This is Ophelia. She was a former /cgl/ and Jow Forums regular. She was a regular on the convetion scene too. Big cosplayer.
She's now a pornslut who goes by the name "Misha Mayfair". She isn't the only one, there are, off the top of my head, a dozen girls from /cgl/ and Jow Forums who went into porn. Actual hardcore pro-porn, and there are countless more who have done "softcore" shit alongside that (Cosplay Deviants for example - the guy who owns that porn site admitted straight up he trolls /cgl/ and lolcow for new talent).
Why are Jow Forums girls like this? No, memes aside, why? We're mostly maladjusted, weird virgins. Or not good with women. Yet our female counterparts are screwing guys they meet on kik, or at anime conventions and so on.
I honestly think the girls on this website are worse than normie girls.
I'm a guy whose only dating and sex experience come from this very board. Can confirm everything OP has said is true.
Kayden Mitchell
you have to be EXTREMELY desperate for attention to seek the attention of the absolute failures on Jow Forums The only bigger source of attention is being a camslut whore >I honestly think the girls on this website are worse than normie girls they are
Jack Perry
Wow she's really pretty.
Anyway I have childhood issues and although I would never do porn, pleasuring others is one of the few things that doesn't make me feel totally worthless
They're trash, but generally we're not that much better. I have an addiction to femanons. I'll meet one, start out, get to know her, get nudes, fap together, potentially meet up and then even if she thinks we're in a proper relationship; I'll start to get the urge to come and post in threads like this. So I can start the process all over again. Meet another femanon, get more nudes, potentially more sex and so on.
I think I'm addicted to two things. Firstly, the whole idea of the "femanon". The stereotype: BPD/mental illness, sexually depraved, cum dumpster, nerdy etc. Secondly, the need for validation from these girls. I love meeting them and hearing them tell me I'm cute, or that they love my cock or whatever. It's incredibly addictive.
Pic related. This is what the more top-tier femanons look like.
>pleasuring others is one of the few things that doesn't make me feel totally worthless
How do you pleasure others? Sex?
Gavin Richardson
For being like what? OP mentioned several things in his post.
Nicholas Reyes
>Pic related. This is what the more top-tier femanons look like.
Visually yes. But in terms of personality, Ciara and Marky are literally 1:1 with the stereotype (mentally unsound, ironic, abysmal self-esteem yet hide behind a bitchy, nonchalant affectation, gruesome rape fantasies which stem from flat-out self-hatred, daddy issues, think they're better than the orbiters who surround them when they're often much worse etc)
Owen Nelson
Mason Powell
Most modern women are completely damaged, it is not just femanons.
If I ever go full apathetic I will leak literally dozens of "fembots" nudes, spanning from 2011 to now.
I still have a moral compass though, even though women test my patience incessantly.
Exactly the same with me. Except my feelings towards them have compounded into concentrated sexual rage. I would hatefuck a femanon until her cunt bled, and then make her suck my dick. I'd also make the /cgl/ ones do things to punish them that were in-theme with their attention whoring crimes. Making her streetwalk around a known hooker area in a revealing cosplay for example.
Jacob Diaz
Because they are damaged and have no sense of self worth however there are some girl here who are not whores but that makes up like 5% of the not underage female popultion here.
John Williams
this is misha mayfair? (she used to be really cute, what happened to her face?). I know her from FakeTaxi. Where can I find more info from her Jow Forums time?
Oliver Johnson
>I would hatefuck a femanon until her cunt bled, and then make her suck my dick. I'd also make the /cgl/ ones do things to punish them that were in-theme with their attention whoring crimes. Making her streetwalk around a known hooker area in a revealing cosplay for example. >tfw reading this made you wet
I don't think I can realistically deny that I'm fucked up in the way you guys describe. I just wish other fembots were as honest as me. The ones who annoy me the most are the ones who pretend they're pure when they're clearly just as slutty as the rest of us are.
Colton Campbell
Molestation, bullying.
I don't have sex but in my teen years did send a lot of nudes and sext with men online.
