Most of you fags are just normies/chads with low self esteem. I feel like their are very few real robos left.
Most of you fags are just normies/chads with low self esteem. I feel like their are very few real robos left
Probably because the real ones killed themselves
I took that one test and i got like 19 so i guess im good.
Just because I had sex in highschool doesn't mean I'm not robot. It just means I got lucky once,for 9 months with the same girl.
Tell me, OP, what's your definition of a "robot"?
You're trying to make me feel good, nigger?
Had sex = normie.... gtfo back to Normieville
was that an IQ test? LOL
yea in brainlet incel world
normie = happy successful person
robot = antisocial depressed loser
Unfortunately that equation has been proven wrong for some time now. Just because they have sex doesn't mean anything. Literally anybody can have sex. Not everybody can remain normal or be accepted into normal society. Not that I need to accepted but still,having sex doesn't make you a robot.
If you think having sex makes you a normie you're probably an underage b&
>normies are happy and successful
What a joke. Most people are just doing what they think is expected of them, and resenting those who don't do the same. Most people don't become happy and have peace of mind. To say you're a robot because you're sad and that most people in this world aren't sad is delusional.
underage faggot get out this is original
You gotta get the fuck out normalfag, leddit is right up your alley.
I am just a normincel
Why don't you help me out and help yourself at the same time??
No amount of forced multiculturalism will ever get people to accept occultism amongst the masses. And by the way,Reddit is a high box echo chamber. They are forced into being accepting. But those are just a small minority anyways too. You still have the entire outside world to deal with too. Not that you've ever dealt with the outside world.
TL;DR you really have no idea what you are talking about.
>low self esteem
How about you pick one.
why is it always so easy?
It isn't b8 you fuck.
true robots have realized that man love is true love :3
>Literally anybody can have sex
>if a poor man has a good meal, he's rich, go back to richville!
I agree
>Literally anybody can have sex.
And he arrives on que.
He isn't poor then and should stop calling himself poor. He is just adequate (normie/failed normie) and not rich(chad).
By having a personality beyond video games and DnD.
if your parents are still alive you can't be a robot
This is why you normies don't belong
You're just condescending, its not helpful
Didnt say sad you absolute mongoloid
I said depressed, theres a huge difference
not really though. it's just a belief that you're not as happy as you should be or sadder
Its fucking true tho
You can literally pay for it
Its not speshul you fucking 12 year old
You're a failed normalfag , you had sex.Someone out there in the world cared enough to get intimate with you.A lot of people here will NEVER understand that feeling.Its obnoxious as fuck whenever i hear when you guys claiming you "get it", its past the point of annoying its just outright insulting.
>Someone out there in the world cared enough to get intimate with you
Or they just wanted cummies, same as you.
It blows my mind the way permavirgins put pussy on a pedestal
Ok I'm sorry. But I seriously I don't know. In highschool it was pretty easy for me and everyone else around me because I lived at a loose school. Even the nerds there were getting laid so I never even though about it. So I guess all I can say is: be at the right place at the right time. If you see a chance take it. You shouldn't pass up a shot at glory. That's all it'd really take,assuming you aren't some disgusting freak of nature. You are acting like humans are these complex organisms when really most people are predictable and easily manipulated.
>if a poor guy gets a dollar, he is automatically rich for the rest of his life! some people never get a dollar!
>haha i was merely pretending
get out fag
>right place at the right time
thats the thing tho, most of these idiots dont even bother to try
guarantee theres some 3/10 nerd girl who would happily fuck them
oh but thats right, im NEET but i deserve a 10/10 life is unfair
Cant you blame us?Its instilled in society from day one that a man who cannot attract a women is a failure.Doesnt matter what your accomplishments are people will give you unnecessary amount grief.
>unironically using a non sequitur
>Be "Chad" (e.g. Good looks and good height)(at least that's r9k's definition of a chad))
>Diagnosed as a literal bipolar freak
>Diagnosed with clinical depression
>Never had a gf
>never had sex
>Have no friends at all
>Recluse to the points I hardly shower
Remind me again how I'm a normie and "chad"?
The absolute state of Jow Forums. A couple of years ago this kind of post would have gotten a massive rrreeeeee-swarm. Now people just seem to tolerate the normie scum among us.
Getting sex requires normie skills/traits. True robots are incels, they have issues which absolutely and totally prevent getting sex/gf (prostitutes do not count): wrong hobbies, no friends, lack of social skills, overweight, being a manlet, watching anime, not being a chad, not going to gym, no money, never approached a woman before etc.
