>finally get a gf >it's online >playing games with her >we disagree and argue over something small in a game because she refuses to be wrong and if things aren't her way then they are wrong and if you don't agree then you're wrong too >tell her it sucks we argued but I hope we can go again and be more understanding of each other >she doesn't respond >still in discord call with me but deafened >call her phone and she tells me "I just want to do my own thing today, I haven't been able to do my own thing" >"it's not even because of the argument why are you making a big deal out of it?" >ask her if she even cares >"I don't know" >say okay do your own thing then, and hang up >now feels how it felt when tfwnogf because ive become accustomed to her being there >she is still in call defended
congrats. welcome to women. now admit you were wrong to her. regardless of whether or not you were. give her the small things. save your arguments for the big things.
Hudson Sanchez
But I don't get it user. Why does she refuse to see my point of view? Does this happen with all women? I just want to have a productive conversation where we can understand how we both feel but she just yells over me, says I'm not listening and this and that. Help.
Nathaniel Foster
She's pissed her off. Do you think she wants to have a productive conversation? Just drop it man.
Luis Mitchell
there is no help my dear kohai. this is all women. let the small shit slide with an "ok" or "whatever". pay attention so that if she questions you on it you have an answer. as a man you have to understand that women are basically children. ive been dating that same woman for 7 years and this is still a problem sometimes. all women are like this. deal with it or gain wizardly powers.
i should say in laymens terms, what do you care about more. being right or her?
Ayden Martin
fuck off bitch. people have to start somewhere
Camden Gutierrez
If you do this she'll see you as a spineless cuck.
Charles Miller
I do not get thid about women. >Hurr durr dominate me, protect me, and tell me what to do >You tell her what to do (like do her homework) Oh my god user stop trying to be my dad he has been over my shoulder all my life now I have this? >You try to protect her (like stopping her from drinking and driving or waking with her) Stop trying to control me user god you can be so overbearing I am not a little girl. >Tell her you disagree with her or she is wrong user stop I am right I will bet you x >Prove her wrong user that is just bogus, whatever, I never said I was going to bet anything
Why do women do this?
Ryan Campbell
depends on the depth of the relationshit.
Zachary Perry
yeah I'm sure prolonging the fighting instead of apologizing will make things better
Lucas White
She is probably just pissed and will come around. Seems like this fucking just happened. If not then you got a lesson in crazy. No point being with anyone who tosses away a relationship just like that. Even if just online. That replika bot is pretty legit friendship. Better convos on there than most people on discord, kik, snap etc lol. Get replaced.
Connor Carter
women dumbass. you answered your own fucking question. thats like asking why sheogorath is crazy.
Nathaniel Rogers
What no that's not the right answer either. Go no contact for a week to two weeks. She will contact you, don't respond immediately give it a day or something all she is trying to do is see if she has you worried and needy or not if you are she will be disgusted but if not she will stay interested. Btw it won't ever stop she will do this every now and again until she either finds someone new or you get sick of her shit.
David Scott
Why would he apologize if he wasn't wrong?
Brayden Harris
Every time an issue happens she doesn't want to talk about it because "I just get more pissed off, nothing will come of us talking about it!"
She says the problem is that "I don't listen to her", basically saying if I don't do what she wants me to do or not to do then I'm a shitty boyfriend and she doesnt want to deal with it. This argument stemmed from me "ditching her to die alone" in fucking Minecraft. I'm not even kidding. I wish I was. But she says "OMG user IT'S NOT EVEN ABOUT THE GAME, IT'S ABOUT YOU NOT LISTENING TO ME" as if I can't disagree with something she wants and then she just shuts down.
There is no proving her wrong. She will say something completely false or tell me "THIS IS HOW IT IS, I'M NOT DUMB!" then I'll tell her to check and she will just go "Haha... Uh.. Haha woops." It is fucking ridiculous. I remember one time she thought "Oy vey" was Spanish and basically was yelling how it was Spanish and I just couldn't believe it.
Isaac Thomas
Drop the cunt. You remember the number 1 rule of relationships? COMMUNICATE.
She can't even do that single thing correct.
Ignore her until she comes crawling back. If she doesn't, that's her loss. Because she's the crazy one.
Dylan Parker
Read theredpill and you would understand why she acted like that
Cameron Cooper
>fighting over games and you have not even met her yet Wew laddeh Neither of you should be upset about shit in video games in the first place.
