I've completely fucked myself joining the military physically and mentally

I've completely fucked myself joining the military physically and mentally
I feel like shit everyday I wake up and I feel like my body is failing me from going weeks without shower or proper food also not shitting for days cause the MRE fucks up my stomach

Whatever you do fellow robots DO NOT JOIN IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE IF YOU DO

you will not become some kind of Chad or find some direction in life, the only thing you get in this army is sluts that have been ran through, severe alcoholism, and only 1 divorce if your lucky

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Does the US army accept foreigners? Kinda like how the Roman Legions did.

so just quit? lmao

go back to Jow Forums now faggot

>from going weeks without shower
why? are you in a warzone?

also a lot of disgusting people here do that anyway

>tfw in hindsight youre glad the military deemed me unfit
I wanted to be a Navy seal so badly. The thought of sneaking up on a bad guy and covering his mouth while I stabbed him in his sides... or pumping someone full of lead with a fully automatic silenced mp5. I dont care much anymore.

He doesn't want the other soilders to see his pee pee

lol if only it was that easy theres a reason the suicide rate is so high it's because the army won't let you leave

>No shower

Holy shit. Wtf? Obviously they must let you shows in the barracks. Are you unironically posting from Afghanistan or something?

We sleep outside all the fucking time
And play army and pretend to shoot at people and pretend to get shot it's rare we get blanks so we just scream "BANG"

The sad part is that I'm nowhere near any sort of real combat zone I'm in fuckin Germany but we sleep outside with our personal tents right next to actual barracks buildings because "muh training"

>And play army and pretend to shoot at people and pretend to get shot it's rare we get blanks so we just scream "BANG"
sounds about right. i can't wait til russia BTFOs us

Surely this cannot be the American army. If this is the state of the free worlds most powerful military then we are truly fucked.

Are you in the army or some Eastern European country by any chance?

Just fake an injury. Its what I did. Got out with no benefits though. Fuck it that shit was retarded

he's in germany, so he's probably american

How much longer you got?

Tbf, ground based infantry means fuck all in modern large scale warfare. These days it is all about technology; drones and missile guided technology as well as hacking.

Russia and China have been fighting intense cyber warfare with the US for almost 2 decades now.
Any actual military conflict will either me nuclear annihilation (nobody is retarded enough to let that happen) or, more likely, fighter jet skirmishes between US and Russia over the Syrian civil war.

but if you're right by the barracks, why can't you shower?

Lmao I joined the US army not some small europoor country. I signed up did my basic training (legit a kid with severe autism joined Im not even trying to be mean he legit had the condition and still made it through) and saw what the real army was like and it was the worse organization I've ever seen

>nobody is retarded enough to let that happen
you have more faith in people than i do

I've legit failed 5 PT test on purpose and told my leadership "I don't wanna do this shit just kick me out" but nobody wants to do the paperwork

ok but what exactly did you learn about the army that you couldn't already see from outside? I don't understand why people keep falling for the meme and then bitching later on because they were stupid

Because the higher ups say it's off limits and we're not allowed to go anywhere near the showers or the small shops or food trucks

so you just sit in the tents and fondle yourself all night?

What I didn't see before joining was how disorganized the army is and how fucked up it is when you can do anything if u have a little bit of rank.
soldiers killing themselves and the seregents that are supposed to take care of them get pissed off because now they have to do the paperwork. Or how girls can fuck there way up to the top of the list and suck higher ranks dick so good they get promoted

Yes there is nothing else to do I havent had a relationship in so long cause they make u move so fuckin much I hate it I just want cute gf

>Or how girls can fuck there way up to the top of the list and suck higher ranks dick so good they get promoted

maybe you should follow suit?

is it at least a single person tent? or are you locked in with other filthy fucks fondling themselves

Yes. So does the French Forien Leigon. Outside of defecting from a communist country in 1970 it is the quickest way for a foreigner to become a US citizen.

Close your ejection port cover and stop crying you fucking pog.

its a one man tent, but they like fondling each other, so they're usually packed with dudes

should've gone natty guard.
I wish sometimes i'd have gone AD just so that i could pine for women from afar and not face the constant dejection and meaninglessness of college girls. There's nowhere to run from the darkness.

sounds smelly and disgusting but i guess it's warm

How do you get internet in the middle of fuckwhere?

ah yes, how typical. lazy shitskin can't handle any type of actual work. letting non-whites fight was a bad idea.

Hard day at the dildo factory?

Its not all about technology though, you need the numbers and industry to get shit done more than technology, things like tanks and jet fighters can still be superior to more advanced ones if you have them by more numbers, 4th gen fighters still put up a fight with 5th gen and they are A LOT cheaper to build. Same thing can be applied with tanks as they also be used for infantry support. Russia as a lot of old tanks just for that.
I dont think China and russia are as commited into building military forces as the USA is, so i think they probably could surpass USA's military if they switched to "Wartime industry".

Drones are also very expensive and it will need air superiority in order for them to work aswell.

Cyberwarfare is the only thing that i didnt take into count, since i have no evidence of how well it can work.

seek some counseling, the US is good like that and usually offer discounts and sometimes even free shit on base
or take the route of telling yourself to quit being a little bitch and just finish whatever is left of your 4 years

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>joined army
>is surprised that it's a shit show
Chair Force robot here. I can't even be bothered to feel sorry for you dude. Didn't you talk to anyone before signing?

>going weeks without shower
How does your asscrack feel? Do you get to wash it at least?

What about physical problems?
To what extent do they accept people with deformations?

Pretend to strangle someone and get them to go along with it, won't they kick you out if they think you're mentally unstable?

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>won't they kick you out if they think you're mentally unstable?
lol no its the army dumb dumb

He probably read those French Foreign Legion threads where the depressed anons daydream about how it would finally give their life 'meaning and direction'.

If OP really want to leave the army, he could purposely get caught with cp.
But thats if he's REALLY desperate to leave

>Asking the real questions
I hate feeling funky and icky. That itch you fuckin get. To hell with all that fuckery.

>prove that you're a psychotic killer in a an organization that's looking for psychotic killers
>why won't they kick me out

Is that video game looking thing on the screen real? Could it actually kill lots of people at the press of a button?

>he wasn't a POG!
Basically all the vet benefits with none of the work. Military was the best decision I ever made.