I'm smart but lazy!

>I'm smart but lazy!

Is there anything more pathetic and embarrassing than people who use this line to defend themselves being worthless losers?

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>lf you can't have me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best ;)

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There isn't. This is one of those things I learned with age. Now that I'm getting old I'm starting to realize how every retard on the planet thinks this.

>my friends fiance unironically has this tattoo'd on her

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I mean it's one thing to be an unemployed, uneducated idiot, but at least come out and say it.

all three of those qualities are true. i am smart, lazy and, worthless.

holy fuck, suicide is his best option

I've never heard anyone say this about themselves. I usually heard it from parents or teachers.

If somebody says they're "smart but lazy", they're basically saying "I know what's holding me back in life but I don't give enough of a fuck to change it"

>Not successful


if you're worthless then you're not smart. Sorry dumb dumb

Really? If go to loser websites (like r9k on here), you'll usually hear them bringing this "defense" up. I'm surprised that most posts ITT here seem to be rational.

>Tfw I'm smart but lazy

Skipped a year in high school, graduated with a 3.9, started college with over a year's worth of credits. Got accepted to great schools, but went to a big state school because of scholarships. Partied a lot. Got a 4.0 first semester. Then withdrew because I got really depressed, like didn't shower for days and could barely get out of bed.

In my defense, I think I might have some sort of mood or personality disorder. Need to speak to a psychiatrist, but I'm feeling alright atm I think.

i'm still in college.

just cause I'm smart doesn't mean I have to contribute. fuck society and fuck my life.


Biggest cope in the world.

>just because I've come to an idiotic conclusion doesn't mean I'm an idiot
I'm afraid it does my stupid stupid friend

>people used to tell me that I was smart
>never believed it
>actually try and put effort into school at some point
>still end up getting average grades.
>believe they were all just lying to me to make me feel better
>only put enough effort in to get a passing mark nowadays
I don't see why I should put the extra effort in. the minimum requirement is all you need, anything more is just wanking yourself off.

I'm more used to people telling me that I'm smart but lazy. It just feels like a shitty b8t, telling someone he would succeed if he just tried harder. Yeah, no shit.

Thing is, the day you need to do something that requires discipline, the ability to perform through stress and whatever hard stuff, do you think you'll be up to the task despite being used to succeed with minimum effort?

yeah you're not smart

>I don't see why I should put the extra effort in. the minimum requirement is all you need
I'm autistic so think about it like a car driving. There's a minimum amount of throttle required to maintain your speed, but anything over will cause you to accelerate. If you just want to stay consistent at the bare minimum then go ahead and put in minimum effort required, but don't be upset when you stay where you are and haven't progressed in 10 years time. Put in more than minimum effort if you want a promotion or if you're an entrepreneur and directly benefit from your productivity

I just hope I never have to deal with something like that desu. I have no doubts that I can deal with it though.

I'm fine with my life stagnating as long as I have income honestly.

>High grades on test/quizzes/sat
>Don't do homework because I want to do what I want at home

I'm smart but lazy and that's WHY I'm a loser.

>Knows what he needs to do to get good grades but doesn't.


i finished most stuff in class or didn't bother
it's not smart to do what i don't want to either so keep trying

>has a 130 IQ on the online test
>like everyone else

>implying i took some stupid fucking test
can you try harder?

>smart compared to surrounding kids
>praised by adults
>build self-image of being smart
>believe am intelligent
>it was actually because the other kids were niggers

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>140 iq, tested as a kid for gifted classes
>Friends nowadays say I'm one of the smartest people they know
>Feel like I'm actually fucking retarded

If I'm supposed to be smart, I'm actually pretty scared for the world. Anyone else know this feel?

Kinda. People call me intelligent, but I feel very dumb.

Maybe it's part of that Dunning-Krueger effect everyone always mentions? Like stupid people think they're smart or whatever, so maybe the opposite is true?

But I feel like I think so slowly sometimes, and I always make really stupid, self-destructive decisions. Maybe I used to be intelligent, but didn't do anything with it so it just went away as I got older.

Or maybe everyone feels stupid, and anyone who says otherwise is just lying to themselves/other people.

Your value is only what you can express and offer to the world. It's basically just an expression of social darwinism. Just like how a sperg will always be useless at a party no matter how much pity he gets, a slacker will always fall behind in a work or serious academic environment.

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>tolerate my bitchiness 90% of the time so i can be nice the other 10%

I don't believe much in that "if you think you're x, you're y". People have a general obsession with intelligence in our society, perhaps why too many call themselves smart in an effort to build value without being confronted about it. But there are people who are justified in considering themselves intelligence.

Quite honestly, I don't even know why people sometimes praise me. I legit give zero reasons to be considered smart: my marks are shit to average, I feel low key retarded while talking and have a very hard time paying attention to classes or reading the books from college. Still, people who I legit find very intelligent, sometimes stupidly so, bother talking to me.

Does how much you offer the world even matter? The amount of people who actually affect the world, and can make a difference, is incredibly small. Instead of trying to maximize our value to the world, which will inevitably just turn in to maximizing the profits of our bosses, shouldn't we just try and do what makes us, and those important to us, happiest?

Would intelligence and ambition play a role together?
It would seem that actual smart people would try to find a way out of a situation they see as bad whereas a dumb person would just try to be a cog in that machine and not change anything at all.

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>Is there anything more pathetic and embarrassing than people who use this line to defend themselves being worthless losers?

people who save and post images of pepe on Jow Forums

Yes, I know exactly how you feel. People always put pressure on me because I'm "supposed to be smart" but I'm just tired all the time and the advanced class's mounds of homework don't help that.

What about the people that become happy by making waves in the world? Like looking at a building you worked on the construction team to make, or even something like a garden in your backyard and being able to say "I did that. ". It isn't always about petty, temporary gains that line others' pockets but the long term big-picture things like raising a successful child or working on an engineering team that makes a piece of technology that changes the world.

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>be smart but lazy
>get told i'm a worthless fuck
>be worthless fuck
>get told that i'm smart but lazy
I'm smart but fuck you and you twisted perception of reality

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Well I'm a smart person (before saying I'm LARPing or I lack modesty, it's not my merit so
I have no reason to be proud of that) trying to get over my laziness.
I figured out that the solution, after all, is pretty simple, you just have to want to want to get over your laziness and work hard. At first it will be tiresome to keep wanting it to want it but after a while you're gonna ingrain that behavior.