Joshua Butler
I'm a khhv robot so no gf here, but I apply this mindset to conversations with my (male) friends. Unless we have some serious real-life business to sort out, it's ok to just give up in an argument and let them think they are right. Better lose an argument than lose a friend.
Kayden Scott
Because he cares about her girlfriend's feelings and even though she's being unreasonable the best thing to do in this situation is to be the bigger person.
Jack James
>it's online uh...
Easton Ramirez
If you were truly in the right then apologizing now will lose you respect forever. Apologize now and realize that the dynamics have changed against you, or wait for her to come around and have a fair relationship again. If she ghosts you then good riddance.
Henry Ortiz
>she though Oy Vey is Spanish >has no grasp of yiddish Holy fuck she is retarded drop her now abort abort abort
Jordan Powell
this is true. Once you stop expecting the same things from women you would yourself or other men your relationships with them will improve while at the same time you'll be less of a cuck
Austin Russell
People that give up a friendship because of a disagreement are not worth being friends with. Why would you surround yourself with people like that?
You sound like a woman or a spineless beta. In what universe is letting people walk over you being "the bigger person".
If you actually truly cared about a person, you would try to change them for the good. Letting this moody bitch have things her way because of an autistic fit is just reinforcing her shit behaviour.
Evan Fisher
The more it goes on the easier it is to just say fuck it and cut all contact. It's just a shame because she isn't like that 100% of the time. But when she does act like that, she blames it on me saying "WELL IF YOU JUST DID X, I WOULDN'T BE ACTING LIKE Z." She will always find someone or something else that is the reason for her acting the way she does. She refuses to self reflect. I've brought it up to her and you can imagine how that went.
Im not getting upset over a video game user. She is. She was upset that I didn't just stay and help her when I had 1HP left. Again, I wish I was kidding I really do. But then she goes on "THAT'S NOT EVEN THE ISSUE, JUST LISTEN TO ME!!"
I haven't apologized. I told her it sucks we had an argument over a fucking child's game and the next time we play we can be more understanding to eachother. She hasn't responded. So who really knows.
It goes further than that. This one time she had a configuration folder on her PC which was messing with her settings in some game or something. And I told her she needed to delete it it's still there 100%. She got hussy and pissy about "I ALREADY DELETED IT, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST TRUST ME!?" Guess what? It was still there. One time she even stopped playing with me because I asked her how long something was, counted it to double check and she got off because "Why the fuck can't you just trust me when I tell you something?" I tell her because it doesn't hurt, like the saying goes "measure twice, cut once" which led to another situation like this.
Grayson Ross
She sounds insufferable.
Let's be real here, if she didn't have a vagina you would never put up with this shit.
Ayden Nelson
she sounds like she has issues with trust and being wrong, like more girls. but maybe you are being too correcting if there are that many instances i wouldn't apologize but i would also maybe chillax a bit if she ever comes back
Jaxson Harris
OP with all the examples you've listed it seems like you already know what a crapshoot relationship this is. Hopefully the robots who go around saying they wouldn't mind if their gf had issues can look at this as an example of what a girl with issues actually is like. It's a not a fun quirky romcom. It's shit.
Benjamin Jones
You're not wrong. If she wasn't cute with a 8/10 body I wouldn't deal with it. But like I said, she isn't like this 24/7 in our relationship, so it's a bit hard to be like fuck it and throw it all away.
I don't correct her all the time. The only time I ever bring up correcting her is when something is blatantly not true. Or if I just double check something, she gets angry. If I ask her to repeat herself just to make sure I caught what she said correctly, she gets angry.
I was one of those people. I thought "Well if I got a gf, it doesn't matter who, even if she did have problems we could fix them and it would make us both better people!" a very naive way to think about it when you're able to be on the other side. The feeling of something always being your fault because the opposing party can never be wrong is such a shit feeling. Things I know im not wrong about I can't help but feel guilty or bothered by just because of the way she acts.
Kevin Powell
Are you officially dating? Like she's clearly said you're her bf? Or are you just her gaming friend?
Austin Gray
Yes. I'm everywhere on her stuff. Discord name. Names in games. Steam. Everything that people can see, she has me somewhere in it. We have been together for like 4 months maybe? Meeting in June. If we make it that long.
Samuel Myers
>People that give up a friendship because of a disagreement are not worth being friends with. That's a very good point, of course. What I meant was more like "avoid confrontation when it's not necessary".
