>ywn wake up with his arms wrapped tightly around you, and you stirring wakes him too.
>ywn feel him lightly kiss your neck and him lightly trace his fingers across your torso
>ywn giggle and just know he's smirking about how easily worked up he makes you "edition"
why cant i get pozzed omg...
>iwn do those things
i'm not sure what feel this pic is supposed to convey
>no tesco bf
I'm going out to the movies tomorrow with a couple of my friends, I'm hoping I see some cute guys while I'm out! What are you guys planning to do this week :D?
Why (((/r9gay/))) still exists?
> :D
this isn't leddit
but to answer your question i'm not up to much, probably going to go shopping tomorrow because i need to buy food.
because no traps/trannies was the core of the thread and we avoid that drama for the most part.
>no walkabout bf
im on tesco mobile ;)
any Brit boys in from Cheshire?
every little helps baby
Let me be happy >:(
What kinda food are you getting?
give me a home among the gumtrees, with lots of plum trees.
healthy foods. i need some meals to make for the weekend (thinking making some chicken wraps with capsicum and chilli)
>no weatherspoons bf
I'm on Virgin
That sounds good! Chicken wraps are pretty yummy
aren't we all on virgin in r9k?
I suppose you are right, mister
chavy english accents get me hard
are you calling me a chav?
excuse me but I don't remember addressing you.
>tfw no qt shy shota bf to cuddle in bed with
>tfw no Waitrose bf who lets me come in and use the coffee machine whenever I want
taking on your shirt and leaving because you have made your statement and can find nothing further to say. feeling.
Love waitrose desu. If I'm bored I just go in there and have a loiter about.
Why is it so hard to find a genuine person who wants a real relationship? Why is everyone I talk to just desperate for attention or lewds? Seriously I'm tired of this.
waitrose rlly posh
You must drink a lot of coffee.
Straight guy here. Here's a question I've always wanted to know. What happens when two tops or two bottoms get together? Do you switch off or just jack each other off or what?
I do this too and also to get my free coffee
I do drink way too much desu, it's probably why I struggle to sleep
Don't let it get out of control!
although people claim to be "bottoms" they'll still get on top if given the opportunity
That depends on a person to person basis I guess. I wouldn't deny someone I genuinely liked the chance of a relationship just because we are both tops or bottoms. There are more ways for guys to please each other, and I personally wouldn't mind doing what my partner wants, like if I were a top and he wanted me to bottom.
I won't... 8 cups a day isn't out of control right?
you and me both user, i'm basically out of the game now. whatever happens happens, i'm not putting too much effort into searching
Hehe, I used to drink about that as well. I had to cut down because it was also making me jittery and sleepless.
You do you, though.
It's so nice though! And you feel so good in the morning after drinking a few cups!
Why do all of you not just try and meet your ideal bf here?
Why would u want HIV
Indeed. The taste and smell is really good too...
Now I want a latte.
bc its hot lmfao? my neghole at the mercy of a poz daddy?
people aren't really into relationships here
>implying I haven't tried
>implying it didn't go horribly
Damnit I'm not even gay and you made me sad I don't have that
Fuck you op
Let's go and get a coffee together!
Costa or Starbucks?
>not cafe Nero
I prefer Costa but I'm not a snob, I would happily drink Starbucks. I sometimes drive to a 24hr Starbucks near me when I can't sleep and sit and watch all the other sleepy people
My favourite chain is Pret though
The odds of finding a finn in here is next to none, and them being "ideal" cuts that pool into nonexistence.
Ylilauta blows
Pret coffee is pretty nice. Going to the 24h Starbucks sounds like fun, especially in the early hours.
Costa it is then
Wanting to find an "ideal bf" is one of the problems actually. They start talking with you hoping you are everything they enviosioned, and when you obviously fail to meet their standards you get ghosted or they lose interest. Which is quite contradictory as most people here say they would settle for anyone.
>be cute
>have ASPD
>find a boy that like me
>he cant handle me when i have "phases"
>he leave me
what happens during a phase?
Sounds perfect! We'll get a nice comfy table in the corner and drink lots of coffee and chat
Do you actually have diagnosed ASPD? What are your phases like?
>Which is quite contradictory as most people here say they would settle for anyone.
are you implying most human beings are hypocrites
I act completely differently at personality level, i get angry easier than usually and i talk a lot of nonsense
it's hard to control myself but i dont blame him for leaving me, i have to do better to not hurt anyone next time
That sounds really good! Do you like walks?
Angry in what way Mr. quad-tri. yelling, physical, hurtful words?
I love them, especially late night/really early ones when everything is so quiet and still and peaceful
do you?
