifi movie has a hamfisted romance subplot.
>scifi is for children
Why do people of all types hate scientific realism in fiction? Why not just be honest and call it Speculative Fiction? Is it Historical Fiction when the story is about napoleon fighting dinosaurs?
Woman don't enjoy abstract concepts. Even smart ones.
what? we (gf and i) watch science fiction all the time. not all women are dumb cunts.
But most are.
shhh, people flip their shit when you point out that sci-fi has almost nothing to do with science.
Well, there are some Sci-Fi's that are genuinely scientifically accurate (the martian for example), but especially movies that are often seen as representations of Sci-Fi are unrealistic bullshit with no science to be seen anywhere
woman can only literally live in the moment
that's why all of them are le yolo
they can't help themselves, sci fi is future
*man children
A ton of women love shit like Star Trek these days though.
or for numales, that's right.
What are you?
They dont like anything that deals with bigger concepts than "i wonder if that cutie likes me"
how do you like explaining the plot to her after she's on insta and facebook on her phone after 5min of sci-fi?
Aren't they the main demographic for shite like Dr. Who?
I don't know, I feel like I'm seeing a ton of women that are into all kinds of pop-science stuff, including sci-fi tv and movies.
now attractive women? Obviously not, but I'm not sure what they like when it comes to entertainment.
>implying bugmen know any scifi outside of soy wars
Guarantee every single man in that image is an avid sci-fi fan
I don' know about women, I just know that scifi is for childs
Urgh this
dr.who is for kids and barely sci-fi
Said who? I'm a woman and i love sci-fi thank you very much.
Do women like LoGH?
Sci-Fi there is backdrop though
only because it's trendy, same reason for 'liking' star wars
this is that whole adopt a culture for attention thing
My mother and grandmother are the people who got me into Star Trek, Star Gate, Quantum Leap, Night Rider and a whole host of other shows.
They also got me into detective shows like Monk and other shit like Macguyver.
In this case, women have good taste.
The only okay sci fi is like Hyperion.
Anything bugmen try to argue about having merit with like 40k and Starship Troopers sucks balls.
Guess I'm a woman. very boring ideas that can't happen so it's not worth thinking about.
Women like books and shows about people instead of concepts. Even when they do like scifi it is usually media where the science fiction element is merely window dressing for melodrama and fantasy tropes covered up with laser and space ship paint.
This is at its worst in film/tv because film is already a medium poorly suited to direct and protracted exposition. Film requires a few core concepts that it can then explore intelligently, but in the ways best suited to the medium. A great scifi film will always be less conceptually satisfying than a great scifi book. Women exploit this weakness by making scifi even worse.
Where did the phrase bugmen originate from to describe soyboys
From what I've seen it seems more geared towards a female audience than a child one. Like a soap opera but with sci fi elements.
Nietzsche's varied description of 'the last man' makes references to maggots. Kafka went further with it when he wrote metamorphoses.
I watched like half of it. It's a bit long so I didn't finish but plan to go back and finish it one day. Yes, I liked it. I stopped when Yang escaped prison after some guy tried to shoot him.
Daily reminder that Star Wars is not sci-fi and Star Wars fans are not sci-fi fans.
i do like sci fi
I'm a woman. I like Sci-fi but not a fan of Dr.Who, however I did like the episode with the moving angel statues, but the show itself is not for me.
They will if you pick handsome men to have a role in whatever
I'd say much bigger problem is why people dismiss genre fiction outright in general. As if a love story set against SF backdrop is somehow inferior to a love story in contemporary times, for example.
Starship Troopers is excellent, though. It's just the poster child for something women would not get.
That was literally the only halfway decent episode of nuwho.
>i dropped it halfway and never went back to it because it was too long :(
>i liked it though
why do men always try to speak for women? i like sci fi but i'm not fanatical about it. is that what you mean? why aren't more women fanatical about sci fi? we don't get fanatical about fiction, only men. i dunno why.
in his defense there is a meh and sort of vague bit after the alliance gives up and before yang gives in and does what shenkop wanted him to do in the first place
need scifi movie recommendation that's available on netflix. TIA
It's /lit/ snobbery. Just like literary classics that get treated as such simply because they're old.
I worship his shadow
no problem
Yes, that's what I heard so I watched it. I tried to get into the show after that episode but couldn't because it bored me. I didn't care about charcters, didn't see the point, looked silly. I think maybe I'd enjoy it more when I was 12-14. I like Aliens franchise, Predators franchise, Arrival, Martian, Skyline, Cloverfield and some others.
The biggest problem is people who don’t know what words mean but use them anyway.
Genre fiction, for instance, is a term for works steeped heavily in concepts and themes developed by other writers, where the author doesn’t do much to develop or expand the themes. Examples are all the “fantasy” works that just lift Tolkien concepts and do nothing with them. People look down on it because it’s barely a step above fan fiction.
