Be me 28 year old virgin

>be me 28 year old virgin
>finally mustered enough courage to call an escort (I got rejected pretty harshly by one once)
>Explain my situation
>Says she's ok with it, but needs to see a pic first to make sure I'm not a "creeper"
>Take a selfie and send it

Attached: 1523968110602.png (540x537, 409K)

>Go to the gym
> shave/trim
>go to random chain store and have stacey worker pick out an outfit

Then try again, you fucking pleab.

what ... how do you look like?

you must be not trying at all to look good and thus should not be a sad cat about it. Nobody is that unattractive when trying unless they have a deformity.

>trying to hook up with roasties
What'd you expect?

This is the pic I sent

Attached: 1519013640637.jpg (1936x2592, 968K)

Tell me ur kidding hloy fuck

holy fucking shit dude you look like a fucking malkavian

why would anyone think that's creepy? that's art.

fucking badass