I've been with a person like this. I was sure to handle it. But it was too hard for me. Each time I remember this, I feel like a coward.
Of course. Morning ones as you said, especially in winter when it's a little chilly.
It's really a hit or miss with relationships when you're like that. You can discuss and make promises all you want about ''enduring'' and understanding the other persons issues, but people get fed up and change their minds really easily.
>Phases consist of disappearing off the face of the earth for a week
Don't really know if it relates, but you aren't alone in being legitimately mentally ill, if that helps.
What is quad-tri, i've never heard this
I don't yell no it's mostly words that hurt personally the person and it could also be physical if i don't control myself on the moment but when i'm like this, it's mostly objects that i put my anger on (screens, a sword and other stuff)
Definitely. Oh, and I love going on walks when it's raining too, or snowing, or really foggy
>tfw no bf to go on walks with hand in hand
You're probably a stinky yank or leaf and not a qt UK boy
What food do you like?
I know I'm going to be crucified for asking this, but how exactly do I tell if I'm really gay? At my college I find both men and women really attractive. I often find myself slipping into the gay side of porn, and even have crushes on some of my male classmates. Only problem is, I can see myself going out with a nice girl, but I can't see myself dating a guy. Am I just repressing my homosexuality? Or am I just a very lonely person desperate for affection? Pls help
Who cares if by some arbitrary standards you're gay? Be attracted to the people you're attracted to, jack off to the shit you wanna jack off to, and date who you want to.
Hmm, I like pasta, and Mexican food. And I love sandwiches! And blueberries.
What about you?
You got quads with threes, bad joke my fault.
Guess words can hurt most, especially if it comes from someone you careabout. Directing the physical anger at objects is a nice outlet.
No, I'm not any of those in an original way.
Why do you need to label yourself? Let your sexuality follow your urges, there's nothing to contemplate or think about.
You shouldn't feel bad about yourself user, even if it's hard to be powerless about something that is happening to someone you love, it's none of your fault we can feel good for a while and out of nowhere act in a different way, you did nothing wrong about leaving this person if it was too hard
Yeah, i have this problem a lot, i try to do promises about being with someone but one day without realizing it i do the opposite of what i said then i end up lying and just feel like the person i'm with doesn't deserve this
I don't feel like leaving for some times even if i don't mind at all being lonely for long times so i cannot really relate but i hope you'll find a way to deal with this user
I'm sorry i didnt really understood, i'm not native english speaker
But yeah, words are what hurt the most people who knows how to deal with their problems, i guess it's a nice outlet but i've broken over 500+ euros of material thing because of this, i'm feeling pretty good lately and don't have anger issues but i know it will happen again one day
What are you in that case?
Carbonara and bolognese pastas are my favourites! Chinese food is also pretty great.
So do any of you actually look like cute anime boys or is everyone here a fat sperg like me?
Where you from user?
a little hand axe and small trees you can start chopping is cheaper then most other stuff. Been through my share of expensive stuff.
Maybe get something you could destroy or beat, then just have it lying around incase you ever need it.
Yes I love Chinese food too!
Where are you from?
cute sport anime guy, if i got a haircut.
>fat sperg
Nope, just tall and skinny. I guess that's kinda like an anime boy.
i've been called cute and my hair can stick up if i use hair pins
doesn't stop me from mumbling my way through every encounter though
South west England. What about you?
I'm originally from shitholeland.
I know all 3 of these, as of like 3 weeks ago
My BF is a manager in a wetherspoons. We get a discount.
I originally live in North West England
I am from Switzerland but i live in both France And Switzerland because of my parents divorce
I've been told the same about chopping some trees, sadly these "phases" happen mostly in the evening because during the day my head is busy with some things and rarely happen, while the evening when i am cozy, my brain start to think about really anything and that's when it happen, so since it happen in the evening i cannot go outside to chop some trees because i have a phobia of being in the dark alone and scared of being in a forest in the dark
Thats a good place to be if you like walks!
desu you could take your anger out on me as long as you kept it physical and didn't say anything too mean
I envy you all. I'm getting Jow Forums but even then, I look 40 as fuck.
>skinny, pale and a bit feminine
My body serves only as a reminder of what could have been if only I was born with a pretty face
Definitely! Same for the South West
>4/10 face
That's not hopeless tbqh, you can grow out some bangs and maybe even wear a bit of foundation.
tall, long hair, mostly skinny
I'm the same with my OCD. Whenever i wind down later in the day my mind is free to run rampant with it, and I can sometimes do nothing but focus on it.
I'd suggest you get a punching bag though. I got one because i had some anger issues and had to stop breaking things, and it worked wonders because it felt far more satisfying punching it with full power then throwing some electronic equipment in the floor.