Brandon Nguyen
>Why are Jow Forums girls like this? Most people who come to Jow Forums have had rough or abnormal childhoods, and for guys that might mean that they were beaten or ignored a lot, but for girls, more often than not it means they were raped. That kind of stuff happening in childhood really messes with you. Abuse or neglect or bullying made a lot of you guys angry, depressed, and avoidant. You were treated badly early in life and so you think that's all there is for you. When you're raped in childhood, something similar can happen, some people come out thinking all they're good for is to look pretty and get fucked, which is a stance that robots tend to agree with. Of course, some people come out of it just fine, and some people have the opposite effect. Personally, rape made me hate being touched, even casually.
It's kind of understandable if a family member molested you and you turned out like this.
>did send a lot of nudes
lol @ the use of the past tense.
Cooper Reyes
The ones who pretend to be Christian are the worst. I am very firm in my faith and it annoys me when guys or girls pretend to be Christian and abide by Christian morality to get their ideal mate or appeal to that ideal.
Henry Green
It's not their fault. American women are conditioned from the time they're born to be vain, selfish, and promiscuous. They're slaves to their upbringing, just like everyone else.
Aiden Flores
It's more or less white women everywhere these days.
We honestly need white shariah. I'm not even meme'ing or exaggerating at this point. White women love being abused, choked and "put in their place" in a fantasy context - and fantasy is really just a form of hyperreality.
Elijah Lewis
>Falling for the fembot meme This is a boyz only club faggot
Or we could just think about the way we're raising our children.
Hunter James
This is not misha mayfair
Blake Torres
Yeah, try raising your children in an environment where Jews have completely normalized sexual depravity and trashiness to the extent where softcore pornography like a Sailor Moon cosplay is considered normal. Or where it's just considered normal for girls to start having sex at 14 with random older dudes. Or where a massive chunk of the music played over the radio is about fucking and sucking and being a slut.
Some anons believe in "corrective rape" though. I saw one user claim it broke a woman's will and made her less likely to be uppity and defend her sluttery.
Aaron Ross
I am 28 already, I've deen with dozens of women. Getting married and having children is a suicidal investment in this climate, I have yet to find a woman that met all the criteria for me to even consider it. When I was younger I almost went through with it, twice. I am thankful it didn't work out, in hindsight.
Most of you are still way too young to realize how bad things really are.
I might say "fuck it" when I get a little older and bet my whole future on a feeling. If worst comes to worst and I become part of the statistic of failed marriages, I can always just kill myself.
>I saw one user claim it broke a woman's will I wasn't talking about women, I was talking about children. Trauma affects children differently because their brain is still developing, and when traumatized it develops around the trauma.
Justin Williams
>genuinely believing women have sex offered to them all the time Sigh, theres no hope for you
Logan Rodriguez
I have been using Jow Forums for 10 years my first board was cgl too back when it was only girls posting, I will be 26 years old soon, I don't post nudes like that but the closest thing I do is dress up in costumes that are pretty lewd and post them on Instagram, but I don't do any ero positions or anything not even the ahegao meme shit.
You can call me a thot but I just want to tell you an example.
Also I want to ask what your guys's definition of what porn is. For me I think soft core can be still clothed but with lewd poses like a picture of a girl touching her pussy or something, not that I am against that if girls want to do that. The only thing is I roll my eyes when I hear a guy say some girl has done nudes and they show me a picture of her wearing a bra and underwear.
I wasn't implying anything about you, I said OUR children, as in America's children. People are teaching their children to act this way. You're just waiting for the kids to become adults so that you can blame it on them, rather than doing anything about the root of the problem.
Logan Carter
>whore posting
Grayson Ortiz
hmmm maybe you're right op is probably some jealous lolcow femanon
as an aside """fembots""" are literally the worst even more vindictive and nasty than staceies, espcially to other women
>The only thing is I roll my eyes when I hear a guy say some girl has done nudes and they show me a picture of her wearing a bra and underwear.
This is the point we've reached. Where a man's daughter sending out pictures in her underwear isn't a big deal at all.
>I have been using Jow Forums for 10 years my first board was cgl too back when it was only girls posting,
It's a whore's board. Look at any of the con sex threads.