It seems OP and his gf argued over something in game. I've been in that situation many times, and I'm sure you know it too: some people refuse to admit they played poorly and blame it on others, or want to play their favourite strat despite it being objectively bad. I'm very competitive about games, but I sometimes play with people like that and don't hit them with the "git gud" everytime it happens. Making someone uderstand when they are wrong is a crucial part of improvement process, but I save that for people I play tournaments with, not force it on casuals I play with because I like their company.
Gabriel Flores
Just don't communicate that you're double checking her stupidity if it's something important. Let her be wrong or make a joke about when she's wrong instead of plainly correcting her. Women are retarded.
Also if she's not a hot fujo who's only online dating because she never goes outside it's not worth it. Also might not be worth it even if she is a hot fujo because fujos are the worst.
Justin Ortiz
Where did you meet? I'll go find me a crazy retard hottie too
Connor Nguyen
I think girls, in their wiring or something, have a tendency to get over emotional in arguments. Or maybe because that's how a vast majority of our mom's deal and we just learn to deal that way as well. It's taken me a long time to recognize it and I still get upset over really dumb stuff. I like to think I'm much better at talking now, though I do have the occasional slip up.
William Allen
>thinking women give a single fuck about how a man """""feels"""""" you've got a lot to learn my friend
Jose Thomas
If you ditch her to die alone in minecraft after asking for help she's probably thinking you dont care about her and your relationship. It's dumb but heh, just say you were in the wrong or some shit and you tried to help her but didnt have enough time.
John Myers
>have online gf >when we argue we both agree we are both partially in the wrong and make up It seems too good to be true sometimes
I don't even tell her. I'll just silently do it and she will notice and blow up. And if I joke about her being wrong (which I've done) she will say I'm rubbing the fact I was right in her face. When I insist it's just a joke for fun she says "A JOKE AT MY EXPENSE ISN'T A JOKE, IT'S JUST RUDE." There are many situations in which you just cannot win with her.
I don't remember. Through some game if I remember correctly. Which one is a blur to me.
She was raised by a single mother, so that could contribute to it. Her mom seems to be the same way as her. Or vice versa. There are times where I can just hear her mom screaming at her boyfriend in the background. It's rich too because she will complain to me about how crazy her mom is, yet she will turn around and act the same exact way towards me without realizing it.
You're probably right. I do give her the benefit of the doubt though and think she does because I mean, I want it to be different right? But seemingly more and more of a distant dream.
That's the thing. It's not like I was full HP. I literally would only run away when I was 1-2HP to go heal. She complained she couldn't do that because she doesn't have the same gear as me. So when I offered her my gear she refused. I don't understand how you can complain about that if I'm literally offering her a way for it to stop happening.
>That's the thing. It's not like I was full HP. I literally would only run away when I was 1-2HP to go heal. She complained she couldn't do that because she doesn't have the same gear as me. So when I offered her my gear she refused. I don't understand how you can complain about that if I'm literally offering her a way for it to stop happening. Even if she says no, do it anyway. Women are stupid and they try to test you like that. They expect you to do the opposite of what they say.
Parker Roberts
Start calling using her mom's name for her when she's going retard.
If someone has any sense of irony or sarcasm they'll get it. If she doesn't get it then it's literally impossible for her to comprehend.
Levi Thomas
Why the fuck is it so complicated. Why can't someone not just be crazy like that. What is actually wrong with women? Like I said I used to think a lot of the shit here was just memes and shit posting but holy shit it's actually true.
I think when we break up I'll just let it all out to her. It will ruin any chance of getting back with her but at that point I don't think I'll care. Though it is a clever idea. Trust me, I've thought about just saying something rude like "You're acting a lot like your mom right now. Despite you saying how she is insane and all this, you seemingly have no issue being the same way." But as I'm sure you can tell by the thread I'm not too much of a /devilish/ person.
She would get it. She would absolutely hate it and instantly block me on everything despite it being a joke. It makes no sense to me. She once told me I'm the only one who doesn't understand how she jokes around a lot and I take things too seriously with her, so then I let loose and joke with her and then I'm being "rude'".
Nathan Rogers
Thanks to everyone ITT who bothered to reply and read what I had to say. It means a lot. I know a lot of people on this board get a lot of shit from other boards but you guys are alright. I'll be going now. She asked if I wanted to play something with her, so I guess I'll go give it a shot. Hopefully it works out.