>tfw I will never have a boyfriend because I'm too ugly
Any other f*mbot knows this feel?
Tfw I will never have a boyfriend because I'm too ugly
No because most guys here would go out with any girl here
fuck off attention seeking niggerfaggot
wrong, be my girl
if you refuse your entire premise is invalid
Nonsense. Post pics of face.
They're baiting user, don't fall for it
post a picture, i'm sure a lot of the dudes here would consider it
Not with me, I'm so ugly.
You don't care if I'm ugly?
I can't, user, it's against the rules!
The mods don't care.
Yeah and I'm also a brainlet so a double whammy there.
You mean you will never get a Chad boyfriend because you are ugly
>tfw I will never have a fembot girlfriend because they're too ugly
Any other Chads know this feel?
>anons still unironically believe there are f*minoids on Jow Forums
every time one of you post i respond that i dont care if you are ugly i just dont want to be alone
but it never goes anywhere because you know we are all lonely ugly losers and all you want in a few minutes of attention and wont actually consider any of us
Is that a good thing or a bad thing. I don't get it
When I speak to men they get nervous because they think I'm hitting on them.
I just want some frens. The only guys that are 'interested' are weird tweakers and bums. They know I'm trash and that makes me attainable for them. Whelp.
I'll be your friend if you can teach me how to talk to girls.
do you play vidya games
if you play pokemon or minecraft i can put you on discord i need more friends
>be nice to some ugly girl
>she thinks I like her
>she wants me to be her boyfriend
just get some fembot friends, its that easy
us guys dont want friends who are girls, just fuking you
you're too ugly for a chad boyfriend is what you mean
OP here
pic related, its me
Why don't you guys date older women who'd be happy to date any male?
Work on your body. There aren't many ugly women, but a lot of average women. On a scale is of 1-10, most women can increase their score by 2-3 points by simply being in good shape and finding a look or style that works for them. If a girl is a 3 in her face but has a great body then she can be a 6 or more easily.
Your bf can always throw a bag over your head when he fucks you. Keep a tight body, keep your pussy and asshole shaved and clean, keep your feminine hygiene in top shape, and guys will line up around the block to fuck a bagged girl.
Thats ok bae
we'll hit the gym and you can lose that old lady fat
wow queen
>if you play pokemon
not her but whats your main party look like typically? i like to spam shuckles
why are roasties so obsessed with obtaining orbiters?
Yeah you're not that bad, you'll probably even be able to find someone outside of Jow Forums
get a 2D bf like i did
I actually ONLY want to date older women. But I'm only 19 so they never seem to be interested
I'm not fat, I'm big boned...
I recently tried to get with a 35 year old. I'm 23.
She instead turned around and started fucked a 53 year old father of 4, despite her saying she hates kids and this dude treating her like dogshit. He's hot though so none of that matters.
Women are fucked man.
>uses taunt
Better luck next time
you're still badly poisoned nigga and i've got plenty of time to watch you die slowly
That's not you. Where's your timestamp lass?
Youll never find chad, but get traditional and abandon feminism, promise your husband to always keep his balls empty and youll be set for a happy rest of your life youre welcome femanon
Where? I'm always trying to find a discord or something for lowlife spinsters like me, but I can't find them. Do you know where I should look?
I'm sure I'd still be able to knock out shuckle even with toxic as a ticking time bomb as you won't be able to build on its defence
OP here. If any of you want to talk to me... this is my discord.
Sorry but if you look like the pic you posted it aint going to cut it hun
not if i have six shuckles and only one of your pokemon knows taunt
>OP here
suuuuure you are, you trap faggot
Ok, what about if I had a steel type?
I do not look like that! That is not my post and that is not me in the pic!
Obviously not the OP but I'd breed and marry this woman. Women can't understand what it's like to not be desired by anyone.
post your pic toastyroasty
i would assume all of them do because otherwise they wouldn't be robots
thats when i use rollout
oh no no no no....
That would take like years though, the terrible attack + the steel resistance would take too so many turns
Also just wondering, do you bother with IV's and EV's?
IV's and EV's are meant to please the autistic fanbase
Yeah but it's pretty much the only fair way to do things like the battle tree. Also it's pretty chill once you know what you're doing.
would totally date this woman
>Also just wondering, do you bother with IV's and EV's
yeah, the pokewatch thing makes it too easy not to
There is nothing chill about obsessively killing ghastly's
What does the watch do?
Luckily XY onwards allows it that you don't have to fight too many. Alao it sounds like you've done it before
no its way easier now, all you have to do is play minigames
>What does the watch do?
the super training thing where just play a minigame and your pkmn gets iv's or ev's whichever
>yet another thread made by discord traps
Oh super training, I didn't know that was on a watch but then I guess it does make sense then
I will send you one if you add me on discord. I can't post pics of myself here without getting banned.
>obvious catfish
Who do you think you're fooling?
Even if you are a real girl you're clearly here for easy attention.
you can post tits with a timestamp cunt
poor thing. If this happens to me ill try to seem lethally autistic so she loses interest. The guilt of breaking someones heart would inconvenience me.
>stopped replying after being called out.
sounds about white
>Uses f*mbot to evade the filter
I would date you solely because of this. You are great op.
sure thing virgin boy
maybe not, nerd lol
There's no need to be mean, Cleo.
I can smell the testosterone from this post
a new mark appears and he's back. kys
Will you still be on in 5 hours when I get home?
Idk if I can chat before that
it's a dude, fag
If this wasnt some skinnyfat retard larping id ask "what do you have to contribute to a unilaterial relationship besides sex" and id get no reply or "wow omg id be a good friend"
>not talking to catfishes online just for the comforting illusion that you're speaking to a woman.
Just dont give out your full name of banking info and you're good.
Ignorance really is bliss
im with him on this one
theres no difference on the internet