>I do is dress up in costumes that are pretty lewd and post them on Instagram
So you do softcore porn.
>ahegao meme shit
They're just as trashy as you are. White female weebs are utter, utter cancer.
I wish I could hatefuck you until you cried.
Oliver Barnes
oh oh
Aaron Murphy
Why are you replying to yourself newfag? Ophelia was well known on here several years ago, she hooked up with some Swedish faggot called Oscar. There's a thread about her on that shitty female Jow Forums if you're that interested.
Camden Collins
>I wish I could hatefuck you until you cried. Underage edgelord snowflake confirmed
Jonathan Jones
Nope nope nope. Ugly brit "women" are a mistake.
Leo Hall
Nice meme faggot. But people have been using line breaks here since 2003. I wish I could hate you niggers who try to fit in this desperately bald.
I'm not being edgy. She's trash. The only thing that will "cure" her is a reminder of what men's dominance over women actually looks like in practice.
Justin Brown
Ophelia and Misha Mayfair are literally the same person you idiot.
Easton Morris
>replies to every (you) >reddit spacing >Jow Forumsincel logic
Jonathan Bailey
prove it then user
Hunter Brooks
>I'm over 25 years old who gives a fuck I'm an adult. I would understand if I was 18 years old and you were saying this , but I am way older than you boy.
I'm older than you, you idiot. And have more experience with the opposite sex. Men are only going to view you for one thing if you present yourself in the way you are. Forget about all the face-saving shit you tell yourself ("well, they aren't really nudes"). The vast majority of cosplay, in and of itself, is softcore pornography and always has been.
Dominic James
STFU reddit The absolute state of this board. you got your (You)s, now get out.
Liam Rodriguez
>We're mostly maladjusted, weird virgins. Or not good with women.
There is no we here. You might be these things, but just because you look for your kind here doesn't make everyone else like you. If you honestly haven't worked out Jow Forums attracts a massively diverse userbase, you're really lacking in understanding.
Jonathan Cruz
How is he an edgelord for echoing a fantasy the vast majority of women on this board have? Most women here fantasize about stuff like violent rape. Take it from a seasoned collector of fembots.
Ryan Bailey
>This is the point we've reached. Where a man's daughter sending out pictures in her underwear isn't a big deal at all.
I'm over 25 years old who gives a fuck I'm an adult. I would understand if I was 18 years old and you were saying this , but I am way older than you boy.
When you are my age and you start going to a strip club to watch girls you will find it really obnoxious when 18 year old girls tell you "your mom would be disappointed", you will be rolling your eyes just like I am now at you. When you grow up you will understand.
Everyone in this thread should leave this place and fucking kill themselves. Fucking scum
Xavier Parker
To be this mad you have to be extremely sexually frustrated and if you are honestly older than me you just have a mind-set of a child
Aiden Howard
>Comtinues to whore post
Blake Hughes
We lost my friend, we fucking lost. We lost this board years ago. Just look at this thread.
Samuel Wood
It's literally only white women who do this. No other race of fembots are desperate enough to whore themselves out to a bunch of creepy orbiters.
Brody Martin
Who the fuck goes to strip clubs anymore? Nowadays it is all about those underground illegal sex and drug clubs where you can party with your mayor.
John Hall
please show me your ways. I'm a 25 year old manlet virgin who's actually quite good looking and getting lots of IRL female attention but I'm just too scared of intimacy to go with it. Having some sexual fun with femanons online might cure me but I literally don't know how to do it.
Sebastian Kelly
>White female weebs are utter, utter cancer.
^ This. It's not even a "nerdy girl" thing like some of you describe, most of the girls I know from /tg/ are fine.
It's a "white girls who are into anime" thing. Anime has rotted their minds. When you talk to them over Skype or Kik or whatever, they're incapable of talking normally about anything. Everything gets injected with this cringy irony. Even sex. They'll talk about outrageously inappropriate things on public social-media channels, like getting fucked by a guy whose name they didn't even know, but it's ok because it's LE IRONIC XD. The ahegao face thing that's taken off is a classic example of this, it's a wildly inappropriate thing to be doing, it's basically a sort of porn. But it's IRONIC LOL XD so it's ok.