If you spend the majority of your time inside with Jow Forums, anime and vidya keeping you company you are a robot. This kind of lifestyle repulses women, therefore making getting sex impossible without a redeeming quality - looks.
True robots have no way out of their misery. They accept it and they are here, forever.
I'm a real robot believe me. Never had a gf. Never had a job. Failed college. No friends.
You have literal criminals getting thier life pampered just being good looking , try again.
This is wildly and grossly untrue lmao.
Low class poor people fuck way more than the rich upper crust people.
I can probably guess which one youd rather be/be associated with
Someone post the requirement chart for being a robot, cyborg, wizard, etc
What is it with the robot nature that we still want gf's? After all the countless women hate threads and the redpill truth they give us, we still want to go down that road.
It really is them lacking motivation and will power. I mean sure I had sex with a fat chick but damn is sex just sex when you boil it all down. Sure it's embarrassing but that's just what life is. Life is a string of "what the fuck" moments.
Trying to fufill a fundamental human need.
Get fucked cunt. The chances of that ever happening to me is so low it's laughable.
I feel like most of you fags have some sort of anxiety+at least one cluster C personality disorder, causing you to isolate yourself from other people.
Fuck off normies and don't ever post ever again
It's ok to be normie in here, just stfu about it, respect the rules and play along.
>Low class poor people fuck way more than the rich
When did i claim otherwise?You aren't a failure just being poor (could have been born into poverty). What i am saying is that a grown man who has never attracted a woman is in fact considered by society as a whole as a failure.
Its to point where being a virgin (be it celibate or not) is the new taboo.
it was obvious bait to catch normalfags...
I do whatever I like,bitchboi. Don't you have a trap thread to be bumping right about now?
Unironically kill yourself, normalfag.
>there are 99 TIMES more low class poor people than rich people
>they have sex more through sheer numbers
no shit sherlock
>for 9 months
seriously kill yourself. you are undeniably a fucking normie. i got lucky once in high school too. one time. with one girl. ive never been able to hold a girl down for more than a couple weeks. fuck you.
Ok well,no need to get nasty friend. Once you work out the issues you have I assure you things will get better. And don't act like you don't have any,because no sane person would tell someone to go kill themselves over petty jealousy.
real robot
i sad
Having no self-esteem messed up my entire teenage years. I never got any compliment on my look but instead only jokes and insults about my face. No girl has ever shown interest in me and I was rejected once. The realization of having to socialize came after school and I was already too depressed for that. I am not a robot but I feel like I'm becoming one.
inb4 normie get out
Problem is, I feel like one of those salmons. All the guys around me are getting a divorce while I'm not even able to get a gf, and it isn't motivating to try extra-hard if at the end of the road there's a divorce too.
>unironically admitting to being a pathetic virgin ;)
>you can pay for it
>having the money to pay for it
>not being autistic so you wont lose your spaghetti even with a hooker
Man why are you hurting me this much
anxiety yes, talking to yourself loud? Wouldnt call that a personality disorder
Are fucking fucked you fucked fuckfuck piss off to niggerfaggottown fucking underage normie
>talking to yourself loud
> craves being accepted into society
I fucking hate this site now. Full of retard snowflakes who think their lives are hard because they haven't gotten fucked in a year.
virgins are basically as annoying as vegans. this board used to have original content :(
Welp, all the people itt have proven you right, OP. This place is normalfag central now. Best jump ship to wizchan.
jej btfo
Never understood the idiots who think having a job makes you a normie. If anything the voluntary NEETs have it easier than us. We can't all get money for nothing. Wagecucks have it worse.
>normie talking out of his asshole again
>Literally anybody can have sex
Not if you're an ugly fucking socially retarded goblin. Kill yourself faggot.
>if I call him a normie maybe he'll stop being right
Fuck off faggot. You literally have resources handed to you but still think you can look down on people who have to work to survive.
normie - chance in life, doesn't matter if they're "muh sad"
robot - probably a NEET, hiki, autistic, or have some kind of mental illness.
why the fuck are you normans always redefining these? no, you can't fit in with us just because you're sad, and no, you can't fit in just because you self diagnosed yourself. real robots know when they're robots, when people here say "i have never had friends" they fucking mean it. why don't you just fuck off and out of here you /b/, /v/, or Jow Forums migrant. go suck on chad's cock norman
actually you can. if i was sad you wouldn't know the difference.
How can I know if I'm a robot or a failed normie?
I totally agree, this place is infested with normys. When my wife and I came to r9k last fall it wasn't like this at all.