Guys, this was a big mistake

Guys, this was a big mistake

I never should have come to Guangzhou (a city in China).
The fan in my computer broke and I can't even use it. I have to post from my fucking phone.

My grandparents keep subtly making fun of me for being a virgin, and all the girls look at me like I don't even belong. They just laugh at me when I try to talk to them.


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I will rescue you.

Looks like you can't take it anymore.

oh man, but where are you right now?

He's not in Guangzhou (a city in China) anymore. He's back in Australia and trying to find a job. He quit r9k because he thought it hindered him.



this prince of guangzhou meme is so weird

I am coming to save you friend!!

>tfw got a question right on Jeopardy because of the Guangzhou (a city in China) meme

Attached: kai-extra0205-ep020-Thumbs up.png (320x240, 106K)

Hes in Guangzhou (a city in China).
Silly, user.
>tfw no reading comprehension whatsoever

He posted about his yeezys once, was gay.

Robots should have a mass exodus to Guangzhou (a city in china).

I hope you make it out of Guangzhou (a city in China).

>people still post this unfunny copypasta

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>dumb frogposters still frogpost dumbly

At this point on this board I support every meme that isn't cuck porn or tranny spam.

>op literally posts new things going on
it started with him being told he was going to Guangzhou (a city in China). Then he got to Guangzhou (a city in China). Now his grandparents that live in Guangzhou (a city in China) are being rude to him and he doesnt like being in Guangzhou (a city in China).

There were posts about him being a triad and getting in a strip club. I bet he's living the dream.

Holy shit, I did too! Nice to see another JeopardyBro on this shithole website.

I mostly agree with you, with the exception that the stupid pineapple fisting shit needs to leave. Worse that traps, in my opinion. It's so forced and unfunny it hurts.

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Guangzhou (a city in China) has joined El Dorado and Atlantis in my tier of best cities

>pic isn't OP

fake and gay

well we fucking told you not to go...

When will Disney make a Guangzhou (a city in China) movie on par with the Atlantis and El Dorado films?

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if they manage to find an all black cast willing to star in it, probably next year

They really knew what they were doing back then. What happened?

It appears YOU can't take it anymore.

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what about orbiter threads?

copy pastas are welcomed in a board bombarded with race bait and gay threads