Again: It's a white-girls-who-are-into-anime thing. The cosplay scene just happens to be the extreme edge of a group of girls who are already fucked up,
It may seem counter-intuitive since so many of you are neck-deep in the shittiest sort of Japanese pop media (there is worthwhile manga and anime after all) but don't go for white girls who list anime as a "hobby". Just... don't.
I mean they probably post their nudes on soc anyways.
William Clark
It fucking hurts. We have no place to go without this femwhores and this depraved normalniggers coming here to shit up our board. I really do hope they kill themselves
Eli Collins
Stop giving her the attention she needs. This, they literally have no goals and responsibilities in their lives so they end up this way, any sane person with things to do and goals to achieve spend most of their day working towards it not having sex with a different partner from the opposite gender every other day or whoring out on social media.
Cameron Price
You're dressing up as anime characters as a mid 20s something girl and posting these pictures to instagram for attention and you're telling me, someone with a real job, an apartment and a life, that I have the mindset of a child? This is what was referring to when he said:
>think they're better than the orbiters who surround them when they're often much worse etc
How can you believe you're better than me? You make a conscious effort to pick out the sluttiest cartoon characters you can find in order to garner attention from them. What's going to happen when you're my age and you're too old and haggard to generate the sex appeal a 20-something can? Because it will creep up on you quicker than you think, believe me.
My acid test is 'is she into any of those shitty Japanese mobile games?' If yes, then she's almost certainly a massive fucking whore.
Easton Perez
Just ban white women from this board, they're the ones perpetuating whore behavior
Camden Ramirez
I agree with you about the absolute state of white women, but every Asian girl from this board I've spoken to was 1. Into race-play and 2. Gave me nudes. And there were four in total. Don't want to detract from your general point though because degeneracy hits white women the hardest by far. Maybe it has something to do with how much more desirable they are. Like, they just can't really deal with it. That or the complete absence of white female role models of any kind.
Kayden King
This is why we can't have nice things.
>Personally, rape made me hate being touched, even casually. Hmm that's nice. I'm the same except I'm not sure if it's that or because of my autism. As for the beatings/neglect, I think I came out quite fine especially after the therapy... Except for relationships, my mind can't comprehend how to function anywhere near one. It's like a deadzone in my mind.
Amen my fellow Christian brother. Do you have any sisters per chance?
>shariah NO O
26 w/ 10yrs, same. Except started on /b/ for a few years then Jow Forums. Porn is at least nipples and vag, like a celeb's leaks.
Not really you mong. It's very format attracts libertarians, unrepresented demographics and social rejects. If you can post to your heart's content on facebook or reddit why bother venturing away from them? If you are socially affluent why bother typing online like a faggit, instead of doing IRL shit?
Hmm. That's news to me. I haven't paid attention to IRL weebs since I was teen-years-old going to conventions. It was pretty much "Foam Adventure" back them.
John Murphy
Now watch her 'roll her eyes' and convince herself that she is the 'mature' person in the conversation and either leave or reply with another whore post.
James Williams
I know it's cool to hate nerdy western stuff these days because le based japan but I've noticed the girls who are into stuff like d&d, western RPGs, fantasy novels or even Star Trek are less likely to be sluts than the girls who are into anime.
I think anime does something to these girls where their autism/aspergers and the inherently ecchi nature of it combine to get rid of any sense of boundaries or shame.
Grayson Nelson
And what about the semi-chads who come here to fuck these psycho whores? They both attract each other. This is filth should be purged regardless of race or gender.
Ian Powell
When men are damaged they are unable to find a partner. When women are damaged they go haywire and fuck a ton of dudes.
Brayden Collins
Amen brother. What else is left to discuss ?, except some whores in denial doing mental gymnastics to convince themselves what they do is normal.
John Carter
Death to all non-metallic humans.
Henry Cook
>Now watch her 'roll her eyes' and convince herself that she is the 'mature' person in the conversation and either leave or reply with another whore post.
