*meows at you*
*meows at you*
*has nightmare and meows*
*gets rudely awoken and meows*
Your cat doesn't look like a meow cat
*falls back to sleep*
*steals your pillow again*
*stares you down for not giving enough pats*
are u a trap?
Nice quads my mann
Awwwwwww dawggeru
The mentally ill shouldn't be allowed to have pets.
All it takes is one breakdown and this guy's wearing his own cat inside out as a fashionable miniskirt.
*claws at your pink thigh highs*
looks like my cat who died a week ago :(
>this is what reddit actually believes
Go back to your containment board.
imbibing there's a /reddit/ board
:( that's really sad.
Both of my kitties were rescued from abusive owners, when I first got them the ginger one (that I'm posting) had been tarred, it took months for me to slowly remove all the tar from his fur.
His friend died last year and he still walks around the house meowing like he's looking for him :(
I think your dog is autistic
is the cat dead in that pic?
Where did you buy the socks from op?
An online costume store lol.
I have the coveted (((thigh bulge)))
so you're fat and bought tight socks
>guis look im le quirky trap xd maymay man
Yeah, I'm really fat, that's why my thighs are so thicc, it sucks.
If I don't control my hunger I may just eat a whole person, never know.
>wtf is wrong with his fingers
I thought trannies being mentally ill was just a meme, this thread convinced me otherwise
*eats kittu*
I'm not a tranny, I have a gf user.
nice gaming chair faggot, did you buy that from pewdiepie?
Please stop this, OP. This pic is just as concerning as watching someone slit their wrists.
>I have a gf
prove it tranny
those high thighs made my heart beat faster
it's honestly pathetic how you make a fake thread about your cat just to brag about your mental illness
Will you marry me unironically?
>I'm not a tranny, I have a gf user.
lol, she's probably the man in your relationship if you're dressing up like a sissy in your free time
>tfw you see right though it
Quite cringe desu, ham-handed.
>if I post my cat with a little leg...
OP is a trap. Quads says so.
The socks give it away.
>making me put photos together to prove something to you.
Fine anons here. I'm not going to lie, most of you probably can't comprehend the life I live. That picture with her in a little mermaid wig and me creeping behind her was taken in a 1.3k per night penthouse she paid for, she's a rich fetish model. She likes it when I dress up as a girl what can I say?
The guy called me fat so I proved him wrong, now you've all swarmed my thread, calm down little robot.
I'm engaged to this girl can't you see my ring?
Is that chair comfy or is it just an overpriced meme?
i wont lie, that's kind of weird, not the type of situation i'd want to get into, but you do you user
When does the double suicide pact take effect?
please be my bf
post discord
post face I want to see how chad you are
no, he died like an hour later
i took pics because i never saved any old pics of him
Why is steamrolled?
It's extremely weird.
I wouldn't kill myself I actually enjoy my life.
I'm not single.
I can't post my face otherwise I would have, I have some very unique and identifiable face tattoos and before everyone says
>degenerate with face tattoos
Yes I admit I am a degenerate with face tattoos but I'm also a total autistic nerd studying software engineering.
that's just the way he was laying, he stopped eating and drinking and got really thin
Why did you take photos of a dead cat
Are a happa?
i didnt have any pictures of him
How many photos did you take
Oh hey, look, it's this desperate attention whore narcissist again. Try to rack up a decent score when you inevitably snap, okay buddy?
You need to get him another friend :(
No I'm something like 80% European and 14% Jew.
Kek it isn't my fault spergs with too much time and an internet addiction shit post using my pictures, if you keep seeing me maybe you need some time off the internet or at least try another board, I would suggest Jow Forums.
I thought about it but between classes, study and a partner I'm not sure I would have the time to take proper care and play with both of them whenever I get home this one is always crying at me like "you left me you asshole" and when he inevitably passes It would break my heart if the other one got sad like this one :(
of course an attentionwhore is a kike
u r a trap?
best feeling is when my cat wakes up from a nap just to come onto my bed/stomach to nap on me.feeling his body heat and heartbeat makes me feel happy every time
Naww, he looks so comfy.
Trap you are?
cats are the comfiest. how long have you been with yours op?
I have had him since I decided to become a trap five years ago.
Fag you are?
no but r u a trap tho?
>tfw housemates have a cat
>very affectionate and constantly wants attention
>annoying as shit
>tfw I get angry and smack him/grab the back of his neck and pin him down while he squirms in a futile attempt to escape
He won't leave me alone, what else am I supposed to do?
>squirms in a futile attempt to escape
Pretty sure thats abuse, but wtf ever. How does he not scratch the shit outta you?
i curse you forever. may you always be depressed and lonely and unable to escape your problems
Hes on r9k, hes already cursed with being depressed and lonely and unable to escape his problems
He"s a pussy faggot
>pic related
>implying that works
Hope you get fucked up by your roomate, faggots like you are the lowest denominator in life
>inb4 b8
>pretending that it doesn't
I could kick my housemate's ass, they won't do anything. Suck my peepee normalnigger
>having roommates
>being able to fight
>calling anyone else a normalnigger
Someone post the pic again.