What do you do if you have no friends but want to go out and do something? (asking for a friend)

what do you do if you have no friends but want to go out and do something? (asking for a friend)

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Just go out and do it by yourself. You might even make a new friend in the process of doing the thing that you originally wanted to do.

>have no friends
>(asking for a friend)

Ok that's a good one.

Lately I've been thinking about suicide a lot more because of this. I recently moved to a new city hoping things would change, and I don't even know where to start to make new friends.

Suicide seems to be on my mind as the only answer, because I've had no friends my whole life.

what do you mean by do something, be more specific.

I wish I could move to a new city and just live life without the anxiety of running into anyone from my past
anything besides sit behind my pc

Is this a young Sam hyde

this user's bullshit detector is going off, and it's just the standard model.

Go out and do something

Is that a young Hydeman?
He looks like such a virgin.

>tfw when you realize sammy boy is 6'4"

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He looks like someone one bad day away from tearing up his shirt and shooting up the school or at least having a very heated temper tantrum.

I just go jerk off while making animal noises in local parks. People don't come near enough to see me because they think it's just two animals fucking.

whats some good stuff to do by yourself?

apart from drinking.

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smoking ori

Just go out and do something. Go for a walk around the neighbourhood, go to a coffee shop and shitpost there or something, maybe take a look at the farmers market or take a city bus to a nearby town and walk around for the day. Feed the ducks or go on a day hike.

It's pretty lame but thats what I do. It's enough to keep the boredom away.

Also a side note, if someone starts talking to you on the bus it's almost guaranteed that they are legitimately insane.

I wish I was as brave as you, user
you inspire me im not kidding

go to the bar bro. easiest place to make friends

Anyone else just never even try going out or dating? I realize now I may not even be a robot I just never even try anything. Most robots probably tried and failed right?

I haven't tried going out alone but I plan to

>I realize now I may not even be a robot
this needs explanation; afaik thats the defining factor of being named such

I think I will too.

What I mean is maybe if I went out or tried dating I would actually get a gf and then be a normie and no longer a robot. I don't know how to do that though.

God I wish I had a fucking friend to hang out with at least once a week. Weekends are brutal.

go out and pretend that you are a normie, look around every once in a while like you are looking for your 'friend' to show up.
I have been known to even fake phone calls if i start to feel uncomfortable in public.

yeah thats exactly right, that's what i think robot really is. the notion of it referring to a fat ugly loud obnoxious fag came about later

how often do you meet roasties/ make normie friends?

Yeah same. I'm like an 8/10, have been told that I'm a really funny person, and have had a decent amount of girls show interest in me, but I'm an emotionally distant, depressed, and probably autistic person.

Go to an anime convention there are tons of people that will be willing to talk to you I'm not even kidding

This is me, I had a lot of girls like me in school, but I was too afraid to ever talk to them (fear of failure combined with never knowing how to talk to women/people in general). Now I'm severely depressed and socially isolated

If you're area isn't a complete dead end town, is it possible that there are social sports or interest groups in the area (facebook is helpful for stuff like this).

Have joined a team for social sports (netball), most of the people are pretty friendly and talk to them outside of the sport. Guess it helps since I don't really have friends near me so helps with improving my social skills with people I don't know. Also can be shit at sports and still fit in.

I keep a safe distance from everyone while in public and stick to the bare minimum of interaction (just "excuse me"s and shit like that), so, I don't

but I don't like anime, I mean I like akira, ghost in a shell, perfect blue and miazaki but that's all

well thats like 3 times as many that the normals that go and pretend to be otaku can name

yep, you're preaching to the choir man

I like stuff like Studio Ghibli and I hate weeaboo waifu shit, but I can assure you conventions are packed full of nerdy awkward people

Though even that type of thing doesn't always work as they sometimes expect you to have your own team already :/.

have you ever gone to one? what was it like

does anyone go to restaurants by themselves. I want to eat the best food in my city, but feel weird just going by myself.

Online date the uggos that are willing to go out with you. Do the events you like. Friendzone ones you arent attracted to

Bumble has a friendship subsection on the app you need to specifically turn on however i suspect for men you only find sneaky gays rather than upfront gays

Honestly it's not all that brave. Once you get out there you realize that no one ever notices you, they're occupied thinking of what they're doing and aren't out looking to socialize with random strangers.

Cashiers and other retail workers are literally on autopilot mode, they've already forgotten about you 30 seconds later.

The longest conversation I had with a stranger while out was with a old lady who told me how the brave FBI agents setting up the thermite explosives were killed when the terrorists flew the planes into the twin towers. It was all just a coincidence that they both had the same plan.

Okay obviously she didn't say that, I wasn't paying too much attention but it was some similar conspiracy bullshit. The vast majority of conversations boiled down to some variation of "excuse me, thanks," etc

Which city user? ill go with you if it happens to be mine

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