You get transported into the middle of a date with a qt

>You get transported into the middle of a date with a qt

What do u do?

Attached: gfsimulator (2).webm (480x600, 1.92M)

Leave. That girl is way too young for me.

Run away.
And later cry.

Ask her to expose her soles so I can give them a lick of course

>poking her phone while on a date
Get up and leave

leave. That girl is way too old for me.

>ask her a few questions
>show no signs of interest
>open tinder and start swiping
>tell her I have to go outside to smoke and that I'll be back really soon
>don't come back
>ask the barman for memes later

I get up, do a 360 and walk away

Attached: 1522109754962.png (240x256, 110K)

Dios mioo

360? It's 180 you fag

Attached: 1523877786569.png (499x768, 112K)

>360? It's 180 you fag
Wow, newfag alert. Everyone knows this meme.

me in the original background

>I know this sounds crazy but I just woke up in this body you will probably think I'm a crazy freak or that I just want an excuse to leave this date but I'm actually a lonely loser who is still a virgin and never had a date. Bye.

I dunno is she of age? cuz besides that she's as cute as ... I dunno

Where do you find videos like this for real?

Attached: 1517162499811.webm (640x360, 456K)

Ask her about her hobbies.

"Can't you go 5 minutes without making a scene and/or attention whoring?"

nice try not falling for the vagina jew not going to pay a dinner whore.

You actually fell for this bait? Oh wow.

Attached: received_337398619991852.jpg (400x395, 15K)

>falling for my falling for the bait
Hah, newfags never learn.

>a girl

fucking 360 degrees and walk away

Attached: 23_453467.png (446x297, 3K)

>falling for my falling for my falling for bait
Checkmate newfriend

Attached: 0e9.jpg (600x600, 27K)

"why dont women like me women are the problem"

Leave as well, but this girl is way to fucking stupid looking and full of herself.

Creep sites, creep threads, creep anything. Really, being damaged enough that you want to stare at someone making expressions means you fall into pretty counter-social circles.

Or try anything k-pop/japanese. They're pretty much trained to look like this shit. Like that "stop girl".

>Instagram, twitter, pinterest, etsy, and facebook. Lol, I'm so basic. LoL.

Fucking gag.

Not liking attention whore personality traits is not a problem, user.

Get her to come back to my place so I can give her the ole lickeroo.

>Creep sites, creep threads, creep anything. Really, being damaged enough that you want to stare at someone making expressions means you fall into pretty counter-social circles.

Any tips for finding this stuff and looking at people making expressions makes me happy

Start hyperventilating.
She will leave soon after this

Anime boss battle music plays and I do a perfect backflip out of my chair and karate kick it into her

Then I call her a roastie and run away because I'm a retard

John McCain observing in the background

It was an insult. And no, I don't try and find stuff like that, so can't help you.

Try to gauge if they're already fucking and if so try to fuck her.