So what you're saying its a lose-lose for me I literally can't do nothing my hands are tied. Cool fucking autistic logic. This is literally the only time I ever talked about this only because this thread was made by op I just wanted to put my imput into it. Stop fucking acting like I self post all the time on here like I am Ciara or some shit. I am anonymously talking about this.
Imagine being this girl's dad LOL. I would have shot myself years ago.
Benjamin Rivera
You dress up in slutty costumes and post it to the public space. What did you expect? What you're doing is whorish behavior however you want to cut it. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume you're promiscuous too.
I don't know why this idea that I don't think that it is slutty to dress up like that I never said that. I'm just saying I do that it's not a big deal. And it doesn't mean I am promiscuous, I dress in men's clothing when I go out but I guess me saying that means nothing to you I will stop posting here I don't know what the fuck I even was thinking posting here I'll just let you guys be in your Echo chamber alone and jerk each other off.
Alexander Johnson
Appreciate honesty but get out,you keep on playing the 'you guys dont understand, you will when you grow up', as I said you had your (You)s, have this last one. fyi I am a grown up responsible adult and a virgin(there is no way for me to prove that I am successful in my life so call me a virgin incel loser sitting in his basement all you want) . And refer to this , get a real goal in life.
Eli Young
I met my current girlfriend on here and she has basically no nerd interests beyond reading sci-fi and fantasy. She's great, has only had one sexual partner before me and is 26. In spite of being abused as a kid by her older brother.
Every girl I dated who was into anime was a literal BPD loon who posted nudes and cut themselves.
Jose Cooper
>And it doesn't mean I am promiscuous
How many sexual partners have you had?
Aiden Rodriguez
god she is so cute. I want a gf with unnatural colored dyed hair
Eli Thompson
It's getting to the point where I'm starting to believe a lot of young white girls would be healthier had their dads taken their virginities. At least then their first sexual contact would have been with someone close to them who genuinely loved them. I'd prefer a girl who loves her biological dad than one who chases "daddies" on tumblr and fetlife.
Oliver Cox
>knowing this much about leddit
Nice job outing yourself fag
Benjamin Torres
Amen my fellow Christian brother. Do you have any sisters per chance? Yes I have three sisters and one brother. Why?
Joseph Roberts
I think the women you described are simply the most visible. I've met very few who are actually like that.
Adrian Cooper
> I'm an adult
An adult not even bottom of the barrel trash respect.
Wyatt Murphy
that's the girl version of being a maladjusted weirdo user. Is this your first day on this planet?
It's strange that so often the guys who talk about getting nudes and sex from Jow Forums girls report doing it to several girls. Meanwhile there are just as many virgin robots who seem to just get ghosted.
I wonder how many girls who have ghosted robots have gone on to have sex with one or more other guys from Jow Forums.
Andrew Moore
Not OP but every girl I've contactfagged with was like how he describes to varying degrees. Sexually loose, no self-esteem and posted nudes, self-loathing to the point of horrifically violent fantasies, bad relationship or no relationship with their father, mentally ill (usually BPD or HPD) etc.
Camden Sullivan
huge tits for a tranny
Josiah Carter
Do you at least admit a lot of the girls on /cgl/ are slutty, and that cosplay is a bit of a trashy hobby to have?
Michael James
When I say 2 that means only one has actually been inside of me
Evan Ramirez
>female >robot fuck off attention whore
Caleb Allen
I have gotten nudes from dozens of femanons and I have been ghosted dozens of times. Many times with no apparent reason. The women that browse this board are extremely neurotic and mentally ill.
Yes it is, a lot of girls on there have sugar daddies I remember posting 2008 and every day there was a sugar daddy thread The board is not as cancerous and whorish as soc is though
Cooper Gray
Mine are bigger and faker.
Gavin Powell
>You dress up in slutty costumes and post it to the public space. I don't see how this is any different to professional models.
Idk why I'm giving a Roastiest (you)s but if you are unmarried you should be at 0. Anything more than that and you have been promiscuous. If you showed actual regret for it, then that's fine, but I doubt you do. Hence you remain in your sin and remain promiscuous.