There’s also the bit about how “sci-fi” has become a catchall for just about anything, with zero regard to realism or accuracy.
May his shadow fall upon you
I'm not retarded, there were other things I wanted to watch and had limited time. So I put the show on hold. It has like 80 episodes or something.
In her defense, but thanks.
It seems to me like a Space Soap Opera with guys attracted by the politics and war aesthetic and women by the romanticism and handsome men.
The part where FPA at Isenlorn started fawning over Kircheis looks seemed to me like some fan service for the ladies.
>Women Are Like This
k breh
Edge of Tomorrow
you know you can search by genre right
it came from MPC in like 2015
My mum got me into scifi as a kid, she likes stuff like dune and stargate.
>Edge of Tomorrow
Pretty good moovie
because anything that doesn't focus around women and their needs is unimportant to them
Not a lot of people like sci-fi in general. A lot of sci-fi isn't used in a dramatic way, which is what most people enjoy, but it's used in a way where the idea has to be appealing or interesting and it often isn't and therefore isn't given much of a budget so it looks like shit. Girls like any kind of character drama that's done well and most sci-fi movies and shows are boring.
Let's give roasties a chance, describe in your words why you do like sci-fi? And then we can work back to why women dislike it.
I'm a woman into sci-fi. Not all women enjoy sci-fi same as not all men do. You need slightly nerdier women and men. My guess is the women OP doesn't get to talk to but really wants to, don't enjoy Sci-fi. Perhaps his mother and sister don't too. Doesn't mean all don't.
Some do but people who have easy access to sex (like Chad) are going to spend more of their free time doing that than reading Arthur C Clarke or L Ron Hubbard. And most women have no barriers to getting sex at all.
I've seen Edge of Tomorrow. Will try ARQ. thanks
I know but I'm looking for something that /tv/ approves
Scifi is concept driven, women tend to prefer character driven storytelling because they are more empathic or whatever.
generalizations, much?
>women are just as likely to be shut in NEET virgins nerds as guys
What reality did you base this conclusion on?
women are only empathic to things their brains recognize as children
what's wrong with her face?
es la atrocidad americana...
Because sci-fi needs to be changed to appeal to them, same as they are doing with everything else.
>They feel.
No they don't.
It's geared towards nu-males, although females aren't much different.
It just doesn't really translate to the screen. Books still contain the only true sci fi. I love Stanislaw Lem, but Tarkovsky's Solaris dispenses with almost all the technical meat that gave the book such an interesting mix of hard sci fi and character study. Still a great movie and still closer to being true sci fi than most. Film is a visual medium, there's no way to "show don't tell" technical details which obviously is required to broach true sci fi. A movie of nothing but exposition would be awful. Who knows maybe someone with some actual talent will someday be able to make a film that cracks the code. Some time after current Hollywood is cleansed in nuclear fire. Or when Russia produces another great film maker. IMO the east always did sci fi better.
"whats wrong w/ her face?"
-- its just her makeover has to heal a lil more
They do.. i know one that watches almost entirely scifi.
@ "why dont women like sci fi?"
is this the sexism board?
She's black
So why do they recoil in revulsion at you?
This is beyond cuckery, beyond race treason.
It's species treason.
god I wish that was me
based mod getting quads
Women love Star Trek and Star Wars, and I'm pretty sure the game series Mass Effect had a huge female fanbase.
I thought Star Wars was labeled "Science Fantasy"; a fantasy setting and themes but in space?
To piggyback, I love hard sci-fi. I have a giant compilation of hard sci-fi short stories and you can still come up with some fantastic mcguffins and monsters. I think the real problem is that no one reads anymore, and it's considered too much effort for an author to extend when stuff like Twilight sells 1.5 million copies in a month
Alright retards story time
>Be me, really into the first Blade Runner
>Have friend, female, really into her because we've been friends so long
> 2049 comes out, hyped as fuck
>Get courage to ask her out to a movie, she says alright
>Movie time, in theater for 15 minutes
>She asks to leave
>Pissed cuz I was liking it so far
>Walk out, she tells me she doesn't like sci-fi
>Ask her why didn't she google the movie first if she was willing to do this
>Tells me we should just be friends because I'm too nerdy
>Basically called me a soyboi
In short, I don't care why they don't like it, it's just they can't stick anything up for they lack any selflessness whatsoever. I may hate this earth and human nature, but I at least have some compassion for others.
Sci fi is shit.
Fantasy is much better and women like fantasy much more. Women have better taste in this sense.
skyline was fucking awful. I mean truly terrible.
This is retarded. Last trek convention I went to had just as many greasy odd smelling females as males. Actually saw a bunch of them playing some tabletop in the hotel restaurant.
Because women are too busy finding Chads who are not assholes, i.e. they already have a fantasy that can't be achieved. Why would they need sci-fi when they already have that void of fantasy filled?